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The story takes place when Max and Ross are in 8th grade

All week has been tense. Threats at the highschool, written in scrawly handwriting in the bathrooms. Post it notes hung above the water fountain, earning a scream from the drinker. Threats. The word flew from everyone's mouths. The parents, the students, the staff, it spread like wildfire. Threats. That's exactly what they were. Nothing more than just words from one's lips. Yet, they always struck fear through everyone. At first, it was just the highschool. Then it spread. Students continued the action, the threatening of other's lives. Threats.

Ross POV

I sat in my fifth bell science class. Only two more to go. I sat quietly while the teacher began going over the density formula. Not this again. A loud ring came through the speakers in the building and then a brief pause followed. "Staff and students. The school is now on lockdown. Please stay in your classrooms and we will dismiss you to the parking lot soon. Approxiamtely 45 minutes. Thank you." The principal's voice left the room in an uncomorftable silence. Then someone began screaming. "THAT'S IT. WE'RE GOING TO DIE. WE'RE ALL GOING TO BE BLOWN UP." Then chaos. Children were yelling, throwing things, panicking. What else to do? The bomb threats were something we all knew of. The highschool has had them everyday so far. The worst part is that it's someone from the student body. "That's enough. I don't care where you sit, but sit down. Quit panicking, we'll all be fine." Anxious. That's what I felt. I could feel my lungs pumping air through me quickly. I couldn't slow down. I crawled under the lab table in which no one could see me. Tears. They fell down my face at a steady pace. The droplets became streams. I pulled my legs to my chest. I'm scared. My breathing quickens. I rest my head against the table as my vision goes dark and I pass out under the lab table.

I awake to people all around me. My friends. Adam, John, and Michael. "Come on, wake up buddy." Adam said in a distressed tone. He shook me gently. I fully open my eyes and look up at my friends. "Move! Ross, your okay!" Max said, pushing our friends out of the way so he could pull me into his grip. "I love you." He mumbled in my ear. "I love you too." I said uneasily. He tried to help me stand but my legs felt weak. He held my forearm with one hand and the other went to my back. "I've got you." He said. The principal came back on the loud speaker. "Staff and students, please gather your belongings quickly. Be prepared for further instruction." The voice left and our teacher motioned for us to go to our lockers. Max helped me out of the classroom. When I started feeling better, I put my hand on his shoulder. "You go on okay. Go back to your classroom, they need to take attendance. I'll text you as soon as possible okay?" I said to him. "I love you." The words felt as if they were the last ones I would hear from him. His lips came in contact with mine. We pulled apart. "I love you too." I whispered.

We hugged briefly and he ran the opposite direction. I opened my locker and began pulling my belongings out. Only the important stuff too. If the school blows up, damaged science books aren't the worst outcome. I went back to my classroom where I met up with Adam, John, and Michael. I got close to them. "Hey guys." I said, trying to start a conversation. No one responded. We all were absolutely terrified. John and Michael were whispering among themselves, most likely flirting. No surprise there. The voice came back. "All extra/ non educational staff please come to the main office immediately." The room was quiet. Only whispers were audible. It only took five minutes for another announcement. "All staff and students evacuate immediately." What?! It hasn't been the forty five minutes yet! "I saw the note hanging on the wall." A boy spoke up. We all stood around him, not daring to interupt. We have ten minutes." We all began scurrying out the door. Screams and tears filled the hallways. My breath quickened again. No. Not again. "Don't worry." A hand moved to my back and forearm, like Max did before. "I've got you." Adam stood behind me. But, we've never been that close. He's always been kind of a jerk to me. That doesn't matter now. We moved through the hallway. Some staff stood by the hallways, holding mega phones to direct us. Then there were the brave ones, running from room to room looking for anyone left behind. As we were half a hallway away from the exit, I ckecked the clock. We have two minutes.

At that moment, Adam realized our issue. The teachers began moving us quicker, with some staff still running around the building. As we began fast walkinv closer to the doors, he spoke to me. "Okay, be ready to run okay." I nodded. Megaphones screamed in my ears. "JUST GET ON ANY BUS." one wailed. I made it outside and the sky was gray. How appropriate. Rain was falling in hard droplets on the earth. Students were screaming, running for any bus with an open seat. I ran as fast as I could, my backpack bouncing rappidly on my back. I climbed onto the yellow bus, looking at the school. 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1........... nothing.

Threats. Only threats. That's all they ever were. Words that fell from the spoiled kid's mouth. I pull out my phone and start texting Max.


He doesn't respond immediately. I start to worry. My phone flashes on to reveal his response.

"Are you okay?"

"Ye, I love you."

There was no hesitation when Max replied with,

"I love you more."

A/N True Story?

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