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"This isn't good..."

   ''What's with the boyfriend shirt?'' Envy and Ling said on the walk home when seeing a much bigger shirt on their friend, ''Stop saying that, it's weird!'' Edward said with Winry and Alphonse looking over to the blonde who just scowled at his friends as usual, ''He didn't have that shirt earlier...'' Al said with the female blonde nodding. ''I know.'' Winry said pausing when Lan Fan and May Chang spoke up, ''We saw Edward walking with Mustang to his room since Mustang bumped into him dropping the juice on his shirt.'' Both May and Lan Fan said at the same time making bot Al and Winry raise a brow at them, ''Ah?'' Both said surprised but didn't question anything rolling their eyes when hearing Edward bicker with Envy as always. ''Brother, I don't understand how you can do everyone else's homework but not Mustang's.'' Alphonse said later that day a bit surprised when seeing his brother still in the big collared shirt working on that days homework, ''First off, Hawkeye is terrifying. Second off, I don't give a shit about Mustang or his class.'', ''How do you expect to graduate, if you don't care about that class?'' Al said simply worrying Edward since he made a point. ''I...'', ''I'm going to go out with May for a bit since I finished all my homework earlier.'' Alphonse said heading for the door but paused in his steps when he opened the door, ''Also you might want to return the shirt back the way Mustang gave it to you.'' He said surprising Edward who just sat up surprised at what Al said, but made a face blushing slightly when he left remembering he still had it on. ''Speaking of which... Earlier at lunch with Mustang was weird...'' Edward thought remembering when they were close to each other's face blushing slightly, ''But he had the same mark on his lip too which means...'' Thinking about that Sunday when Greed had dropped him on his teacher and accidentally broken his glasses thinking about it for a moment till it clicked in his head sitting up wide eyed flustered in the cheeks opening his mouth a bit putting his finger over his bruised lip. ''We kissed?!" Roy said when Riza came over to visit with her small dog, ''Yes.'', ''I was thinking that, but I thought that was absurd!'' The raven haired male said with a blush on his light cheeks, ''Well, where else would that bruise on your lip come from? Not me.'' Riza said simply shutting Roy up, ''That's not the point! Point is he's a student!'', ''Well as long as he doesn't know, it won't hurt your job will it Roy?'' She questioned simply. ''And if he realizes we did? What than Hawkeye?'', ''I doubt that, he doesn't seem like the type of person to even care about that.'' Riza said petting her dog with Roy making a face quiet, ''There, there Hayate.'', ''That was my first kiss and it had to be with him of all people!? But his lips were soft... What am I saying!?'' The blonde freaked out back in his room unable to finish his homework for the day. "Edward, you look awful. Didn't you sleep?'' Winry asked the next morning to the blonde who yawned flustered in the cheeks, ''I just couldn't sleep that's all.'' Edward said tired since a lot was on his mind, surprised Envy, Ling, Or Greed wasn't around to pester him speaking too soon when he was grabbed roughly by Greed who just grinned as he always did with Winry looking up with a done expression. ''I spoke too soon...'' Edward said rolling his eyes before making a face when the taller twin noogied him roughly, ''Oh come on I'm sure you love me more than that palm tree Envy.'' Greed said purposely angering Envy purposely who just made a face, ''You want a fight! You got one!'' The palm haired male said angry. ''Nah, I don't fight girls.'' Greed said purposely again since he knew Envy hated when he did that, ''Fuck you-!'', ''Both of you stop this instant.'' Riza's voice cut in making everyone look over to see the blonde history teacher walk by looking at them with an angered expression, ''Greed, you haven't been here for a while, you know better if you want to graduate.'' She said simply. ''I'm sorry.'' Greed said sarcastically looking over Riza'a figure as she walked over to Roy and Havoc who were bickering about something outside his door, ''What a bitch...'' Envy mumbled, ''She's hot what are you talking about. A lot hotter than that school nurse friend of yours.'' Greed said with Winry and Edward rolling their eyes when they started fighting again. ''If you were stricter with your students maybe they would take you serious!'' Jean said to Roy who looked annoyed more than usual, ''Why