Over Pt. 1

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Ross POV

I haven't told Max yet, but a month ago, I was diagnosed with liver cancer, which is uncurable. I know I should tell him, but I can't. I know he won't take it well. Especially since, I'm supposed to live, at most, another month. The doctors wanted me to go in to the hospital, hoping to ease the pain.I choose to not, hoping it'll just calm down by istelf.

I get in the car, preparing for work. Max followed me in, taking the passenger side. I started the car, in repsonse my stomach area bursted with pain, throbbing uncontrollably. I hunched over. "Ross?! What's wrong?" I sighed, straightening back up again. "Nothing, I'm fine." Max stared into my eyes, almost as if they weren't normal. I looked in the rear view mirror, seeing the yellow murk that was my eyes. I jumped back, not expecting this. "R-ross, are you sure you're okay?" I paused. Then I quickly answered, "Yes, I'm fine. Now let's go to work." The whole car ride my stomach throbbed in pain. Sometimes I cried out, others I groaned. Max would look over at me worridly, and I would always say, "Max stop worrying. I'm fine." When in reality, I knew end was coming close and I wasn't ready to say goodbye.


We got to the office but something was off. Ross was constantly grabbing at his stomach, and gagging. I sat at my station, not wanting to annoy him anymore. While I was editing, I could hear Adam's voice as they were recording a challenge video. I then heard Barney yell out, "OH SHIT MAN, ROSS OH MY GOD!" I jumped up running to the other room. Adam was yelling as well, but it was more giberish than real words. I ran close, and behind the couch, Ross was vomitting blood. I looked at him horrified. "SOMEONE GET A TRASH CAN" I yelled. Em ran over with a small one and I shoved it towards Ross. He took it in both hands and got on his feet. I tried holding him as he walked to the restroom, but he ran from me and into the room. I heard the click of a lock locking. I sighed. I turned around to see everyone standing in a circle. They were talking quietly and I couldn't hear any of it. I walked to the bathroom and knocked on the door. "Ross, ease let me in. I want to make sure you're okay" the door slowly opened and I walked in. He was curled next to the toilet, blood spattered on the floor next to him. I took a paper towel and ran it under the warm water. I wiped his mouth and the floor beside him. I held his chin up woth my hand. He turned away, tears in his eyes. "Max" I stopped breathing for those two seconds. "I-i, I have liver cancer." I froze, feelinga single tear fal down my cheek.

Ross POV

I know I should've told him sooner. I'm sitting before him on the brink of death, and he just now discovered I'm dying. I felt a similar churning in my stomach but this time, it was accompanied by a sloshing kind of feeling. I vomitted again, snapping Max out of his trance. He pulled his phone out and began calling 911. Along with blood, I also vomitted a clearish fluid. I knew what this was. Fluid was filling my stomach. This was it. I was on the brink of death.


The ambulance arrived. They took Ross away on a stretcher. "Excuse me sir, are you related to Ross Washington?" "Yes, well actually, I'm his boyfriend." "I see, would you like to ride in the ambulance with him." I nodded, and walked swiftly outside. It was pouring. Well this was appropriate. I climbed into the back, only to see my Ross in front of me. The doors closed and we started moving. His eyelids were barely open, his breath short and small. I reached out and took his left hand into both of mine.  I wrapped my hands around him. I used my thumb to rub the back of his hand. Occasionally, he wpuld whimper in pain. Tears streamed down my face as I cried silently, knowing I couldn't do anything to help.

When we stopped, I didn't know what was happening. I realized he must have been in more serious condition than I thought. They flung the back doors open, pulling Ross' hand from mine. He seemed like he was conscious, but I wasn't sure. I followed close behind, being led to a waiting room. This was it. Ross was going into surgery. They stopped him in front of me. I leaned down and kissed his head. "I love you Ross." I whipered. He tried smiling but it looked painful. "I love you too Maxy" he mumbled lowly. I kissed hid forehead again and turned away, sitting in the closest seat.

4 hours later

I twiddled my thumbs in my lap. Ross still wasn't out. By that time, Adam, John, Michael, and Tim had arrived, each taking turns to comfort me. I didn't respond to any of them. I focused on my nails. Specifically, chewing on them. I'm going to lie. I'm nervous. "Max Mithzan, here for Ross Washington?" the nurse asked. I stood quickly and walked to her. She led me through large doors and down a long hallway. "He asked before the surgery if you could see him first." I nodded, focused on Ross. We stopped at a door, next to many in the same hallway. "I should warn you of what you're about to witness. His condition, it's not so good. The surgery was to attempt draining the fluid from his stomach. Unfortunately, it didn't work. We are still draining it through a tube in his abdomen. But this will only make his time with us slightly longer. I'm sorry. I know this is hard to here." She opened the door slowly and motioned for me to enter. I did, cautiously pulling the curtain to the side. When it was fully opened, there was the love of my life. My Ross.

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