were engaged

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It's not long till I find harlie, they're sat on the kitchen counter talking to bunny and lee "hey im not interrupting anything am I?" I ask "no not all love, bunny and lee were just talking me through the plan of telling drew about us" harlie makes grabby hand motions at me, I can't refuse them when they do this, I walk over and put my arms around them lifting harlie off the counter they wrap their arms and legs around me like a little koala.
I blush at the adorableness in front of me and smile "you telling wooly today then?" I ask them, harlie groans and puts there head in the crook of my neck "don't remind me" they say nuzzling me gently.


I look down at my watch "11:00 we should be getting gone soon harls get it done with sooner rather than later"I say, andy puts them down, kissing harls forehead "go on its gonna be fine", I follow harlie out the kitchen, lee in tow "woolsifer you coming!" I shout to his room "im here you don't need to shout hun" drew appears from the bathroom next to us "okay we got everyone lets go"

we make our way out the apartment and down the road to the coffee shop on the corner, I look behind me to see harlie looking about as nervous as ever, I slow down and put my arm around them "its okay hun ill get you through this, what's the worst that can happen?" I say "do you want a list?" harlie backfires "okay usually I would clip you round the ear for that, but that was pretty quick for you so I'll let it slide", harlie simply smirks and keeps walking.


I skip up the street, bunny, and harlie in tow as we go to the coffee shop, I have to admit its not an unusual occurrence that we come here but this is very random of them especially that it is just the three of us and the fact none of the other guys were allowed to come with us. I look behind me to make sure the others are keeping up with me, harlies looking very sheepish and bunny looks her normal self, I ponder my thoughts trying to work out what I could possibly be missing here?

we get to the shop and find the table we always sit at "im just going up to get our drinks, harlie you gonna be okay?" bunny asks, making eye contact with me while saying this, harlie nods, they look at me like they've just seen a ghost, reaching over the table I put my hand on their shoulder, "you okay there hun you seem really uneasy" I ask them, I notice harlie fiddling with their hand, harlie follows my gaze and quickly hides their arms and hands under the table, I gasp at the sudden movement and my eyes go wide "harlie your not? please tell me if you have?" my brotherly instincts kick in.


following drews gaze towards my hands where im fiddling with my engagement ring, I quickly shove my arms and hands under the table, my head shoots up when I hear woolys gasp, his eyes go wide, I start to panic thinking he's seen the ring "harlie your not? please tell me if you have?" I get confused at his statement until I realize he's miss understood my reaction "no no god no it's not that drew don't worry!" he breathes out a sigh of relief, I look around the main counter to see what's taking bun so long.  

"okay im just gonna come right out and say it me and andy.......were.......were..."

"hot chocolate,  coffee and tea!" bunny says placing the cups on the table "have you told him yet?" , "told me what?" drew asks "I was getting there" I answer, bunny simply rolls her eyes "well go on then" 

"harlie what's going on?" drew asks

"me and andy well were......" 

"split up?, having a child?"

"1 no and 2 just omg no wooly were never going there" 

"then what is it you so badly need to tell me that you're so nervous about that you have had to bring me here, get me my favorite drink for, that's right harlie dorran Myles woolnough, I know your little tricks" 

"omg, that's it I can't take it, drew harlie and andy are engaged!" 

------------------------------------------- CLIFF HANGER---------------------------------------------------------

So what do you think drews reactions going to be? ......

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