not a coincidence.....

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after being called into work, i grabbed my uniform, keys and gave harlie a hug , leaving promptly for the diner up our road. while listening to the music in my headphones i quietly think to myself about how i dont want to see anthony and especially not sky, if i see her in the pub she aint gonna know what hit her!

Harlies pov 

With bunny, andy and keveridge out the house I decide to spend the day with the timids and luke, popping the kettle on, I realise my keys are missing off the counter I could of sworn I had put them back when I got home from my shift a few nights ago, I go search mine and bunnys rooms to see if they're there, but there's nothing, only to walk back into the kitchen to see a rather disgruntled luke resting against the counter with my keys in hand....oh boy


I stand against the kitchen counter with harlies keys dangling off my finger, I know they're looking for them cause I took them off the counter cause I need them alone, I need to question them alone... a rather startled yet guilty looking harlie appears in the doorway "HARLIE DORRAN MYLES WOOLNOUGH is there something u want to tell me about my bloody brother?" I question them, im hoping that by using their full name it might help me get an answer.


L - "HARLIE DORRAN MYLES WOOLNOUGH is there something u want to tell me about my bloody brother?"

H- "I have no idea what you're talking about.."

L – "is sky seeing my petulant brother?"

H – "no"

L – "promise? And if they were you would tell me?"

H- "yes , and I know he's your half brother but why are you concerned?"

L- " my brother has always tried to ruin me. He always thought that I got everything and I got nothing, which wasn't true at all but that's the way he saw it, he also has a girlfriend already, and you know how I feel about would know after the incident between you and...."


L – "im sorry "

I lean in and hug them "you know how I feel about them, brother or not" harlie nods "can I have my keys now?" they say, I hand them there keys back, "im going to get some stuff be back in an hour watch the timids".


Im on my break at work and head for the staff toilets, I get outside the women to hear a mans voice coming from the inside, I grumble at the noise knowing what could be going on, until I hear a girls voice talking in the back ground, curiously I lean in to listen...


A – " do you think harlie or the others have noticed yet?"

S – "harlies not smart enough to cotton on, although im not sure about that bun she seemed to find me a bit suspicious"

A – " just keep it on the down low remember you are not here by coincidence or chance, we've been planning this for months we can't let any of them ruin it!"

I see sky starting to head to the door and make a break for it, I see harlie walking through the staff room door, pulling them out "don't ask, have you got your keys??" looking very confused they answer "yes.." I pull them out the diner and out to the car "just get in the car ill explain on the way"

"where to ?" they ask

"our hideout"

friends for now, family forever - long lost brother sequelWhere stories live. Discover now