confrontation part 1

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Bunny comes back dropping next to lee "whats up kiddo?" I ask her "well I walked into Andy and harlie making out, to getting involved with tickling them, only for the to start making out in front of me again" she says "awwh is my girl jealous?" lee taunts, we laugh at his little remark "you wish" she says winking "woah guys PC in front of the timids" I turn round to see Andy and harlie back in the doorway "like you're the ones to talk" bunny backfires "guys were not that innocent you know" I but in, quickly regretting said statement, shane nudges me "come on shane you're not at all innocent" I smirk at the little comment as shane hides his blush behind his fringe, "awwh shanes blushing, nice one wooly" Andy high fives me.


Lee gets up and goes to our room to get changed, I follow him to our room "do you have to go love?" I ask, he walks over to me wrapping his arms round my waist "I won't be long love I promise its only 4 hours cover" he leans down to kiss me, grabs his keys and goes to work, andy in tow "dude give us a lift!" he shouts "get ur own way there" lee shouts, harlie gets up "babe can I.." Andy starts "already getting them, they toss the keys at him "don't crash I'll see you later"


I pull up to work for the cover shift im taking, I park up and lock the car chucking my keys in my pocket. Looking around the garage for my tool that I needed I start to become very confused "where did I leave you?" I mutter, "Looking for this?" a voice behind me says, I squeal due to the sudden startle, "who are you?" I look at the figure trying to get a glimpse of the persons face, the person walks towards me swinging the tool around, I hold my hand out for it, "you don't need to know my name, all you need to know is that harlie, bunny and Luke need to watch it", the voice almost sounds feminine but with a deep twang to it. Before I could ask any questions the person hands me the tool and disappears.

Feeling rather nervous and shook up I get in the car and call bunny,


B – lee are you okay??

L – no , I mean yes, I don't know

B – take it easy babe whats wrong

L- someone just came into the garage to warn me well not me as per say but to warn harlie , you and luke to watch your backs. Babe whats happening?

B- come home!

L- why?


I hang the phone up, lock up the garage leaving a sick note on my bosses desk, get in the car making my way back to our apartment.


After the phone call with lee, I go to the studio where harlie, keveridge and the timids are, I grab harlies wrist "time to go, no questions explain in a few" I drag harlie out the studio and out of ear shot of everyone else.
"what the hell was that about" harlie questions sitting on the bed, "lee just got threatened but warned at the same time", harlie puts their head in their hands "who by, what was said" harlie asks "he couldn't make out the persons face they were wearing all black and had a hood on, all he was told was that me, you and Luke need to watch our backs then disappeared" harlie gets up and paces muttering to themselves. "okay where is he now" harlie asks "bunny Hun im back where are you" echoes through the hallway, we open the door and usher him in, lee hugs me "okay what the hell is going on does someone care to tell me?" lee asks, I look over to harlie, they get up "I know who it is but I don't know why but im going to find out don't follow me bun, im taking ur car cause Andy has mine" they run out the room keys in hand, lee tries to stop them, I hold him back "wait just wait".


After hearing about lee's do at work the description matches Anthony, this can't go on any further I won't let it, I had a rough idea where he would be, I grab bunny's keys and go to the diner that we work in.

I park up in my usual spot and turn the ignition off, taking a deep breath in to calm down I get out the car, walking towards the back door we sneak in when were ever late for shifts.


Luckily shane lent us his car, we slowly followed up behind harlie, after they turn into the carpark we pull up behind the bushes, so they don't spot us, we watch harlie get out and look around them, they go in the back door "im guessing that you twos escape door" bunny laughs "there a smart kid, come on lets go" we get out and go in the back door.


I look round the bar for him, my eyes land on his hoodie that he's still wearing, I march over to him and grab him by the hoody dragging him to the wall, I pin him to the wall.

"think your little surprise on lee was amusing do you? Let me tell you something, you don't mess with one of us, cause once you mess with one, you mess with us all, just be warned" I let him go and walk away "think your strong coming in here and holding me up like that? You have no idea what you started" I stop dead in my tracks "I dare you" I retaliate "you and your little family are going to be sorry" that snapped my last bit of patience I went up to him and swung straight at him knocking him to the ground.


As we enter the bar area we spot harlie dragging a due against the wall having an argument, we listen to them, after harlie lets him go and walks away, I feel bunny try to get past "that's it that mother fuckers going to pay" bunny goes for them, I grab her "no don't it will make situations worse", we hear Anthony threaten harlie again only for them to punch him block in the face and walk away, we run after harlie "never knew you could punch like that harlie" bunny shouts, harlie turns around "what you guys doing here I said not to follow me!" I pull harlie in and hug them "don't be mad just chill" harlie hugs me back "im sorry guys just a bit frustrated", I look to bunny to realise shes not there, we both turn around to see bunny going for Anthony...

Oh no...

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