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Anger rose in me. Why would people call Ross fat? They don't know his body like I do. He's beautiful all around and I iwsh he could see that too.

Ross POV

"Hey Ross, you want to go out to eat?" Max asks me. "No, I'm fine." I respond weakly. Can't eat. Eating equals fat. Fat equals no good. No good equals Maxy will leave me. "Come on, I can get you whatever you want and bring it back here." He offers. "I'm not hungry." His face changes. "Okay, I won't force you." I nod and go back to watching tv. More politics, drama, with a dash of lies. In the background, I hear Max heating up some pizza rolls in the microwave. "Max? You could've gotten what you wanted. You didn't have to stay." He turned to me and smiled. "I wanted to just spend time with you. I don't care how we do it." He walked over to the couch with the plate. His hand rested on my thigh. I curled my body close to his. "Come on, have some. It'll make you feel better." My hand shook as I took one. My teeth grazed the outer dough and I went insane. It drove me crazy not eating. I ate the whole thing in one bite. "You hungry?" He asked. I nod quickly as he handed me his plate. I ate every little pizza bite on the plate, leaving only the greasy residue of them. Max had made himself some more and returned to the couch. I stared at my hands. What have I done? I stood and began walking to the bathroom. "You okay?" I hear Max call to me. "Yea I'm fine." I walk in and lock the door. My mind turns to another person. Another one that's not me. It burns, but it's satisfying. Maybe too satisfying at that.


I sat on the couch alone. The quietness bothered me. Ross returned but he too, was silent. He sat down next to me stiffly. I put my arm around his waist, pulling him closer to me. "I love you." I said quietly. "I love you too." He replies at the same volume. In a quick movement, I turned his head to face me and placed my lips on his. I held him and every movement he made was in my hands. He felt weak, almost shaky. I pulled back and his face was pale. I didn't get a good look at him when he left the bathroom, but now I see it. His smile is faded a yellowish color and little wet spots are on the collar of his shirt. This has been going on so long, I don't know what to do anymore. He has changed. He's not my Ross. My Ross loves being risky and has no regrets. The Ross that loves to run through the park while ran is pouring down over our heads. The Ross that cuddles with me while we watch anime. Where did my Ross go?

3 Months Later

Ross POV

Max walks in the door from work. "Hi Maxy. I made dinner." I smiled. His smile looked weak and uncomfortable. "Oh, what is it?" He asked. "Well, I made Chicken Tetrazzini for our anniversary." I smiled widely, hoping he enjoyed it. "Ross, I didn't want you to work so hard on our anniversary." He chuckled a little. I began to panic. He didn't want a fancy meal. He didn't want me to make dinner. Tears built up in my eyes but I held them off, not wanting to make Maxy worry. "Ross, this is amazing, but I was just going to see if you wanted to go out to eat. But this is okay." I held a shaky smile, knowing he would get mad if I cried. We both sat down at the table, each on our own side. I felt my feet accidentally tap his and I jolted away. I didn't want to hurt him. "S-Sorry." I whisper quietly. "No, your fine." He said in response. He ate his food while I stared at him doing so. Any strange look meant something was wrong. And specifically, something I did wrong. "Why aren't you eating Ross?" I took my fork and began nibbling at my food. Great. Now I have to purge tonight. At least it was making Maxy happy. Isn't that why I exist? To make him happy?


I finished eating my food as Ross just finished a quarter of his plate. "May I please be excused from the table?" He asked me. Everything in me froze. Why was he asking if he could get up? He's an adult. "Yea, why not?" I asked. His face grew worrisome when I said that. He went to the bathroom for about 15 minutes then returned. "I can clean the table, you can do what you want-I mean if that's okay with you." He said quickly. "No, you made dinner, I'll clean." I said. He nodded slowly, then went to our room without saying a word. He's gotten worse than before. Recently, he's been a perfectionist with anything involving me. I cleaned the table and went to our room. "Ross, are you oka-" I stopped. Ross was on the bed, surrounded by little rose petals. He wore a short maid outfit. His ribs could be seen through it because of how much weight he has lost. He knew what I liked, yet he over did it. I don't care how much he weighs or what he wears, though it is pretty hot. He is what matters to me and he is the reason why I have to do this. "No." He looks up at me. I hope this works.

Ross POV

"No." The words drop from his mouth, just like my heart. I feel so small. "W-What Maxy?" He sighed. "I can't have sex with someone who isn't my boyfriend." He says. My heart shattered from where it fell. Silence filled the room. He broke up with me. He dumped me. I'm nothing without him. I rose to leave the room when I felt a hand on my shoulder. "If you are my boyfriend, you'll go back to being my Ross. My Ross doesn't think about how to please others. My Ross loves to have fun and take risks. I want my Ross back." Something in me snapped. I turned to Max. My feet cardied me to him, as I jumped into his grip. He held me, our lips meeting. I pulled away for air and took in a breath. "I love you Maxy~" I purred. "I love you too Ross." He lowered me down onto the bed. "Now, what do we have here?~" He growled.....

To Be Continued

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