Take A Hint

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(Song intro)


"Quentin I don't think....""we should ever be separated?!?! Me too!!!!" He smiled at me. No. Why can't I just tell him I like Ross instead? Why was I so scared anyway?

Why am I always hit on by the boys I never like? I can always see them coming from the left and from the right.

Ross POV

I looked around the club searching for Max. I wanted to tell him how I felt before Quentin does. I found him and as I was about to run to him, a body stepped in front of me. "Oh, hey Adam" I said.

I don't wanna be a priss, I'm just tryna be polite. But it always seems to bite me in the..

I tried going around him but he started telling me that we should go back to his place. "Umm sorry, I'm trying to talk to someone at the moment." "I didn't ask Ross" He pulled on my sleeve of my long shirt and I pulled away, ripping it.

Ask me for my number, yea you put me on the spot. You think that we should hook up but I think that we should not.


I pushed Quentin away and walked towards Ross. He turbed quickly, running into me. I caught him, his arms draped over my shoulders. "Umm sorry Maxy....I mean Max" he said nervously.

You had me at hello then you opened up your mouth. And that is when it started going south, oh!

Ross POV

Adam pulled me from Max. "What's wrong baby? Falling for the wrong person I see" he giggled. Tears formed in my eyes. Max reached me and tried to pull me out of from Adam's grasp.  "Hey jackass off my property." Adam spat and shoved Max back.

Get your hands off my hips before I punch you in the lips. Stop your staring at my....hey! Take a hint, take a hint!

I pushed Adam off me. "Get the fuck off me" I hissed at him. He looked digusted, yet he placed his hands on my hips, pulling me close again. I pushed him off again, running back into Max's arms.

No, you can't buy me a drink. Let me tell you what I think. I think you could use a mint. Take a hint, take a hint! T-take a hint, take a hint!


Quentin pushed his lips on mine. He tasted of alcohol and cigarettes. I leaned away and smacked him across his face, leaving a hand mark on his cheek. I turned around to see Ross running at me, jumping into my arms. I spun around slightly, then set him down on the ground. I reached my habd out to him.

I guess you still don't get it so let's take it from the top. You asked me what my sign is and I told you it was stop.

Ross POV

I took Max's hand as he led me through the club. He ran us to the the door. As we almost exited, Quentin and Adam stood before us, looking pissed as ever. Max growled at them. "GET OUT OF OUR FUCKING WAY" He yelled at them.

And if I had a dime for every name you just dropped, you'd be here and I'd be on a yacht, oh!


Why won't they just get we don't like them. I love Ross, and I think he likes me in return. I let go off Ross' hand and kicked Quentin in the dick. He cried out and fell to the ground in a fetal position. Before I realized what was happening, Adam lifted Ross over his shoulder and ran out of the club.

Get your hands off my hips before I punch you in the lips. Stop your staring at my...hey! Take a hint, take a hint!

I ran after them, not wanting Adam to do anything to my Ross. I turned the corner and there was Adam, pinning Ross to the wall while putting his hand down his pants, past his boxers. Ross turned to me and mouthed, "Max, help me!" I got behind Adam pulling him off Ross.

No, you can't buy me a drink. Let me tell you what I think. I think you could use a mint. Take a hint, take a hint! T-take a hint, take a hint!

Ross buttoned his pants again as I pushed Adam back against the other building. He tried fighting back. But I kneed him in the crotch, hard. He yelped and fell down to the side. He gripped himself and I looked down at him. Staring at him, I yelled,

"What about no don't you get. So go and tell your friends, that I'm not really interested. It's abou time that you're leaving, so I'm gonna count to three and open my eyes and you'll be gone."

I closed my eyes and began counting.


He scrambled off the ground.


He brushed the dirt off him.


He bolted out of sight and when I opened my eyes, he was gone.

I am not your missing link.  Let me tell you what I think. I think you could use a mint. Take a hint, take a hint! Take a hint, take a hint! Woah~

I pulled Ross up from the ground. I wrapped my hands around his waist and his went around my neck. I smiled. He looked up at me and smiled back.

Get your hands off my hips, before I punch you in the lips. Stop your staring at my...hey!

I leaned in close to him, our lips only centimeters apart. I leaned in a little more, feeling my beard brush his chin. He giggled at the feeling of being tickled.

Take a hint, take a hint!

"What are you waiting for?!?" Ross whined. He pulled me by my shirt collar and closed the gap. I was at first shocked, then I leaned into the kiss, deepening it.

T-take a hint, take a hint!

"I love you Ross" I whispered to him. "I love you more Maxy" he whispered back.


No hate on Adam or Quentin, I just needed some peeps to be the "bad guys"

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