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Above is my pumpkin I made :)


"R-Ross, are you sure you wanna go to a haunted house tonight?" I hate haunted houses. Especially the jump scares inside them. "Yeah, what's wrong? Is little Maxy scared?" He taunted. I can't tell him. He just wants to spend time together and I'm going to ruin it because I'm terrified out of my mind. "Come on Max, cheer up. Trust me, it'll be fun." He placed a kiss on my cheek and took my hand. I hope so.


"Ross, I don't think I can go." I pretended to cough. He smirked at me. "Come on, I know you're not sick. Let's go get in line!" He dragged me to the line, which unfortunately wasn't too long. I pulled back. "Ross please no." He turned to me. "Ok Max, we don't have to if you REALLY don't want to. I'm not forcing you to do anything." I felt bad. He just wanted to be with me. I knew I would ruin everything. "Max, seriously, I'm okay if you don't want to." He held my cheek and smiled. I looked up at him. "It's fine. I'll be okay." I mumbled. He looked concerned but went with it. Slowly our place in line got closer to the front but sure enough, we made it. Now for the real horror.

We walked into the building and I instantly regretted my choice. I heard other's screams ring out as I clutched Ross' arm as tight as I could. He giggled and pullede close to him. We moved through the haunted house slowly, getting hit by every jumpscare. I screamed jumping closer to Ross. He wrapped his arm around my hip, holding me against him. "Don't worry. I got you." He whispered to me. I smiled weakly. Maybe this isn't as bad as I thought it would be. The thought left my mind as another disguised person lept from a corner, making me shriek and put my head in the crook of Ross' neck. He leaned down, placing a kiss on my head. "Maxy, it's almost over. Don't worry." He ran his hands through my hair, comforting me. Another person scared me, resulting in another shriek. I ran forward, not thinking of the outcomes it could have. A person jumped out in front of me, causing me to scream and fall backwards. Behind me, Ross held me up by under my arms, trying to help me back to my feet. We finished the haunted house, heading back to the car. "Max, you okay?" I nodded, keeping my focus on the ground. "Max, what's wrong?" He asked. His hands fumbled with the car keys, unlocking the door as I entered the passenger's side. We got buckeled and right before we left, Ross stopped. "Maxy, you know I love you, right?" I nodded and smiled. "Yes, and I love you too Ross." I leaned in and our lips connected. It was short but sweet. We separated and Ross started backing out of the parking spot. Ross rested his right hand on the center console. I took it in mine and kissed it. "Happy Halloween Ross." I said. "Happy Halloween Maxy."

Happy Halloween everyone! I made something short and cute for halloween so yea. Hope you enjoyed it!

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