you have got to be kidding!?....

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I wake up to the strong smell of coffee infront of me, i slowly open my eyes and reach for my glasses "here you go love" i quickly recognise the voice "morning andy" i groggily managed to get out, "hows the hangover?" he laughs, i pull myself up from my slumber and half hug, half lean on him "bloody awful love" he chuckles to himself and kisses me on the head.

i look around the room for maria, i notice her passed out opposite me on the floor infront of the radiator, "i dont know how shes comfy" i laugh. we sit and chatter between us when the lads walk in, "guys shush shes alseep!" andy and i shout in unison. "who??" drew asks "skylar" i say, pointing towards the floor beside the radiator, "whos she?" laurence asks, while they all sit down on the other sofas, "we were best friends though primary and secondary school, we went through thick and thin, but it was well worth it, we were virtually sister, attached to the hip 99% of the time, then when i left at 16 we lost contact, then last night at work she recognised me and after my shift we caught up and bit and had a few pints." , "it must be great to see her again then after such a long time?" Bun questions "yeah don't get me wrong I've missed her like mad there hasn't been a day that I haven't thought about us"  I answer "how come you never mentioned her then?" Andy asks "well I guess since we lost contact there wasn't any reason to bring it up". 
Sky starts to wake up "mmm where am I?" Half consciously she sits up and looks around her surroundings.

"mmm where am I?"  I Half consciously pull myself up so I'm sitting up and look around my surroundings, "your at our place" harlie answers.
"Can I get a coffee harlie" I ask them "yeah sure,  kier go make sky a coffee", "wh... whyyyy" , I watch him try and throw a tantrum "now" harlie says in a stern voice "fiiineee" he admits defeat and makes me a coffee.

"so sky how longs it been since you guys saw eachother last?" shane asks me, "umm i think it was results day 3 and a half years ago" i look over at harlie "yeah sound about right because after results day we was gonna try and meet up before i left for college and you going back home and we never got round to it because you had to leave earlier than planned", kier walks back into the room with two mugs filled with coffee, handing it to me he asks "you seeing anyone then mate?" laurence was quick to lightly smack him round the head "kier behave!", throught the giggles i managed to get out a quick "No im single but i really wanna meet someone, im kinda talking to someone at the moment but im nervous to him propperly, like ive only met him once" saying the last but i look over at harlie and wink, hoping they realise its the barrister that we met last night.

BUNNYS pov :

i notice maria wink at harlie after saying about this guy, i text harlie so it didn't cause a scene.

B : is this the guy you work with!??

H: i dont know what your talking about...!

B: kitchen now! 

H: but.!!


i get up making the excuse i wanted some breakfast and went to the kitchen with a very guilty looking harlie in tow. 

"harlie please don't tell me this is the barrister you work with!", "shush !!!" harlie darts for the door, quickly shutting it, "yes it is, i dont know how long she's been talking to him but its definitly him", i flick my fair back with my hand and take a deep breath in "you do know who that barrister is right?" i question, "no...should i?, its not another relative is it??", i laugh at the little sarcastic comment made "well yes sort of", "sort of!?? thats not a confident answer or the one im looking for bun!!", "its lukes half brother" i tell them, harlie grumbles at me "you have got to be kidding me !" we both stand against the counters opposite one another, "do we say anything?" i ask them "no lets wait it out nothing may happen yet", with that in mind we go back in the living room to join the rest of the gang.

friends for now, family forever - long lost brother sequelWhere stories live. Discover now