Cold Pt. 1

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Ross POV

"Hurry, we gotta get rid of him before they find us." A voice said.  The bag I was in still covered my eyes. I was freezing, only wearing a tshirt and sweats. I didn't expect to get kidnapped while sitting on the couch. I was thrown into something fluffy. The beings scurried away leaving me in the cold. I clawed at the bag. "Shit." I said when I ripped off one of my finger nails. I finaly made a hole in the bag and ripped it open, freeing myself. I stood and realized, I'm alone in the middle of the woods. Snow drifted down around me quickly, cold wind blowing in my face. Where am I?


"Adam?! Ross is missing. He's not picking up his cell and he always does." "Calm Max, we'll find him." I ran to the door. "Okay, I'll talk to you in a bit. Call the police, I'm going to see if I can find him." I hang up and run outside. I've got to find him.

Ross POV

I shivered as I curled up in the snow. I heard a wolf howl in the distance, making me silent. I might die out here. My breathing grew fast. A snap from a twig makes me stop again. The small noise triggers a mini avalanche and a trunk falls on my leg. Great. Now I'm stuck. Maxy, where are you?


I drove down a road and stopped when I reached the end. A giant forest stood before me. They had to have taken him here. I get out of the car and stand at the edge of the trees. I tame my first step in the deep snow. I'm coming Ross.

Ross POV

The snow is building up now. I finally got out from the trunk and moved into a cave I found to try to stay warm. A trail of blood leads from the snow to the cave, my injured leg being the cause. My hands are starting to turn a darkish color and so are my legs. I start crying, knowing I won't be saved. Maxy, please hurry.


I freeze. A wolf is smelling a red spot in the snow, most likely blood. I gag thinking it could be Ross. The wolf sniffed the red substance. It's head turned up to the sky and howled. It ran in a direction and I heard faint crying. Ross.

Ross POV

Steps ran quickly to me. I held my hands up to block the wolf but it tore through my sleeve, making a gash in my arm. I wailed out, I took a stuck and tried to swing it, but my body was too cold to keep up with the wolf. I jumped at me again, this time going for my leg. I shook my leg, trying to pull it from the animal. It continued to snarl as it tore my pants and sunk its teeth into me. I collapsed on the rocks expecting my untimely death. "Hyaaaaah. That's what you get you stupid. Ass. Fucking. Wolf." I heard more humane growling come from above me. I felt warm hands on my cheeks. "Ross, baby, are you okay?" I nodded slightly, not being able to move much. The wolve's beaten body was next to me with a rock still in its neck. "Max." I whispered. "I'm so happy you found me." His eyes filled with tears.


"We're almost there Ross, just a few more minutes." I could see the police's flashing lights in the distance. I was helping Ross walk but now I was full on carrying him. His breath was short, blood trickling from his wounds. I began running. "Come on Ross, just a minute." He didn't respond but I knew he was still with me. I emerged from the woods and everyone ran to me. EMTs began taking Ross into the ambulance while I climbed in the back. He needs to live.

How shall it end?

To be continued....

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