lets do it

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"are you in?" Anthony asks me, looking straight into my eyes holding my hands in his on the table, "will it work though, what if your brother find out, what if harlie find out, what if the guys find out , what about bunny??" i start babbling in panic, before i know it anthony leans over and quickly kisses me "hey sky dont panic i like you alot, we will keep it under wraps as much as possible, and if they find out in the end who cares i love you thats all that matters" with a tear in my eyes i lean forward and kiss him again, "lets do it"


i watch as a confused harlie and bunny walk back into the room after walking sky out, "everything okay you two, you seem to have a confuzzled face on you both" they both burst out in laughter, i look at laurence "what did i do?" i suddenly become very confused myself "confuzzled kier seriously?" bunny laughs, "yes seriously! ill have you know that confuzzled is the new word trend at the moment!" i put on the most dramatic voice possible making them all laugh even more. "how do you cope with this one" harlie asks laurence, ruffing my hair as they walk past, "i dont i just love him", i turn to kiss him "GUYS NOOO SAVE IT FOR LATER!" the timids shout "like you two care, your not the ones talk!


its been 2 weeks since i had heard from sky, im starting to wonder if she will ever contact me again, she hasnt even been in the pub since the day we met again for years which is a strange thing. i stand in the kitchen, mug in hand deep in thought, i suddenly feel a pair of arms around me, i jump slightly spilling the contents of the mug on the floor "balls!" i yell getting the hot liquid on my hands, i look behind me to see andy "hi love you okay?" he says crouching down to help clear up the mess "yeah im fine just a bit confused" we stand up next to the counter "what about love is everything okay?" he asks sounding concerned "yeah fine its just its odd, i dont see sky for nearly 3/4 years then she just randomly pops up, then leaves the day after all of a sudden then goes quiet and "off the grid" if u will for weeks on end" andy gives me a hug "dont worry love im sure shes just busy she said she had to go and baby sit her little brother after all mabey her mums out of town for a while, dont worry love im sure shes fine" he kisses my head, and grabs his keys "im off to work love be home by 6" 


"harlieeeeee" i shout "whatttyyyy" they shout "stick the kettle on chick i need to talk to you", harlie walks into the room mugs i hand "whats wrong bun?" they say sitting down putting the mugs on the table "ive been thinking about the whole sky thing, is it just me or was her behaviour really sketchy?" i say sipping my tea "no ive been thinking about it non stop theres something not right, shes hiding something and i dont know what, she never used to be this sketchy, but i was always right when it came to knowing when something was wrong with her, and in this case shes trying to be sketchy to cover it up" we sit in silence while sipping our coffee and mulling over the sketchy situation, "what do we do then?" harlie asks me "im not sure kiddo, i say we leave it and go back to normal, just keep an eye on anthony when your at work, it may help us out, shes a sketchy girl with sketchy behaviour and i dont have a good feeling about it"


"theres one more thing i should probably mention" i quietly say, getting up to close the door incase the lads hear us "what is it" she asks me "sky doesnt have a little brother shes always been an only child, shes definitly hiding something" bunnys eyes go wide "YOU WHAT NOW!" she shouts "shush the guys will hear us !" quickly looking towards the door " and put the mug down ive already spilled tea on myself earlier!" she puts her mug down on the table "im telling you now shes gonna wish she did because its going to ruin luke because anthony already has a gf and luke despises cheaters.....even if it is his own brother" i suddenly go quiet and recall sky saying she had a thing for Anthony....

"OH SHITE"..........

friends for now, family forever - long lost brother sequelWhere stories live. Discover now