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Ross leaned in and kissed me. What?! I'm not gay. But why am I enjoying then? I don't know but he can't love me. He has a girlfriend. And so do I. So it'll never work. Unless, I mean, I could always, no it's no use. I don't even know what I am and he and his girlfriend are happy together. I don't want to ruin his relationship. Well, I guess the only thing that makes me happy will never be mine. FUCK. Why do I have to exist?! If I were dead, no one would care about me and I could let them live in peace.

Ross POV

Max doesn't kiss back. I did something wrong. I have a girlfriend and so does he. So why am I missing him? I pull away from Max's lips and he seems in a trance. I didn't mean to. It just kind a happened.

I run out of the kitchen and into my room. Why do I have to fuck up everyone's lives? I pull the pocket knife from my dresser and open it. I go to the mini saw and press it to my skin. It leaves little marks along my wrist. Blood trickles from one mark and I keep going. I press harder, then move it over my wrist. It tears at my skin, pulling it out of place and opening to blood. It starts dripping down my arm. I close the knife and take a cloth to clean my arm. The only thing is, I don't want to clean it anymore. I don't want to wake up tomorrow. Maybe if I....


.....kill myself. That sounds like a good idea. I can make the pain leave, for good. I can stop hurting people, like Ross. If only he knew that I have broken up with my girlfriend, just so I could have a chance with him. I don't know why I did it, but us being together didn't feel right. I guess should tell him somehow. I write out a note.

Ross POV

I scribble words down on a piece of paper and fold it. Max is so cute, but I don't want to leave my girlfriend in the dust. She's so nice, she just fell for the wrong person. I walk out of my room and knock on Max's door lightly. No response. I open the door and set the note on his bed.


Now I should go finish this off. I enter my room and a note lay on my pillow. I picked it up and read it.

Dear Maxy,

I love you. I know it's hard to believe, but I do. I know I have hurt you so many times, you probably hate me. And I can't blame you. I'm sorry for kissing you and I sorry for lying to you. I have never felt something so strong as I feel for you. I need to to now, the world doesn't need me here. I'm a waste of space. Goodbye.


Ross POV

My Little Squirrel,

I don't know why you kissed me, but now I see something that I have tried to hide for a while. Ross I love you, more than anything in the world. I know I have hurt you but I never wanted to. I broke up with my girlfriend just so I could finally tell you how I felt. Not felt, feel. I love you but you were so happy with your girlfriend, I just left you alone. I'm so sorry for everything I have done. I'm going to a better place now. Goodbye.


I run out of my room. The one I've always loved stabding before me, tears becoming our speech. "I-" he stops. We hug, holding each other close. "Please don't leave me"


I guess I just felt like writing something like this. Even if you feel you are alone, remeber, how you feel isn't uncommon. So I also wanted to see if you guys have any ideas. If so, comment or email me (gasper.alison@gmail.com). Anyways, I hope you guys are enjoying these. I might be able to make another one tomorrow but I have to take the Pre-ACT. Not excited ~-~. Wish me luck! Ttyl y'all

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