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"Ross, do you love me?" I asked him, resting my head on his stomach. "Yes Maxy, of course I do." He runs his fingers through my hair. I frown at his response. Of course that's what he says. That's what they all said. My family, before I came out. My ex boyfriends, before they asked me to have sex. My friends, before I became depressed. And now Ross, before we even kissed. Why do I eed the satisfaction of him saying he loves me? I know he'll always say the same answer until I do something wrong. "Maxy, what's wrong?" His voice sounded worried. "I'm fine Ross." His fingers loosened from my hair and his hand went to my chin, pulling me up to meet his stare. "Maxy, I love you with all my heart, and every time you doubt it, I have to think of a way to prove it to you." He kisses me slowly, then releasing with a subtle breath. "I love you too Ross."

One year later....

Max POV.....still.....

"Maxy, please don't say that. You know you don't mean it." "Ross I'm sorry. I really do want to die. Everyone tells me how terrible I am and it has gotten to the point where I have no choice but to believe it." He sits next to me on the bed. "But.....I love you." He said quietly while running his fingers through my hair. I rested my head on his lap while he continued to comfort me. "Maxy, I know I say it every day, but I love you. People relate love to such weak meanings and relations. Like, how you "love" mac and cheese. I get it, it's hella good, but that's not love. Love is the emotional pull towards another that you feel. It's rarer than people make out, to find true love. Many never find it." Tears clouded my vision. "But Maxy" he said, stopping his movements. "I have found who I love, and that is you. I couldn't be happier than the times I get to watch tv with you and snuggle, or the quick chats we have on a busy day. Sure, we may argue or not be able to see each other for a day, but there's one thing we have." He pulls me up to look at him. "I can always go to sleep at night knowing that you are the one I'll be with for the rest of my life." He kisses me, taking everything slow. "I love you Maxy." I smile at him. "I love you too Ross."

One year later...


"Hey, um Max." I heard from behind me. I turned around, looking over the couch. Ross stood there, his head hanging low. "Yea Ross?" I got up and went to his side. "Do you love me?" He asks looking worried. We just had an argument this morning about who needed to go get groceries. Yes, very stupid. I laughed a little. His face reflected his worry. A tear fell down his cheek. "No Ross, please don't cry. I didn't mean it like that." I cuped his cheek and he looked up at me. "I just think your a little forgetful is all." "What do you mean?" He asked quietly. "I mean, don't you remember what you said to me a while ago. We may argue, but you'll always be the one I love. Just because the words came from you doesn't mean I don't feel the same way." I hugged him and he cuddled into my neck. "I love you Ross." I felt him smile. "I love you too Maxy."

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