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This is a continuation of Love

14 Years Later

Ross POV

"Lily, no playing video games until your homework is done." I said sternly. "But Daaaaaaaaaad, I'm only one level away from getting to the main boss." She said grumpily. "Hmph." She marched upstairs and slammed the door behind her. Am I doing something wrong? I mean, I thought she was fine. She's just been different since 7th grade. Now it's always the opposite of whatever I say.

I sigh and walk to Max and I's room. I closed the door quietly and sat on the edge of the bed. "Why can't I do anything right?" I wail into my hands. My sobs turn into choked cries and Max enters the room. "Ross, what's wrong?" He comes over to me and pulls me close to his chest. "Max. Why can't I do anything right?" I wail into his turtleneck. "That's not true, what would make you say that?" He rubs my back while I speak. "Why does Lily hate me so much? I try so hard, yet all I get is her yelling at me." His hand holds my cheek, forcing me to look in his eyes. "Ross, she needs time. She's probably going through some stuff right now. You have to let her realize the issue before hacking on it." I nod. "Ok Maxy." He kisses my head. "I love you Ross." I smile weakly. "I love you too Maxy."

Lily's POV

I finish my math homework and put the papet in my backpack. It's not like it matters anyway. I'm so stupid, everyone hates me. My phone glows bright. It's my friend, Alex.

Alex: Hey, what's up?

Me: Not much. Why?

Alex: You've been actin kinda weird recently.....I just don't see why you can't trust me anymore...

Me: I just don't want to talk about it.

Alex: Well, friends don't keep secrets.

Me: But you don't understand. That's not it.

Alex: Save it Lily, we're over

Oh. Well, I guess she has a point. It's okay. Everyone hates me anyway. Tears stream down my face. All because I didn't know how to come out....

The next morning


"Good morning beautiful." I whisper to Ross' sleepy eyes. "Ehhhhhhhh" he groans in response. "Come on, we have to go to work." I kiss him and his eyes open. We both get ready for work and head downstairs. I'm holding his hand as we enter the kitchen. Lily is sitting at the counter, pouring herself some coffee in a travel cup. "Good morning sweetie." No response. "You aren't hungry?" Ross asks. "I never eat breakfast." She states, not turning from the coffee pot. Ross gulps, signaling his nervousness in the situation. "Okay, well, have a good day honey." I stand for a second, thinking she'd come to me for a hug goodbye. But she hasn't done that in years. She suddenly turns around, coffee in hand, and walks past us. She exits the house and heads to her bus stop. What happend?

Time skip to back at home

Lily? POV

My sobs are muffled by me biting my pointer finger as hard as I can. Blood starts rising to the top of my skin, barely beeding out. I sit on my bed, holding a piece of paper and a pen. I scrawl down names. Jack? Mark? John? Adam? What sounds good? I do like the sound of Jack. I circle it. Then, I crumple the paper in a ball, throwing it away. No one would call me Jack. No one would believe I'm transgender. But I know, I know I'm not female. I wail, holding my pillow to my body. Why won't I die?


"Lily? You in there?" I ask. She walks out of the bathroom. Her hair is messy, her clothes wrinkled. Something dark stained her black hoodie. "Are you alright Lil-" "Just stop dad, I'm fine." "Excuse me young lady, that's not how you speak to your father." I say sternly. She looked irritated, close to tears. "Yes sir." She says quietly. She turns and heads to her room. As she opens the door, I speak. "Lily, wait-" her door slams closed and the lock clicks. Damnit.

Jack POV

Lily this and Lily that. Young woman, lady, girl. Why can't I just say it? I'm transgender. I'm a boy. I take my pocmet knife and flip open the mini saw. The skin opens with contact, as I move the jagged edge across my ankle. This is what I deserve.

A month later

Ross POV

Now she doesn't have emotions. It's gotten worse, way worse. When we say for her to do something, she'll mumble how nobody loves her or cares what happens to her. "Maxy, I'm worried about Lily." I told him one day. "Ross, we've talked about this, let her be." "I know, but, she's lost alot of weight and she always avoids people." What could be so hard on her?

Jack POV

Ugh, why do I give in to temptation? A moment ago, I was gorging on halloween candy, now here I am on the bathroom floor. I'm sitting on my knees in front of the toilet, holding my bangs back. My other hand is hovering in front of my face, pointer finger out. I open my mouth, pushing my finger to the back of my throat. I felt the gag and pulled it out of my mouth. I retch. Vomit rushes into the bowl, as I feel relief escape me. Why does this satisfy me?


The note is in my shaking hands.


I wish I could say I regret everything, but I don't. At last, I have escaped the torture of living. Some people are meant to enjoy life. I however, am not one of them. To answer some concerns you may have had: yes, I did cut. I purged, I would burn myself, and sometimes, I'd sneak alcohol from the cupboard and drink until I was puking my guts out. I wanted to die, and now here I am. I'm glad I'm gone and you should be too. Oh and one last thing, I'm transgender. I mean, I still like guys and all so I guess that makes me gay! At least now I don't have to suffer from you both hating me. I love you. Goodbye.


Ross was clinging to my arm, sobbing loudly. "Maxy, I loved her so much, why would she ever...." he stopped. I saw what he saw. Our daugt-son was on the ground, surrounded by the pills she overdosed on, blood seeping from a wound that before went unnoticed. I moved over to her, my shaking hands gripping her shirt. I pulled it up, only slightly. Enough to see the word 'fag' carved into her stomach. Her binder peeked out from her chest and I couldn't help but cry. I cried for ignoring her pain, pretending he was fine. Now I sit in the blood of my only child, having to say goodbye.

A/N Did you figure out the message?

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