Lee's POV

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Lee's POV

After hearing Harley suggest we go on a double date we all go off to our rooms to find what we are going to wear. I follow bunny into our room and Andy pops back home to get ready. Bunny stands at the wardrobe looking for something decent to wear. I slowly walk up behind and wrap my arms around her, she laughs as she hugs me back. "You're such a cutie." she says to me poking the tip of my nose. I kiss her lightly and let go.

"have you seen my black shirt?" I ask.
"Yeah it's hanging up in the wardrobe." She says as she bats through her clothes. "What about this?" She asks, holding up a black skater dress with a silver skull on the belt.
"Aww that's lovely." I say. bunny throws it behind her, pulling out another dress, this time red with a black bow. "I like that one too." I whisper trying to help.
"Fuck it. I've got nothing to wear." She sighs.
"Drew please come in here a second." I call. Drew walks around the corner holding a mug of coffee.
"wassup?" He yawns. I point over to the pile of clothes that is accumulating on out bed.
"please help her find something nice. She doesn't believe me when I say I like it." Drew rolls his eyes.

"The female gender is hard to understand lee my friend. You will learn one day. Besides I've lived with this one long enough to know how to deal with her, just watch." I sit on the bed and wait. "bunny?" Drew says. She turns around quickly, almost growling at Drew. He jumps back a little but braces himself. "Calm down Bun, you don't need to be so tetchy." he says resting his hand on her shoulder.
"Fuck off." She snarls.
"Abort mission! Leave now lee! Run! The female has been unleashed." We make a break for it and close the door behind us. "that was close." He smiles.

Me and Drew decide to make Base in the living room. "What the fuck was all that about?" Kier asks.
"Bunny." I Pant. He then understands and goes back to his laptop. Harley stumbles from my room with a coat hanger attached to their hair. "I don't know whether you're brave or stupid." I say laughing. "This is why we don't test her patience."
"We know" they all chorus. Harley removes the coat hanger from their hair and cast is away. The door knocks, Shane gets up to answer.
"Who's this?" Shane says pointing towards the caller.
"Andy. You know my mate?" I say trying to jog his memory. He thinks for a minute before he speaks.
"Oh god I do remember. I do apologize Andy. I must have drank a lot last night." He shakes his head, Drew raises his eyebrows.
"A lot? That's an understatement. You fucking rolled out of bed, you were that drunk." Drew chokes.
"That explains that bruise on my leg." He shrugs.

" Which one of you have my eyeliner this time?" Bunny asks as she leaves our room.
Kier's name is thrown about, he removes his headphones and looks up.
"What?" He asks as he sees us all looking at him.
"Have you seen my eyeliner?" She asks.
"Yeah sorry I had it. It's in my room by the mirror." He explains. She thanks him and goes to fetch it. I turn to Andy and Harley who are talking together.
"Is she always like this?" He asks looking at me.
"Who?" I reply.
"Bunny." He looks back at Harley.
"Nah. She doesn't like having things dropped on her last minute. It makes her panic for some reason." I reply. I look over towards keveridge and see them cuddled up on the sofa, watching something together, then I look over to the Timids who are 'occupied' with each other and lastly I turn my attention to Harley and Andy, stuck in conversation. I sigh and pay attention to my phone. Bunny finally emerges from the room but goes into the kitchen. I spring up from the sofa and follow her. "Are you okay?" I ask, moving her hair back.
"Oh yeah I'm fine I just wanted a cup of tea. Want one?" She smiles.
"Sure. I'm glad you came out of there, everyone was cuddling and kissing and I was on my own." I pout a little.
"Well you got me now haven't you?" She smiles. "I'm looking forward to our date tonight." She says, running her hand through my hair.

We go off to our rooms to get ready, I follow behind Bunny and notice she's wearing my old spider-man hoodie that I gave her when we had our first 'encounter'. "You still have that old thing?" I say laughing. "I'm surprised you still have it." I close the door behind us.
"Yeah of course I do. It's my favourite thing ever. I wear it everywhere. I don't know how you didn't know about this. Still kinda smells like you. Only a little though." I smile stupidly as she rambles on. We sit on the bed in each other arms.
"So what do you think about Harley and Andy?" I ask.
"I think that they are going to get together. They are constantly talking like non stop, they are bound to get together." She says as she places her hand on my bare skin.
"yeah you're right." I get up off the bed and go to put on my black jeans. Bunny puts on the black dress she had in the beginning and looks in the mirror. "You look absolutely gorgeous." I say quietly. I see her blush as she moves her hair about. She puts her shoes on and looks in the mirror once more. I look out to the darkening sky as I button up my shirt.
"you've done your shirt wrong you pleb" I hear her say. I look down and see then mistake I have made. Once we are finished getting ready we meet Harley and Andy in the living room.

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