Holding Back

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Ross POV

"Max. Are you okay?" I asked. He continued to look at his feet. "Yea Ross. I'm fine." He mumbled. I scooted closer to him and kissed his cheek. He smiled vaguely. He whispered something to himself but I didn't hear what he said.


"It's all a game." I whispered. I stood and began walking to the car. Ross followed me, not saying a word. It's almost like he's....

Ross POV

Too scared to say anything. I don't want to make him feel worse. I got into the passenger's side with him. The car ride was silent.

When we got home, he didn't say anything. Still silent, he got out of the car and went inside. He instantly ran to his room and closed the door. The lock clicked behind him. I decided to leave him be, I don't want to hurt him more. I guess I'll just leave him be for now.


It's like he doesn't even care. I miss him always cuddling up next to me and playing with my hair when I'm sad. I miss his laugh when I tickled him and the little giggles when I'd lift him up. Now he's just there. Not there for me, for himself, he's there to be there. I open the lid of thr bottle and sigh. At least it's over now. I pour the small capsules into my mouth and swallow them in large quantities. My stomach burns as I try to hold down the wretch that tries to escape. My vision blurs with tears and gets darker. The first person to commit is the one who smiles no matter what.

Ross POV

I feel bad. Like sick almost. Something has to be wrong. I get up from my bed and walk in the hallway. Galileo is scratching at Max's door. I turn the knob and push open the door. My hands shake as I stand at the edge of his bed, looking at his cold body. "This is all my fault." I wailed into my hands. "Maxy, I'm sorry. I knew I should've done something sooner."

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