chapter 9

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"what do you want?" he asks, twisting my hair about.
"cookies?" I ask
"you owe me afterward." He smirks.

LEE'S pov:

I walk into the kitchen looking for the cookies I bought yesterday, im sure I put them in the cupboard behind my box so drew couldn't find them.
I reach behind my box and to no prevail the cookies have gone, "DREW FUCKING WOOLNOUGH GET YOUR SCRAWNY ASS HERE!" I shout, within a second the smaller timid peers his head round the door with a smirk on his face "drew did u steal my cookies that I put in the cupboard?" I ask him, "oh shit" he mumbles, making a dash for Shane.
I reach up to the top of the shelves grabbing the glass bowl and placing it on the side "looks like im gonna have to make the fucking cookies myself" I mumble to myself, throwing all the ingredients in and mixing them together, splitting the mixture out and shoving the tray in the oven I wash everything up being careful not to brake anything.

As I stand whistling to myself I don't notice bunny walk in "you didn't have to make cookies for me love" she says putting her arms round my waist "It wasn't my original plan, but drew ate the ones I had bought for you, so I decided to make some." I say giving her a kiss "you're the best babe" she whispers walking out the room.

I walk out the kitchen to see Laurence and Luke sat at the dining table with coffee in hand "nice to see that your both still alive then lads" I say putting a hand on beverages shoulder "did we drink that much?" Laurence asks "well by the looks of lukes face and the fact you have already had 3 cups of coffee, evidently yes you drank that much" I say laughing.
"cookies are cooked" lee shouts bringing them through, placing the cookie tray on the table, "did someone say cookies!" drew suddenly bursts through with his taller timid in tow "yes drew ive made cookies but that does not mean that you can now sit and eat them all" lee says messing his hair up.
I walk over and sit on lee's lap while we all sit and have a coffee and cookies, during our conversation I realize that there still isn't any sign of harlie, kier or Andy I look over at Beveridge " oi bevers where's kier?" I ask "uum good question im not actually sure" he says, I roll my eyes at him and look at lee "I'll be back in a min" I say kissing him lightly and walking towards the stairs.

I walk towards the stairs leading to the practice studio I stand at the door to the practice room listening to the faint sound of music I open the door slightly harlie's on their guitar while Andy's on kiers guitar I suddenly realize there playing neon in the dance halls I stand and listen to them till they have finished, I didn't know Andy could play guitar him and harlie go together so well I hope they get together.


As we play through the song I keep looking over at Andy I think im catching feelings for him, I stand up and walk over the him as kier sings his heart out, we stand directly in front of one another still being careful not to smack our guitars together, at the end of the song we stand looking at each other as he leans in kier interrupts things cough cough "guys seriously wait till Im out the room" he moans, I unplug my guitar placing it down on its stand and turn my amp off.
I stand and watch Andy as he does the same, kier looks at me and winks I roll my eyes as he walks out the room, Andy looks up and smiles "thank fuck I was waiting for him to leave" with that he leans in and kisses me, we stand in each other's embrace for a moment im lost for words the man im slightly crushing on has just kissed me.
Andy stands looking at me "so..." he says "did you like it...." He asks, I stand still as im still lost for words I start to feel myself panic as I begin to get flash backs I run out the room to the bathroom, locking the door.


Me and drew sit on the arm chair chatting to Laurence and Luke when kier finally appears "hey love" he says sitting next to Laurence "kier were you been?" we ask "oh yeah sorry I was in the practice studio with harlie and Andy" he says, as soon as he mentions harlie I stare at him "what nothing happened we played through a few songs that's all" kier defends himself "two fucking right that better be all that had happened" I direct back at him, as soon as I say this the bathroom door slams and the lock clicks I walk over to the door knocking lightly, no reply, I knock again, no reply "shane it's no use" I turn round to see bunny "what happened??" I ask panicking, I turn to look at kier "it wasn't him this time" bunny says "when kier left Andy kissed harlie and they had flash backs of their past and had a panic attack and ran into here." She explains.
I crouch down and nock again "harlie sweetheart you need to open the door we can't help you otherwise" I say calmly, no answer, I think to myself for a second and it clicks to me "drew go into our bedroom and fetch that key from where we hid it" he gets up and goes and gets the key "key?" bunny questions "yeah when harlie had their downfall when you left we kept a key to the bathroom incase anything like this was to happen again" as on que drew hands me the key "thanks babe"

I quickly open the door to find harlie collapsed on the floor "bunny quickly get a glass of water and the medication, drew go get their favorite blanket" they both nod and get the stuff, when drew comes back with the blanket I wrap it round harlie and carry them to our shared room and lay them on the bed, bunny walks back in with the glass of water and puts it on the bedside table as well as the medication.
"best you stay with them, shout us when there awake so we know all is okay" I put my hand on bunny's shoulder and walk out the room.
My only thought right now is "what the hell happened??"

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