he said......

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" Andy we've been together for a while now and its been rough in places but no matter what u've always come back for me, i love you more than you ever know, that's why I want you to be mine forever,
Andy will you marry me?"



I start to shed a tear as the girl of my dreams has asked me to marry her, I stare at her to see if its real or not, I couldn't grasp the thought of my girl asking me to marry her. I launch myself at her and hug her tightly, "of course I will marry you", she smiles and kisses me. 

"should we go back and tell the others?"  they ask me, "no lets see if they notice" I say, we both laugh, "true they're not that observant", we put our engagement rings on and walk back, both in agreement not to act like anything's changed when we get back.


"were home!" I shout to see if anybody's in, I turn to Andy "go make a cupper babe", he kisses me on the cheek and heads to the kitchen. taking my leave I go down the basement, finding shane and Laurence testing out the new gear they bought last week, "hey Harlie everything alright?" shane asks me, "yeah fine Hun, have you seen bun anywhere?" I ask him, "she's at the shop buying more sugar" I nod and go back to the kitchen to find Andy tapping along to the new cd shane bought him last week, I sneak up behind him and hug him "im off to the shop, be back in 5" I kiss him, grab my keys and make my way to the little corner shop.

I make my way up and down the isles looking for my tall brown haired friend with headphones, I think to myself "which isle will she be in?" hmmmm, suddenly it clicks "alcohol!" the lady beside me gives me an odd look, "whoops I must of said that out loud....." I mumble to myself, giggling a little I make my way to the alcohol section, to find none other than bun "aha just the person I was looking for" she turns around and hugs me "soooo how did it go??, did u propose???, did he say yes?? was it romantic??", after she had finished playing 20 questions, I finally answered her questions "does this answer your questions" I flash my engagement ring at her, "aaaawwwh yaaaasss oh my god Harlie, im so happy for you!! have u told the others yet!?" bun squeals "shhh you" I hug her "no were not gonna tell them yet we both have our engagement rings on so were gonna see how long it takes the guys to notice it, if they don't notice it by the end of the week we will tell them" after explaining the details to her, we pay for the sugar and go back to the flat.


I cant believe harlie's finally engaged, they thought they would never find happiness, now look at them, my lil one grows up so fast. I cant wait for the wedding, I wonder who they will pick as being best man??  

when we get back we all sit in the lounge with tea's and coffee's that Andy kindly made, and watch the rocky horror picture show, as usual were all cuddled up with each other, while singing along to the lyrics.
I look over to andy and harlie all cuddled up, i cant belive the guys havent noticed yet. Harlie looks over and flashes me a small smile before yawning and cuddling back into their lover.


I know its a short one but im trying to build it up as much as i can.
Thanks to anyone who is persevering and reading my books still.
Who do you want harlies best man to be?
Leave me a comment
Harlie xox

friends for now, family forever - long lost brother sequelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang