See you again

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I wake up the following morning and everyone's still asleep on the sofa where we all passed out last night, I reach for my phone and have a message from the local pubs manager saying that my shift starts in 5 , with that I wriggle out the arms of my lover, get changed, write the guys a note and leave.
-----time laps----------
I'm really not the most sturdiest waitress ever, I think I've dropped at least 3 glasses alone just from tripping over my own feet....
As I clear the tables, I sing to myself quietly hoping no one will hear me, I pick up all the glasses and spin around abruptly, just as I turn around a girl about 5"6 , brown curly hair and piercing aqua eyes bumps straight into knocking the glasses on the floor , we stand and stare at each other for what feels like forever, but I can't help but think I knew her from somewhere, I try and ask but nothing comes out.

After a long night in the pub I decide to look for the bathroom before I leave, I couldn't find them so I walk up to the waitress a few tables away, just as I approach them they turn on one foot and we bump into each other, the glasses fly everywhere.
We just stand and look at Each other until one of us brakes the silence. When I look at the person in front of me I suddenly realise who it is, "harlie is that... is that you?" , they become very confused at what I've just said I don't think harlie recognises me.

"Harlie is that you?" I look at her in blank confusion as I don't recognise the girl in-front of me "I' sorry should I recognise you?" I stumble , I feel bad I really think I should know who this girl is , instead of saying anything she just lunges at me and hugs me tight "it's me, wifey?" She says, "wifey" suddenly the memories all flash back to me, I drop my serving plate, "omg skylar I'm so sorry I didn't recognise you, you've changed so much it's been way too long" I hug her back "finally you recognise me, it's been too long, I never knew you worked here, when do u finish?" I look down at my watch "12:30 I'm finished in half an hour if u stay at the bar when I'm done I'll come over and we can have a few drinks and catch up", she nods and leaves to go to the bar , leaving me to deal with the broken glass on the floor, I bend down to clean it all up "great my boss is going to kill me"
---------time laps------
I sit at the bar , pint in hand waiting for harlie it's been so long.
A pair of hands cover my eyes " guess who" I laugh a little " I know it's you , your such a dork" they laugh and sit next to me.
So then tell me everything what's happened since you left.?
" well I've moved here with amber , who's engaged to lee, I've got a long lost brother called drew who's got a husband called Shane who is ambers brother , kier and Laurence are their best friends who are also married, me and amber are photographers while the guys are in a band"
All the memories of bands harlie used to tell me about comes rushing back , " isn't that FVK your talking about ??" Harlie looks at me and smiles nodding fast.
We both neck what I think is our second pint "so what you been doing these last few years since I left ?" Harlie Asks "well I went back to my country for a few months and then came back to England, I now have a part time job in a shelter that takes in any animals and now and then myself and a few work colleagues go out and do karaoke , I also split from my abusive boyfriend which we won't go into detail about just now."
Harlie gets up and hugs me "I've missed u it's great to see u again, you should move in with us we have 1 spare room left considering there's already 8 of us living in the same house" I'm shocked at how fast they asked me "how will there be enough rooms ?" I ask " well there's 5 rooms already taken between the eight of us but we have an office that has a fold out sofa bed in so u can stay in there if u want and we will move the office to the studio down stairs" Don't even need to think about it to answer "of course I will move in." I say , with that we pick our glasses up and raise them "well we can drink to that then , to new beginnings!" We neck our drinks "Steve get us another round mate !" Harlie shouts.


We continue to drink through the evening, until we find ourselves drunkenly singing in the bar to the karaoke.
It gets to midnight and I drag sky out the bar, nearly breaking the door in the process, we stumble down the street nearing the house singing drunken lyrics as we go, sky disappears from my side, I look behind me , the path is empty, suddenly a fit of giggles erupt from the bush behind me, I wobble over and find her fallen into a bush laughing her head off.

When we eventually made it back to the house we collapse on the sofas and fall asleep for the remainder of the night.

friends for now, family forever - long lost brother sequelWhere stories live. Discover now