Woah Woah Woah

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Ross POV

I felt his lips on mine. Sparks flew as he dipped me back and dove into the kiss. I kiss back, enjoying the sensation of his skin on mine. The crowd cheered, cried, and awed. He looked at me. "Well hello my lovely husband." I laughed a little. "Hello my wonderful husband."

He held my waist as we spun on the floor. The music played, but I wasn't listening. All I could focus on was him. I rested my head on his shoulder, while he held my waist. I felt his head on mine. "Hey Ross." I heard him mumble. "Yea?" "I just wanted to say I love you." I smiled. "I love you too Maxy."

9 Months Later

"Maxy." "Yea Ross?" "I think Im going into labor." (Au where men can get preggo) "Breathe okay? I'll pack a bag real quick." I breathed heavily, feeling an immense pain where I previously felt little kicks. "I didn't know it would hurt this much." I sighed. Max returned and helped me to the car, trying to stay as calm as possible.

He held my hand while I squeezed it. My vision started to blur as I began to pass out. Max asked me if I was okay. When I tried to respond, I slipped into unconsciousness.

When my vision returned, Max was laying on me, crying. The docotr tapped his shoulder and pointed to me. The doctor then left the room and closed the door. "Hey baby." Max said. "I looked around, and realized he was talking to me. "I....had to make a choice....I know you may feel otherwise, but we can try for kids another time, or we can adopt." I just stared at him, not understanding. "Ross...the kid....she didn't make it. If she were born, it would have killed you....and I didn't want to see you go. We could have kids another time okay?" Tears started to fill my eyes. I felt Max's arms hold me. My shoulders shook as I sobbed into his chest.

7 years later

"Daddy, you're sloooooooowwww. Come on! I want to make it before the sunset. Max ran up the hill after Mercedes while I trudged behind. At the top, she held up her hands to Max. "Come on Daddies! Look the sun is going down." She was right. The sky was a mix of orange, pink, yellow, and purple. The sun began to set and Mercedes squealed in excitement. "Ok Mere, time to get a bath." She ran back down the hill and opened the back gate. I started to follow her, but I felt something grab my hand and pull me back. I tunred around to see Max, just looking at me. "Is everything okay, Maxy?" I asked. He pulled me closer and held my chin. "It's never been better." He pulled me close and kissed me. At the bottom of the hill, Mercedes called out, "EWWWWW Daddy and Daddy sittin in a tree," laughing hysterically. Together we just stared into each other's eyes, smiling. "K-i-s-s-i-n-g."

Somethin short, somethin cute. I just wanted to get back into the feeling of updating alot again.♡

My insta: i_is_ali
My snapchat: ali_atthedisco

Hasta luego ♡♡♡ ¤_¤

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