Something I was wondering

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What is love? I mean, some say it's someone you'd give your life for, but what if you'd give your life for almost anyone, just for the satisfaction of being dead. I mean Max And his girlfriend  seem to be in love, but what is it? How can everyone go around saying that they love someone and that person loves them back. Half of you are probably single and yelling at me that my family is always there. Well, what if they aren't? What if they think I say suicidal things for attention? The other half is sitting, taken, telling me to just wait for a certain someone. I don't think I can get over that someone is out there that supposedly "loves" me, but they're letting me sit and inch closer and closer to death. I could care less about this love feeling that people speak of. I care for the person who is meant to help make my life worth it. And realizing that person doesn't exist, makes me jump all the way back to square one.

Sorry it's not a chapter.... I just had some stuff I wanted to get off my chest. If you have want to share what love is to you, leave a comment bc I sure am confused. Anyway, thanks for the support. I need to rest tonight so I can wake up tomorrow and pretend to be happy again. Ttyl

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