are you telling me how to do my job, when you can't even control your own class!'' Roy said back angered, ''Both of you act professional for once, you're both just as bad as these students.'' Riza cut in making them go quiet, ''If you two want to learn how to run a class better maybe you should pass by mine when you're on your free period.'' She said simply walking away leaving both teachers quiet. ''She's right.'' Roy huffed crossing his arms, ''Alright, I apologize.'' Jean said wondering why the raven haired male was grumpy seeing the light bruise on his lip about to ask, ''Hey, Roy-!'', ''U-Umm... I brought your shirt back.'' A familiar voice said making both Roy and Jean look down to see Edward holding a neatly folded white collared shirt towards Mustang who just sighed, ''You couldn't wait either?'' He said hurting Edward a bit but guarded his hurt with his bad attitude. ''Fine than!'' He said but paused when seeing Roy look at him with a 'Don't start' look with Havoc questioning the atmosphere between the teacher and his worst student, ''Of all times, you have to bring it right now?...'' Roy said with a mumble before walking inside his class, ''Are you going to stand there all day? Come on!'' He said to the blonde who snapped out of it making a face but followed inside anyway surprising almost everyone there. ''You could of waited till after school to give it to me...'' Roy said making a face taking the shirt from his student's hand putting it away lightly flustered after what Riza said wondering if his student knew but kept his cool, ''Thank you for returning it.'' He said simply never noticing his student look at his lips blushing. ''You're dismissed.'' Roy said glancing up only to look at his student's lips quickly looking away making a face getting more flustered, ''...Mustang... Are you alright?'' Edward asked a bit worried despite the light blush on his own cheeks, ''I'm fine!'' Roy said making Edward jump up at his sudden tone, ''Okay... No need to scream at me about it... I was just asking...'' Edward said making a face. ''Sorry... I'm just stressed.'' The raven haired teacher said still not looking his student in the face making Edward awkward as well, ''Well... Thank you for lending me your shirt!" He said quickly and left before tripping over his own foot into the hallway, but had his fall caught by his teacher who just sighed surprising veryone again, but angered Envy who just left making Edward's cheeks tint lightly at his teacher's arm around his waist, ''I...''. ''You need to be more careful Edward.'' Roy said with a sigh helping his student up making a face at him with Greed noticing the sudden atmosphere between the teacher and student whispering something to his twin who just nodded, ''Roy, you still need to make copies before class starts.'' Jean reminded making Roy nod, ''I know, Let's go.'' He said with Riza walking besides them raising a brow at Roy seeming to nag him the further they walked away together with Edward looking down putting his hands to his face. ''Brother, what's with you this morning...'' Al questioned going over to his brother who just made a face, ''I don't know, okay!'', ''Edward... You need to take it easy.'' Winry said with the May Chang and Lan Fan right next to her looking at one another oddly at Edward's behavior, ''You're acting like you're in love Pipsqueak.'' Greed said snapping out of it, ''In love with who?!" He said grabbing Greed by the collar who just grinned. ''I don't know. I was just saying, no need to get worked up about it~'' Greed teased, ''He's right, he was just saying. There's no need to get worked up about it if isn't true, right?'', ''Right...'' Edward said letting go going back to his usual attitude despite his blush, ''Me in love? Please, that's a joke!" He said with Al noticing how Winry was looking at his older brother with a sparkle in her blue eyes making him sigh to himself, ''Brother, how dense can you be...''. ''You're the one still continuing~" Greed said before Edward paused looking around, ''Where did Envy go?'', ''Hmm?... Maybe he left with Lust... He's been a little bit of a bitch lately, more so than usual.'' Greed commented with Ling shaking his head, ''You two really can't stand each other do you?'', ''Nope, Never have, Never will.'' Greed said in an annoyed tone with the bell ringing at that moment with Edward realizing he had forgot to get his book from his locker for Roy's class, ''Shit! I forgot to get that damn book!'' The blonde said running off making Al sigh, ''See you guys later.''.

Sex For Homework (Minor Edvy to eventual Royed)Where stories live. Discover now