stay strong for me

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Hey guys so , as we announced a few days ago me and bunny are back and are carrying on, hope this chapter comes out alright as i havent wrote anything in a while.
Harlie xx


I slowly wake up from panic attack and notice bunny beside me, "how long was i out for?" I asked, " couple of hours" she says, she hands me my glass and tablets i neck them both in one and put then back on the bedside table.
"I know what happend" bunny says quietly, "oh christ....i bet you thought it was kier at first didnt you?" I laugh "not gonna lie i was ready to kill him...that was untill andy saved him by telling us what actually happend" bunny laughs.
We sit in silence while we ponder in our thoughts, all was well untill there was echoes of shouting rattling through the house, immediantly bunny and i sprang up and rushed into the hallway to see what all the comotion was about.
"Its not my fault im busy, im up to my eye balls in art work i cant always spend 100% of my time around you!" Shane yells, its very rare this happens.
"I never said you had to all i said was i feel like your ignoring me , i havent seen you for a couple of days cause you have been to focused on the art work!!" Drew retaliates, with shane being so stressed that he is at the moment the second we see him clench his fists we have to get him to calm down, hes not a violent person, after all we dont call him timid for nothing, but the way he deals with his stress is by anger, i looked down at shanes hands and nudge bunny, "take shane to the park or something" i say quickly, she walks over to him and draggs him out the door.
As soon as he leaves the house drew collapses on the floor he hates it when him and shane fight, the problem is though cause we have all been busy with touring and things its becoming stressful for us all and its definitly taking a toll on the timids.
I pick wooly up and carry him to the sofa and quietly sing to him, hopefully calming him down.

"Take shane to the park or something" harlie says, before i question why i look at shanes hands hes starting to clench his fists, i quicky walk over and drag him out the house.
We walk a few miles up the road untill we come across the old park...lets face it no ones used it for years.
We push open the little gate and walk over to the swings, we sit in silence for a while , untill shane quietly asks "im not a bad husband to drew am i?" I look him in the eye i can see that he has tears brimming his eyes "aww shane hunny your not a bad husband at all come here" i get up and pull him into a hug "now shaney we have just come back from tour now for a few weeks and alll the touring and artwork and  recording is stressful for us all its gust having a big effect on you and drew cause you are practically joined to the hip and now ur spending time on art work all of a sudden its a big change as per say for wooly cause he's not used to it" i explain, he looks down at the ground and sits down in the grass , he fiddles with the buttercups and ponders his thoughts i look at him again "shane what you thinking now?" I put my hand on his shoulder "meaby i should go back and live in beccles for a while so you guys can sort things out tilll its all quiet again" he suggests "shane no lovie you cant do that , we would all be lost without you especially drew he cant cope without you , you know how he is when hes seperated from you" he looks back down at his hands "i guess ur right" he says fiddling with his hoodie "what time is it" he asks, i look down at my phone "4:00 do u wanna head back before they all become worried" i say nudging him "yea come on" with that we both stand up and make our way back to the flat.


As shane walks out the door, drew falls to his knees, i neel beside him while he quietly cries into his hands "ssh ssh there wooly its okay love" i whisper into his ear "ive lost him now i wish i had stayed quiet" i wrap my arms around his torso and slowly rock him back and forth "you havent lost him love i promise , come on now ill make you a coffee" we slowly stand up and walk into the kitchen.

We sit and down our coffee's i look at my watch its been 3 hours since they left, "he's never coming back is he?" Drew whimpers , i put my arm round him protectively "he will come back just give him time hun" i kiss his head and get my phone out to text bunny.


h : hey love hows shane??

B: he's calmed down but ive had to talk him out of something though...hows drew?

H: good...wait what did he want to do??? Please dont tell me its ....??

B : god no nothing like that , he wanted to dissappear and move back to beccles for a few months but i talked him out of it , u never answered my question hows drew?

H: good thanks for talking him out of that , drew wouldnt cope without him, speaking of which he isnt holding up very well he keeps thinking shanes never coming back.

B: i know thats why i talked him out of it , tell him not to worry shane misses him like mad and were on our way home.

H:ive told him he cant wait to see him , hes literally stood by the door waiting.


H: yeah ill put the kettle on for you..

B: jack skeleton mug?

H: you bet ya x



i walked up the stairs from the practice room and saw wooly standing at the front door with teary eyes, i walk into the kitchen to see harlie putting the kettle on, i put my hand on there side "what did i miss then? Why is drew standing at the front door and were is shane??" I ask
" one watch your hands kempy boy and two long story short timids had an argument, bunny had to take shane out , drews having a mental break down and waiting for them to come home, coffee? " they say holding the kettle up "yes please" i say laughing.
Just as they pour there coffee the door opens and then a massive bang echos through the flat, we run out into the corridor to see the door shut and drew pinning shane to the floor hugging him tight.

just as we walk in the door drew runs at shane and tackles him to the floor and clings onto him like a koala to a tree, harlie walks up to me and hands me my coffee , i give them a hug and say thanks.
"Well then that was a day and a half" i mutter "your fucking telling me mate" they say , we both stand laughing.
I look down at the timids and hear shane whisper " stay strong for me wooly ill always be here im never going away" they both stare into eachothers eyes and kiss , i look up at harlie "you okay?" I ask "huh, oh yeah" they say sounding a bit unsure "you sure" i ask "yeah come on i could do with another coffee" they answer , i smile lightly and follow harlie into the kitchen to make another coffee.

friends for now, family forever - long lost brother sequelWhere stories live. Discover now