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(Hey, so I know I have been really slacking on the trigger warnings since it's in the description of my book, but I should probably start again. So to start off this chapter.......)

Trigger Warning: Includes suicidal actions and gore


3rd POV (oooooh somethin new)

Ever since he was 14, he knew the plan. His mother would tell him the stories as if they were from a book. And now it was it, time to finish what he started.

Ross sat alone in the house. Tim rushed in the door with groceries. "Ross, have you seen Max?" He asks quickly. "No. Why?" He says clamly. "Oh shit." Tim said. "Quickly, get in the car." They both entered the car and started driving. Off to find Max.

"He....he said he was going to jump off a bridge. I thought it was a joke and laughed until he texted me a goodbye note." Ross froze, not knowing what to think.

Meanwhile, Max was running to the bridge. He couldn't think twice or it may be ruined. He continued as sweat beaded on his forehead.  It didn't matter that it was snowing outside, he needed to do this.

Ross deep down knew he loved Max more than life itself, he just didn't want to admit it. But maybe if he did, Max would still be alive to tell the tale.

He stood on the sidewalk, looking over the railing. "Time to do it." He whispered quietly. Tim and Ross pulled up behind him and parked on the curb.

"Max! Please, don't do it." Tim yelled to him. Ross was too scared to say a word, not wanting to upset him more. But little did Ross know his silence was only killing Max faster.

Max thought of all the ways he could respond, but none of them seemed appropriate. So he climbed up the railing and over the top. He stood on the other side, barely hanging on. "Max, please, don't do this." Tim pleaded as he reached for him. Max dodged his hand and started to fall. Ross reached out to grab him but it was too late. Tim and Ross watched as Max tumbled down to the traffic below.

Max's body fell onto a car, causing the car to swerve and knock his body onto the highway below. He skid across the ground, skin tearing from the holes in his clothes. Tim ran to the car and Ross got in. They both drove down to him.

The two got out of the car and ran to Max's body. Butbefore they could, a truck went racing by. Ross watched in horror as the love of his life was being rolled over by the tires of the semi. Max's skull cracked, then the insides splattered onto the road.

Max thought he was useless and pointless, yet he hurt so many people by taking his life.

"It is said, that as one is falling to their suicide, they realize everything that was broken could easily be fixed."

If any of you need someone to talk to, for real, you can message me anytime. I may not respond right away, but I will take the time to make sure you're okay.

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