moving on

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harlies pov) its been what feels like forever since ive been layed on the floor crying...all I want is Andy. His hugs, his love, his warmth....but I don't know if I can forgive him for what he did...even though he didn't exactly cheat he still chat the bar lady up....weeks away from the wedding as well what the hell was he thinking the moron...I get up off the floor getting changed into my trackies and one of Andy's oversized hoodies that smell of his favourite aftershave. sighing to myself I pull the hood up and leave my room the house is quiet for a change and no sign of anyone around, until I spot Andy asleep on the sofa bed a smile softly to myself, I go over shuffling in beside him waking him slightly, "hm...harls is that you?" I nod talking quietly "yeah Andy its me..relax go back to sleep" he shuffles his position looking at me "we should talk" I hush him "Andy that's not important right now just go back to sleep we can talk in the morning" he sighs but goes back to sleep, I lay in his arms thinking of everything that had happened.

Andy's pov ) its been a few days since everything's happened thankfully Harlie and I made up and are looking forward to the wedding next week, we finally got the venue, bar, food, church, dress and suit finally all sorted and ready,  but there was still one key thing missing.....bunny...Harlie still hasn't made up with her and is showing no signs of doing so either...infact they've even asked drew to give them away at the ceremony.....i decide to ring lee and get the whole mess cleaned up once and for all.

(phone call conversation a- andy , L-lee ) 

A - hey lee its been a while how's the misses holding up?

L - not great...but slowly getting there how's Harlie?

A - it started off bad but after a couple of days they went back to normal and im actually concerned because they've asked drew to give them away at the wedding...

L - wasn't bun supposed to be doing that....

A - yeah....since the argument its like harlies doing everything they can to just work around everything but i have an idea....come to the wedding and sit where you was going to, when drew gets half way up the isle have bun ready drew can give Harlie to bun and bun can walk them the rest of the way hopefully when Harlie realises that she really was just trying to help and they do still care it will all come back together...

L - its a risky plan but lets do it have you told drew? 

A  - im not that good ill fill him in once ive finished with you. in the mean time keep in contact and ill see you at the wedding, you still being my best man? 

L - good point, yeah of course i am....wouldn't miss it for the world.

the phone call ends and im smiling again, i cant wait to find out how this goes down its definitely going to be interesting.. 

Drews pov) with everyone apart form Harlie filled in about the plan for the wedding were all trying to act completely natural as if we don't have a clue that anything's going on at all. its been a long few weeks but were all ready for the wedding now..

Anthony's pov) we finally did it Skye...the plan is complete are you happy and proud!! you should be...I finally managed to mess my brothers life and his family up and we finally split up the two best friends so you can finally have your best friend/sister back, I smile at her , cheerful tone in my voice. "what is there to be proud of we ruined two peoples of them being someone I cared about for years...Anthony ive realised that everything we have done to them wasn't for the greater good....this was just a massive revenge plan for you to get back at your brother after spending years of living in his not doing this anymore im leaving" my eyes widen and fall silent not knowing what to say, she gets up and leaves the apartment leaving me stood in the kitchen in shock at what had just unravelled.

Skye's pov) "what is there to be proud of we ruined two peoples of them being someone I cared about for years...Anthony ive realised that everything we have done to them wasn't for the greater good....this was just a massive revenge plan for you to get back at your brother after spending years of living in his not doing this anymore im leaving" running out the apartment i head straight to Harlie's apartment.

kiers pov) I open the door to find a frantic looking and out of breath Skye at the door "what do you want haven't you done enough damage?" I question her not opening the door enough to let her in "I...need...need to speak Harlie..I broke it off with Anthony and realised what I'd done I need to apologise to them" she says between breaths "yeah well too late bunny left a few days ago with her husband and hasn't retuned since so I suggest you leave now" i retort at her, she turns around and leaves.

"who was that kier?" I close the door turning to see Andy "just Skye coming to beg her innocence and try get to harls I told her to leave so she did" we silently both nod at one another not speaking another word of what just happened continuing to go about our day as normal.

friends for now, family forever - long lost brother sequelWhere stories live. Discover now