Over Pt 3

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I reccomend you read parts 1and 2 before  continue on. If you already have, noice job. If not, eh I'm not gonna make ya.

Ross POV

I awoke in the middle of the night feeling a tight twisting feeling in my stomach. I groaned quietly, not wanting to wake everyone up. I tried to go back to sleep but the feeling only felt worse. Something felt...off. I was assuming the fluid wasn't draining fast enough to save me. I sighed. Well, at least Max won't have to watch me. The pain got increasingly worse in a matter of minutes and I started crying softly. Why can't it just stop? The pain went from a 4 to a 6 and I started squirming, hoping to find a release. "R-ross? Whater you doin?" I heard Michael mumble. Oh not him. He gets so emotional so quickly. "Michael, come here" I whispered. "When I'm gone, remember that you all will always be in my heart." Tears fell down his cheeks as he backed away slowly. He started shaking John in attempt to wake him. I was about to tell him no, but another burst of pain, worse than the last, tackled my stomach. John woke up, confused on what was so urgent. But he soon realized. The two both woke Adam as I was writhing in pain, almost wailing at the pain. All three of the guys gathered around Max. I wish I wouldn't have waited so long to tell him. Now I barely have enough time to say goodbye.


I felt aggresive shaking and woke from my sleep. Adam, John, and Michael surrounded me, all shouting random shit at me. I yawned and sighed. "What do you guys want?" I said tiredly. They all hushed and stepped away. My vision focused and I  realized. Ross. He was....he was..... I stood and went to his sideplacing my hand on his. He still squirmed but he clung to my hand tight. Blast and blast of pain rang through him, and I could only watch. His grip got so tight, I thought he'd rip my hand off. I held back, him trying to speak but only groans and cries coming out. Tears stung my eyes, trying to not release. Suddenly, the writhing stopped. He was very still. His grip ony hand loosened. His breathing was slow and very short. I leaned in and tried to kiss his forehead. He reached his hand up to my chin weakly, and directed his lips to mine. We both kissed. He melted into it and I swept my tongue across his bottom lip. I pulled away and he smiled slightly, pain accompanying his expression. His breath became even slower and shorter. I looked into his eyes. They still sparkled beautifully in the dim light. "M-maxy" I heard him whisper. "Yes Ross" I answered. "I love you" he said, his voice giving out at the end. "I love you more" I replied, still holding his hand. He paused for a few moments. He closed his eyes. "I love you most." Then he stopped. It was almost like the whole world was frozen with him. I heard the muffled crying behind me somewhere, but I only sat in silence. Still holding his hand, I felt the cold jewels of his ring on my fingers. I set his hand on his chest and sat back in my chair. I placed my head in my hands. "I love you more than you can imagine." I whispered to the lifeless body in front of me. And only to think, I almost never got to say goodbye.


Okay, NOW I'm done with this "series" of oneshots. Sorry it went up a little later than expected. Wifi issues. Anyway, hope you all enjoy it

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