confrontation part 2 (my saviour)

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I wait till lee and harlie are not paying any attention and slip behind them marching up to Anthony, "oh hi" Anthony says "don't you hi! Me mister, I don't know what you're up to but whatever it is I can promise you, it's never going to work" I go to raise my hand to his face and realise harlie and lee are watching, I take a deep breath in and lower my fist, "think yourself lucky I didn't punch you as well" before he could pull another smart remark I walked away dragging lee and harlie with me. "im sorry both" harlie says quietly "what for" we ask, harlie stops in their tracks "if I hadn't of stormed out and actually calmed down and told you that I knew who it was none of this would of happened" I lean over to face harlie and pull them into a hug "doesn't matter now it's done now, lets just all go home and watch films", we all get back into the cars "Disney films?" harlie asks "fine! But no frozen, Incredibles or Shrek references!"

---------------skip time cause I can -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


I get back from work and put harlie's keys back on the kitchen side and make us both a coffee, "harlie babe coffee!" I shout, no one answers, I walk to the door and shout again, still no one answers I turn back to the kettle slightly confused "andy harlie went out about half hour ago they will be back soon" shane says, "oh right thanks bud", as he leaves the front door opens, I poke my head round the door to see harlie, bunny and lee, I grab the coffee mugs and take it to harlie, "you alright there babe, you look a bit flustered" I say kissing their cheek "im fine baba im just tiered, you coming to watch Disney films with me, bunny, lee and the timids?" I smile down at them "of course wouldn't miss it for the world"





Andy and I stand in the door way of the living room watching bunny and harlie arguing over what Disney film were going to watch "should we intervene yet?" lee asks "no not yet this is just too amusing" I say




Bunny soon has harlie to the ground tickling their sides, lee looks at me with a smirk on his face "she learnt from the best" he says



Bunny continues to tickle the life out of harlie when shane and drew appears in the door way next to us, "how long have you pair been watching harlie suffer?" shane asks, I look down at my watch "bout 5 mins" I say


Shane and drew push past us and pull bunny off harlie helping them back to their feet, "better now kiddo?" shane asks harlie "yes thanks shane your my saviour!" harlie wails dramatically, I suddenly have eyes and my jaw dropped, lee pats my shoulder and leads me over, "I think andys jealous harlie" lee teases, harlie walks over to me giving me a hug "your my saviour babe" and kisses me on the cheek.


Once we pulled the two apart I ask them what was going on "why were u tickling eachother??" harlie and bunny stare at eachother "I suggested we binge watched Disney films and I wanted to watch big hero 6 and harlie wanted Aladdin and we couldn't agree so I tickled her tickled them till they gave in" bunny laughed, I shake my head at them "children!" drew remarks "like you're the one to talk woolnough" harlie backfires "play nicely woolnough", we all stand and watch drew and harlie have a 'sass off ' as they call it, "okay harlie that will do babe" Andy says "make me babe" harlie pushes, Andy just spins them around and dips them "okay" then he says and leans down and kisses harlie, we stand in awe at them, when they eventually pull apart they stand back up properly only fo harlie to whisper

"my true saviour"

friends for now, family forever - long lost brother sequelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang