It Was An Accident

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Ross POV

"Hey Maxy~ Wanna go out tonight?" I asked him. We've been dating for about 7 months now and I wanted to start being more intimate with him. I was planning on going to a club with him and then coming home for some fun of our own. "Sure Ross, I'd love to." He smiled at me, but something felt off. We both walked out to get into the car and started driving to the club.

When we got there, Max wouldn't speak. He was really acting weird but I don't know what's up. "Maxy are you okay?" He cringed at the name. I frowned. He was always okay with me calling him that. I assured myself it wasn't important and I continued into the club with him. "Hey Ross, want something to drink?" I smiled and nodded. He looked to the bartender. "One (whatever type of shot)." I frowned. "But dont you want one Max?" He smiled,"Sure, Ill take one too" I took the small glass and poured the liquor down my throat. It burbed and then I craved more. I ordered another, then another. Max looked nervous. My vision started blurring but I saw Max sitting with another girl. She wore a skimpy skin tight dress, accenting her curves, making them look larger than they actually were. I ran to the bathroom, feeling the alcohol in my stomach trying to escape. I vomitted up the shots and returned to the counter. When I returned, Max was gone and so was the girl. I stumbled out the door and went to the street to see my car gone. "Fuck" I slurred under my breath. I began trudging my way back to our apartment.

It was about 2 am now and I finally got home. The car was parked in its usual spot. I walked up the stairs and fumbled the key in the lock. I walked inside and suddenly became suprisingly sober. A girl's shirt and Max's  black sweater were on the ground. I continued to Max's room and pressed my ear to the door.

"Max, please. Doesn't this feel so good~" a feminine voice spoke sexually. My eyes burned with tears. Max left me at the club, then cheated on me with some bitch he met. I ran to my room and silently sobbed into my pillow. I fell asleep, tears dried on my cheeks.

Back at the club

I took the shot and drank it quickly. I was nervous and I guess drinking will help me forget it. I wanted to have sex with Ross but I didn't know how to ask. I looked at Ross and he was already on his third shot. I guess one more wouldn't hurt. "Another please" The bartender refilled my glass and I drank again, and again, and again. Needless to say, I was drunk. I slumped over the counter when a girl walked up to me and sat down. "Hi, Im Emily. What's your name?" She asked. "M-max" I slurred. She smirked. "Well Max, lets say we head out of here and go to your place" I smiled. "C-can we play some gamesss?" I asked, hoping to play GTA with her. "We can play all the games you want~" she whispered in my ear. She takes my wrist and leads me to our car. I hand her the keys and direct her to our apartment.

An hour later, I was startinv to feel a little more sober. "Emily stop!" She pulled my shirt off and her own off. She removed her bra and pressed her chest to mine. She looked up innocently and bit her lip. "I thought you wanted to play games Maxy~" Only my boyfriend is allowed to call me that, not this whore. She pushed me back onto the bed and started rubbing my dick through my jeans. "Emily I SAID STOP" she continued, making me moan unwilllingly and began to get hard. Why couldn't this be Ross, unzipping my jeans, pulling down my boxers, sucking my d-WHAT?!?!?!" I looked down and Emily was sucking me off and I couldnt help but moan. I tried to push her off. I heard noise in the hallway but I guess it's just the air turning on. I pulled Emily off and heard a door close quietly and I remebered. Ross. I left him at the club and went home with a random girl. "Max please, doesn't this feel good?" She asked licking a stripe up my hardened member. I pushed her away. " NO EMILY, LEAVE NOW" I yelled at her. She sighed. She picked up her clothes, put them on and left, getting a taxi home. I put my boxers back on and walked to Ross' room. I looked inside and he was fast asleep, curled in a cute little ball. I guess I'll ask him tomorrow about the whole "more intimate" thing.

Ross POV

I woke up around 8. Yay, only 5 hours of sleep. I walked to my closet changed into a t shirt and jeans. I pulled out my suitcase and set it on my bed. I opened it and began packing. I grabbed some more jeans, shorts, and some t shirts. I also threw in a couple sweatshirts, some socks, and some boxers. I then went to my dresser. I was reaching to get my brush when I noticed the picture. It was Max and I at the fair. Max held out his camera pointing it at us. I had my arms around his neck, leaning on his shoulder. His other hand went around me, landing on my upper hip. I teared up thinking of the memory. I removed the picture from its frame. On the back, Max wrote,

"Ross, you are the one person who has made me feel the eay you do, and I don't ever want to lose that. I love you squirrel and nothing could make me feel otherwise. Happy 5 month anniversary. -Love Maxy"

I sobbed. I tore the picture into two, hating myself for not being satisfying enough for him. Is it my fault? Did he cheat because I was too scared to go all the way? I threw the frame at the wall, it shattering in front of me. Shards of glass fell into the carpet. I took my suitcase and left my room.


I awoke to a loud banging noise on the wall. It was about 8:30. I walked out into the hallway where I saw Ross walking towards the living room. "Ross? What's all this?" He turned and glared at me stopping in his place. I froze, never seeing Ross like this. His face was stained with tears, his eyes red and puffy. "I don't know Max. Why don't you ask that guest of yours?" He said grouchily. I remebered last night, and then began laughing at what Ross thought. "Ross, Ross, you got it all wrong-" "Save it Max. I don't need sugar coating." What did he say? He didn't even call me Maxy.... Wait, he can't seriously believe that I..... "Ross please listen, it wasn't anything. It was just a stupid-" "Max, I can't sit here and listen to you make up lies to protect my feelings. You left me alone at the club last night and I walked home at 2 in the morning to find my boyfriend having sex with another girl that he left with. I can't stay here knowing that I'm not good enough for you anymore. I'm sorry I never was what you wanted." My eyes teared up. "Ross, baby, I love you. It was all an accident. I got drunk and shit happend. Please, I love you. I would never cheat on you." I reached for his waist and he slipped from my grasp. And that was exactly what was happening to my grasp on Ross as my boyfriend. "Max, I'm done. Go have all the sex you want with any girl you want now that I'm gone. The worst part is that I actually believed you were gay, when in reality, I was just your little toy." That stung. "Ross, please, you don't understand, I am gay, and I love you!" I wailed. He stepped outside. Right before he closed the door, he looked down to the ground. He mumbled quietly, "And the worst part was that I loved you so much, I can't let it go" his eyes let tears fall and he slammed the door. I fell to my knees and wailed alone in my once shared apartment. But I didn't meant to.

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