(300 READS)Goodbye- Mithross

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Trigger Warning for suicidal acts including cutting, suicide, and suicidal thoughts.

Ross POV

Flashback to smol Mithross

I walked up to Max. "Hey Max" I said. He smiled. "Hey Ross" he replied. "Happy birthday Max" I smiled and handed him a cookie. He took it from my hand and ate it quickly. "Mmmm that was good. Thanks Ross." He reached out and hugged me. I hugged back. "No problem best friend." The snap of a camera goes off and I see my mom taking a picture of us hugging. "Wow you're 7 now! This is crazy. You're so close to getting a job and driving!" I exclaimed. "I know right" he smiled.

Flashback to little bigger Mithross

"Hey Max" I waved across the classroom. He sat down next to me. "Hey Ross, can you believe we're in 7th grade now?! Junior High!!!" "Yea it's crazy remember when we thought that we were such big first graders" I laughed. "Yea" he laughed in response. The school news started and I sat quietly. Max was talking to a group of girls, flirting with them. I frowned, wishing it were me he was flirting with. I ignored it and everyone else for the rest of the day.

Flashback to highschool Mithross

I changed in the corner of the locker room, hiding the cuts on my arms and thighs. Max stood out in the center laughing with his jock friends. I teared up hearing him brag about his date to prom. His cheerleader girlfriend. I wiped the tears away and finished getting dressed. I walked out to the gymnasium where I sat on the bleachers alone. When gym ended I changed again, hiding my body just like before. I walked into the hallway heading to the bus because gym was my last bell. I hear giggles come from the other end of the hallway behind me. I turn around and barely see Max and his girlfriend behind the vensing machine. They're both deep in a makeout session, Max's hands on her waist and hers on his neck. He leans forward and deepens the kiss. I walk away when Max's hand started sliding under her shirt. I heard her gasp and then muffled moans. My eyes water and I don't ride the bus home, choosing to walk instead.


I slide the razor across my wrist, feeling all my pain being masked by the sensation of more pain. Max was dumped by his girlfriend a year ago because he wanted to do youtube. He cried all the time about how she was the best thing that ever happened to him. He moved into an apartment with Tim and I because he had no where to stay. So now I am reminded of how the love of my life will never love me back. I cleaned my wrist and left the bathroom. Max walked by me, glancing at me as he walked by. Though we lived together, he never really talked to me. I entered my room and slammed down on my bed, wishing I could've told Max when I was younger. How I could've told him I love him and that I'm gay. Now he'll just laugh at me.


Now that my ex slut of a girlfriend is gone, maybe I can talk to Ross about how I feel. I know we had some intimate moments, her and I. But we were in highschool, both longing for attention from another. I haven't gotten the courage to tell Ross Im gay, let alone me telling him how I feel about him. Im just worried it will ruin....well I dont know what it could ruin. We haven't really had a real friendship since 7th grade. I just wish i could go back and tell him.

Ross POV

I walked downstairs and saw Max at the door with someone. It was her. The one who made me hate my life. The one who pushed me over the edge. The skank that Max loves so much. My face heated up in anger and tears ran down my cheeks. I ran to my room, slamming the door behind me and locking it.


I heard a small knock at the door. I opened it seeing her there. The one who forced me to be her slave for so long. "What do you want Kaylee?" I said angrily. I kept the door mostly closed to make sure no one saw her. "Maxy, I want you back. I didn't mean those things I said. I miss your touch and your love you always gave me. So what do you say?" she smiled brightly. Just as No was about to come out of my mouth, I hear crying, then a door slamming. Ross. Shit. "Get the fuck out of my life. Never come back. Its over, for good." I slam the door and rush up the small stairway. I knock on the door. "Ross?" I call.

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