Ross POV

It doesn't matter. Nothing matters. Why would it? I'm nothing. My story is one that someone throws down because of how dull it is. My hand rests on the cool metal next to me. I sat up on my bed, now picking up the metal. Holding it up next to my skull I smile weakly. Maybe I can make Max happy now. I never was able to before, maybe this was it. I just was a nuisance to him. I press the gun to my temple, ready to pull the trigger. I was ready. 1.....2......3.....

I woke up from the dream. Why was this happening to me? I can't live in peace or dream in peace. I wish I had the courage I do while my eyes are closed. I dream of being able to leave so easily, but I'm too scared. And too hopeful. I still believe that my knight in shining armor will be there to hold me and tell me he loves me. But as my time here grows shorter I get more confident that there's no such thing as a knight in shining armor.


"Hey Ross" I asked nervously. He seemed really down recently and I didn't know what it could be. Ross did try talking to me a month ago, but my now ex girlfriend was talking to me do I never heard what he had to say. He hasn't really spoken to me since and now that I can finally tell him how I feel, I want to see what's wrong. "Are you okay Ross?" "Im fine" he mumbles, stilk facing away from me. "Ross, you haven't talked to me in so long. I just want to know what's wron-" "I SAID I'M FINE" He yelled, stomping away. I froze. Ross has never yelled at me in my life. He went to his room, marching in, then slamming it shut. The small click of him locking the door was all I heard before my thoughts took over. Tears threatened to fall but I refused to let them. I walked down the hallway, hearing what sounded like crying coming from Ross' room.

Ross POV

Why does he care? He's probably doing it for show, to act nice and pretend he doesn't hate me. Max wouldn't care if we were the last people on Earth. I wail into my pillows, trying to forget everything. No, I'm not fine Max. I once was, but now I'm so far along I never could be. I pull my sleeve up and reach over to the blade sitting on my dresser. You know, counting's overrated. I just swipe it across my wrist a few times then moving up my forearm. I just want to die. No one will let me. I look down and blood is rushing from my wounds. My head feels fuzzy and my body feels weak. My vision goes dark, blackness taking over. My last thought was regret. Regret that I never even tried to talk to Max. Maybe he did like me, or even loved me. Maybe even as much as I love him. But now, there's no way I'll know.


I decide to see what Ross was doing. I wish I could hold him in my arms, kiss his forehead, and rub my fingers through his hair. I walked into his room...

Ross POV

And everything was bliss. The only thing I had to worry about was, well, nothing. Wait.....Maxy. He's still living, and I'm not with him. I remeber the regret, my "ghost" like form hovering over him, watching him collapse at the sight of my lifeless body. He held me so gently, as if I were valuable and fragile. Then I realized it. He did see me as valuable. He loved me. He did care what I did. He did all along. And I ruined it. I knew I couldn't do anything right.

Jin always told me that I should've just stayed with him, went with him. I knew his crimes, his terrible doings. So I said no. I hoped Max would care for me as much as I cared for him, but it never showed. "Baby, you know he doesn't love you. If you stay with me, I can make you feel like you're on cloud 9," he told me. "Jin, I can't be with you. Not after the things you've done. Besides, I love Max," I replied. He spat at me. Literally. I wiped his saliva off my cheek and turned to walk away. And that's last time I saw him.

I now sit in my own corner of the clouds, not necessarily what Jin meant. I look down at my feet, wishing that they were on Earth. But now, I'm only a memory to anyone who knew me. It wasn't worth it, to kill myself. I want to go back and change it. "I want a second chance," I wailed out loud. Sobs leave me and I place my head on my knees. And all in an instant, I was back.

"Hey Ross," a familiar voice spoke. "Are you okay Ross?"

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