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Ross POV

"Maxy." I held my head in hands. "Yea Ross." He scooted closer to me on the couch. His hand rested on my thigh. "Maxy, you know I love you right?" "Yes, what's wrong Ross?" "Maxy, I wanted to ask you something, but it's something I don't want you to get mad at me for." He nodded.

"I want to have a kid." Everything seemed to freeze in that moment. He then bursted out in laughter. My eyes watered. "Oh, okay." I mumbled. I stood and began walking to the bedroom when a hand grabbed my wrist. "No Ross, I'm not making fun of you. I'm laughing because it's so ridiculous for you to be so worried about. Sure, we can have a kid." He pulls me back to him, twirling me to face him. I press my lips to his and he returns the gesture. "Maxy, I can have kids." He stopped. "Well that works out." He smiled at me. I've never been more happy in my life. I take his hand. "Can we do" I ask. "Sure." Max picks me up and carries me up the stairs bridal style. We get to our room and he sets me on the bed.


I walk to the door and close it behind us. "You sure about this Ross?" "I'm positive." He says firmly. I get on the bed with my knees at either side of him. I leaned down just enough to graze my lips on his. "Maxy~" Ross moaned under me. "I love you Ross." I sucked on his neck. "I love you too Maxy." My lips were barely parted, nibbling and marking his neck with a purple bruise. I brought my mouth back up to his lips and slid my hands under his shirt. "Mmmm Maxy~ I want more~" he moaned out. "Are you sure Ross?" I teased. "Please Maxy, give it to me."

2 Weeks Later

Ross POV

I held the small piece of plastic in my hand. Suddenly, the identifier turned green and my heart jumped. My feet carried me to the living room and up to Max. I jumped up on his back and he gasped in surprise. "Ross, don't sneak up on me lime that!" He said. "Well, you should be a little nicer to the person conceiving your child." I said sassily. His face lit up and he lifted me while spinning around. "Ross this is great!" He yells. I nod and he sets me bacm down. I peck him on the cheek and turn to leave. I felt hands on my waist and I was pulled backwards. "You're not going to leave that kiss like that." He laughed out, pulling me into a more passionate kiss. I smile into it, moving my lips with his. We parted for air as we rested our heads against each other's. "I love you Maxy." I cooed. "I love you too Ross." He replied.

9 Months Later


"M-Max, I think I'm going into labor." He said in almost a whisper. He was keeled over, out of breath. "Ok, let's get going." I kissed his forehead and lifted him up. I have to say, he is alot heavier than before. I got to the car and set Ross in the passenger's side. I got in the driver's seat and put my keys in the ignition. I turned hearing the low purr of the car starting. I held the wheel and turned it widely, allowing me to turn out from my parking spot. Ross sat next to me, groaning and straining with every contraction.

A While Later


"Max Mithzan?" A feminine voice called. I rose from my chair and walked towards her. The guys all were on edge about the baby and even Ross. John, Michael, Adam, Tim, and Jordan all made it to support him. I continued on with the nurse to Ross' room. "Here it is." She smiled widely as I stepped in. Inside, Ross was sitting up on his bed, holding a little baby girl. I practically ran to him and hugged him tightly. "Wanna hold her?" He asks me. I nod quickly. He hands me our beautiful daughter. Her eyes opened, revealing a deep brown. We both agreed on a name. "Lily." I whispered quietly. Ross was drfting off to sleep as I craddled our daughter asleep. Ross yawned loudly and closed his eyes. I set Lily down in her hospital crib, tucking her in for bed. It was about 10 at night right now. I kissed her forehead and whispered "Goodnight." I walked over to Ross in his hospital bed. "I love you Ross." I whisper, kissing his forehead. Lowly he mumbles back, "I love you too Maxy." I lay out some sheets on a chair and get comfortable. This is the start of my new life.

To Be Continued...

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