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Driving down the street I couldn't shake that thought out of my head that he was street fighting again. And it made me feel sick just thinking about it. I hate seeing people get hurt and it's worse when it's someone you care about that's getting hurt.

A few minutes later I arrived on Wood St. and started looking for Harry. I found him down by an alley close to an abandoned house that looked like it belonged in a horror movie. Turning into the alley way Harry started walking towards my car. Only something was different. He was limping. And as he got closer to the car I noticed he had a bloody nose.

I swear to fuck if he was street fighting...

Hopping into the car he turned to face me and I got a better look at him. Busted lip, slightly bruised cheek, and a bloody nose of course.

"Are you ok? What happend to you? Were you street fighting again?" I asked question after question.

"Wow, one question at a time babe. But, yeah I'm fine. In a little pain but it's ok. And no I was not street fighting again. I got jumped. Damn fucking pricks."

I gasped. He got jumped?! But wait, that still doesn't answer the question of what was he doing here.

"What were you doing here? On Wood St. This street is for street fighting Harry."

"I was meeting up with a guy. And a bunch of guys older than me came out of nowhere and attacked me. They all ganged up on me so I didn't have time to self defence."

"But you're ok right?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Alittle bruised up but I'll live."

I sighed, not liking the fact that he got jumped. I just simply nodded to his reply than backed out of the alley way and started driving back home. While doing so my phone buzzed in my pocket. Stopping at a red light I took my phone out and unlocked it. It said I had a text so I clicked on the little message app and waited for it to load. Once it did it said I had a message from Liza.

'OMG girl! Guess what happend to Stephanie that I just found out!'

I furrowed my eyebrows. What could be so exciting that happend to Stephanie?

'What happend?'

"Babe, the lights green. And who are you texting?" Harry said making me look up from my phone and at the lights in front of me.

Sure enough they were green so I pressed the gas pedal and started driving, waiting for Liza to text me back.

"Liza's texting me. Just waiting for her to reply back."


"Yeah, something happend to Stephanie and I'm waiting for her to tell me what it is."

Stopping at another red light I waited a few seconds until my phone buzzed again. Squealing like a little girl on Christmas day and getting an amused look from Harry I quickly opened the text.

'She's in jail! I don't know what happend but all Liam told me was that she's in jail. Hallejuah!! Yesssss!!!!!'

"She's..... In jail?" I said outloud.

"She's what?!" Harry exclaimed.

"Liza just said that Stephanie's in jail. I don't know why but apparently Liam told Liza this."

Harry's features hardend at the mention of Liam and I mentally face palmed. Hoping Harry doesn't flip out over Liam or something.

"He probably lied to Liza, Bridgit. You do know he's good friends with Stephanie right?"

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