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Ross POV

Everything hurts. When I refused to use the cock ring, he whipped me until I did. Does Mark really love me? Or did he want his own toy? I lay in bed, thinking over my choices from the past year and a half. Buzz buzz. Buzz buzz. Someone's calling me. I look at my phone. It's Tim. I answer the phone. It's 3am, what could he possibly need?

"Ross, oh thank god you answered. I called Adam and he's on his way and he's trying to get ahold of John, Michael, and-"

"Tim, what do you need." I started walking to the door of our bedroom and closed it behind me.

"Oh my god, it's so bad. I heard noises from Max's  apartment next to me, so I went to check on him. When I stepped outside......there was....there was a trail of blood running doen the stairway I looked down and Max was at the bottom. I ran down to check on him, but he reeked of alcohol. Ross, please, I don't know what to do. Can you please come over to ride in the ambulance with him? He would've wanted it that way."

There was a silence. I was crying and I don't know why. Max never cared about me. But why did he start acting weird when Mark and I started dating. "I'm on my way" I said into the phone. I hung up and went back into the room. I quietly put on some clothes and left the room again.

Mark POV

So, he thinks he can run off to his little Maxy. Well, I'll make sure he learns his lesson when he comes back.

Flashback (Mark's POV)

"Mark, can I talk to you for a minute," Max said. "Uhh sure." "I mean alone." He said kinda sternly. Ross walked away and Ax sat down across from me. "Mark, I know you've won Ross' heart, and I'm glad to you make him as happy as you do. He hasn't smiled this much since he first got KP." "Ok, why do you care?" I asked. He clearly has a crush on Ross. "Just, take care of him. Things happened in the past....and he didn't take it well. Just watch over him." "Yea, whatever." I responded.

Flashback Over

Ross POV

I pulled into the aparement complex. Sirens wailed as the ambulance pulled in as well. I hopped out of the car and walked over to Tim he held a limp body in his hands, and I realized who it was. A man walked over to Tim, taking Max and laying him on a stretcher. I walked towards the ambulance when a bolt of pain shot through me. Thanks Mark. I stepped up and sat down next to Max. Tim got in too. "Thank god you're here Ross." I stayed silent, not knowing how to respond. "How did this happen?" I asked. "Well, Max hasn't been doing so good. Let's just say, him getting so drunk he can't see isn't rare." I didn't speak. No. Max wouldn't do that. He used to never drink. "Yea, I've been trying to help him, like I'll check on him at least once a day. Usually, I'm either wrestling a bottle from his hand or assisting him to the bathroom so he can puke his guts up." I froze. I shouldn't care, yet, I couldn't help but fight off tears. I can't still love him. I'm with Mark, and Mark makes me hap- "Ross. Max really cares about you. And you've kinda been pushing him away ever since you met Mark. I know you're married. I'm just saying if you visited, you would know what I do everyday." Max doesn't care. But then....why is Tim saying he does?

At the hospital

The doctors rush him in. It must be bad. Wait, how much did he drink? This can't be good. I dat down in the waiting area with Tim. A doctor came practically runnung out. "Are you two here for Max Mithzan?" We both nod. "We are going to attempt to pump his stomach. He has severe alcohol poisoning. We aren't sure if it'll work so we eanted to ask if you were okay with the procedure. If not, our other option is to perform euthanasia. I know it's hard to hear. But it's whatever you want." Tim spoke for me. "Pump his stomach." The doctor nodded and left. Tim's hands held his head as whimpers left his mouth. He was now full on sobbing. "Ross, I just wish you were there. I know, Mark must be truly amazing. You seem to love him so much. Just, Max needed more than just me to make it through the day. He didn't want to die alone, so he ran off and found a girl. A week later Max told me everything. The cutting, the drinking, him being gay. I took it all in, I didn't know how to help. I'm not enough to save him." Tim sniffled and wiped his nose on his sleeve.  "But you Ross, Max never stopped going on about you." My eyes grew in shock. Wait what?! "Yea. Max really cared about you Ross. He always would lay on the couch in a drunken rant, telling me how much he missed you. He never stopped loving you, even after you left. He would be screaming at me, trying to get the bottle back from me. 'Ross help me!' He'd cry. But then, he'd curl up on the floor and sob, knowing you weren't there." My heart broke. Max really does care about me. I begin crying. All this time, I just had to talk to him. I was so caught up with my abusive boyfriend that I couldn't see him.

Mithross One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora