its ready?

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harlies pov) so today the big day im so nervous ive never wanted anything more than to marry the man i love, I just hope andy doesn't leave me at the alter or ive watched way too many movies....I stand infront of the mirror in my shorts and tank top looking myself up and down...i turn to see drew stood in the door way smiling "you ready to get dressed up for your big day little sis?" he asks me smiling, I nod "ready than ive ever been lets do this" I reply, he hugs me close and tight as If his life depended on it, we pull away from one another...."im going to need someone to do my dress up for me when ive got it on..." I say to him "ill get shane to do it since he's probably the only one out of us all who would probably know what he was doing" drew laughs to himself smiling, "ill get my dress on and you go get shane then" he nods and leaves the room, while he's gone I slip into my dress facing away from the mirror not wanting to see the reflection until the dress was securely on, the door knocks "come in shane" I say, he walks in smiling, I turn around allowing him to do the corset up lacing the material behind me. 

shanes pov) "you look amazing harls, it will take Andy's breath away" I smile finishing doing the corset up on their dress, "thanks shane your one in a million thankyou for everything" I hug them gently, "come on kiers waiting for you to do your hair and make up, don't worry were all suited and ready...well apart from drew I got to go help him put his tie on" I laugh to myself helping them to kiers room where he was waiting for them.

a unison of "wows" were heard as I brought Harlie through into the room "you look stunning" said laurence, "I second that" says Luke, I sit them down in front of the mirror on kiers desk "so we ready to work some magic then?" he says, they nod "don't over do the glitter kier, ill be back i got to go help drew with his tie" I say before leaving the room.

kiers pov) i laugh at shanes comment getting all the make up out and the curling wand out with the hair straighteners "you ready for the sparkle kiddo?" I ask them smiling "more than ever glitter me up kempy...but not too much i don't want to look like a glitter ball" they laugh, I smile back and start doing the make up applying subtle colours and tones with a light blue eye shadow to match the dress, I go to their hair straightening the top and curling the ends, putting it into a pony tail and adding hair spray and the veil to finish off "there we go!! a true work of art!" harls opens their eyes breath hitching seeing the work I had done "kier....its....its beautiful..thankyou!!" they say standing and hugging me, "your welcome kiddo" I say smiling, "can someone go get my brother" they ask, Laurence leaves the room in search of shane and drew.

harlies pov) i stand looking at my reflection once again in my dress and the makeover kiers given me to top it all off, I cant help but cry a little it just hit me that my best friend wasn't going to be at my wedding....drew comes in hugging me from behind "what's wrong harls why the tears?" he asks calmly rubbing my arm reassuringly "it just occurred to me that bun wont be giving me away let alone going to be at my wedding....I really wish I hadn't been so stubborn and sorted things out with her before its too late" I say sobbing trying not to smudge my makeup too much, he rubs my arm gently "hey now calm this is supposed to be a happy occasion cheer up now, and hey if she's really your true friend....don't worry...she'll be there" he smiles leaving the room, I pull myself together correcting my make up a little from the tears leaving the room to find them all stood in the living room with a bottle of my favourite wine "what's all this? I mean im not complaining im seeing my family and a bottle of wine what could be better" I laugh, the others laugh at my comment "we thought we could crack it open and have a glass before the wedding as a final celebration" Laurence says, Luke pops the cork on the bottle pouring us all a glass each "to Harlie and Andy"  drew exclaims raising his glass, we all raise our glasses in unison necking the glass.

we stand talking to one another till a horn was sounded outside the apartment, we file out locking up getting into the limo as a family, I sit beside drew and shane at my other side as we travel to the church.

once we get their, everyone accept drew and I go into the church taking their places I stand nervously outside with drew linking my arm with his..

"you ready for this" he asks me

"never been more ready in my life" 

we hear the music cue and begin to walk in on cue..

friends for now, family forever - long lost brother sequelWhere stories live. Discover now