New Year's Resolution

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So, I thought about doing this on New Year's but I wanted to see what people had to say. So here it goes.....

My New Year's Resoultion

1) I want to be skinny. Not like "lose ten pounds" kind of skinny. I want to be able to drop 2 sizes.

2) I want to express my gender identity openly with everyone.

3) I want to stop cutting. I need to find things that make me happy that don't give me scars.

4) I want to be beautiful. I want to look stunning.

5) I want people to like me. I want to make friendships that last for life.

6) I want to make people happy. I want to make people want to live.

7) I want to have a purpose. Something that I can actually do right.

8) I want to stop being so annoying. Not everybody wants to listen to trans ans gay problems.

9) I want to be accepted. I want the people I have come out to, to start using my pronouns and actually let me be me.

10) I don't want to repeat last year. Things are already in a big cycle and I don't want to repeat it again.

In June last year, I tried to kill myself. I don't know if I fully regret it, but I sure as hell didn't succeed. Everyone thinks I did it for attention so as a last request

I want to show people I can be someone worth counting on.

I don't know if this should be a tag but I needed to put it out there. If you want to do this, tag me so I can see yours♡

~overshipping fanboy

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