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"Oh no, it's you again..."

    ''Pinako, any word with Roy?'' Izumi asked at Dinner seeing Pinako shake her head, ''Nothing.'', ''I thought so... I SHOULD KILL HIM!'' She said before coughing, ''Honey please calm down.'', ''You're right Sig... I'm sorry... It's just I've seen Edward hurt time and time again... And I don't want to see him like that again over a man...''. ''Speaking of which... Why hasn't Edward been down here?'' Izumi asked looking over to Winry and Al who were talking amongst each other making them pause and look over to the three adults, ''Um...'', ''Should we say it...'', ''I think we should...'' Winry whispered back with Izumi raising a brow at them, ''Speak up now.''. ''Edward asked Envy out today and he's supposed to come over to give him an answer!'' Both said at the same time making Pinako, Izumi, and Sig look confused, ''What?... You mean the one with the purple eyes and long hair?...'' Izumi asked seeing both kids nod, ''Are you fucking kidding me...''. ''I'm going to kill Roy when I see him.'' Izumi said with an expression that said she wasn't joking, ''D-Don't you want to hear him out first!'' Al said, ''Not one bit!'' She said but paused when hearing the doorbell, ''That must be Envy... I got it-'' Winry started getting up but stopped when Pinako walked over. ''No, I got it... I guess I'll just have to accept Edward's choice.'' Pinako said opening the door to see it wasn't Envy at the door, but Roy Mustang who had some flowers in his hand, ''Well isn't this a surprise...'', ''Pinako just let them in-'' Izumi said going over to the door surprised when seeing Mustang himself at the door. ''...You have no shame!'' She said but paused when seeing Roy wave a hand around, ''H-Hold on! I know who you were expecting! But Envy himself sent me here in his place!'' He said expecting to get hit but opened his eyes when seeing Izumi look confused, ''I can explain everything please... Just give me another chance...''. ''I'll leave if you want me to as well, I understand fully I hurt Edward too much.'' He said seeing Izumi give a soft expression, ''Somehow... I trust you...'' Izumi said with Pinako looking up, ''Come in before you get cold. Also before the boy decides to come down thinking it's Envy.'' She said with Al and Winry looking over to Roy who smiled at them nervously. ''Ah... I see now...'' Izumi said quietly after Roy had explained everything to them, ''So... Envy put his feelings aside, just so you had a chance to fix things with Edward?... That must have been painful...'' She added feeling bad for him, ''So you wanted to quit without letting anyone know and now you want us to let us let you talk to Edward?'' Pinako questioned. ''....I wasn't really expecting you all to go easy on me after what I pulled so... No not really...'' Roy admitted hearing Izumi sigh, ''I think if you can still face me after admitting your own mistakes, than I think it's safe to say I can let you see Edward...'' Izumi said looking over to Sig, ''What do you think?''. ''I agree.... As a man he realized his mistakes so... It's fine.'', ''Well there you have it... You have our okay to go talk to Edward.'' Pinako said looking over to Winry and Al who were talking amongst one another again, ''What do you two think?'', ''...Yes.'' Winry said looking over to Al since that was his older brother. ''Actions speak louder than words so... If you can prove to my Brother that you're going to be true to him, than I'm okay if you two want to be together.'' Al said giving a bit of relief to the raven haired male, ''Al...'', ''Go. Go prove to my brother, that not all adults are the same.'' Al said with a smile. Edward who was in his room sitting on the edge of his bed with a worried expression since it was getting late, getting distracted when seeing the crumpled paper on the floor picking it up opening it up, seeing it was Roy's number and address feeling his heart ache since he wasn't really over his teacher. ''He's the one that pushed me away...'' Edward mumbled making a face, ''And I regret making that choice.'' A voice said making Edward jump up turning immediately to see Roy in his room with some flowers and an apologetic kind smile that made Edward's heart ache bringing a pained expression to his face, ''W-What...''. ''You were expecting Envy correct? I apologize.'' Roy started not surprised when his student looked at him angrily, ''How do you still have the nerve to come around! Leave!'', ''I shouldn't have expected any less from you.'' Roy said simply with a sigh, ''I understand you're not happy to see me and I can leave but...''. ''Just thought I would let you know that today was my last day teaching, I'm going back to the military.'' The raven haired teacher said seeing a new pained look in his student's golden eyes, ''So that's it?...'', ''That's where I would of ended it of course, If Envy hadn't talked some sense into me.'' Roy said with a smile and nervous shrug. ''But if you want me to leave, I can do that as well.'' He said holding out the small bouquet of flowers towards his student, ''I brought these as an apology, but I can just leave these and be on my way-'', ''Wait! What do you mean if it wasn't for Envy...'' Edward said getting up and going over to his teacher. ''Just what I said... Envy explained how I hurt you, and he said he would put his feelings aside for you just to see you happy... And for me to fix things of course... So he sent me in his place so I can do right... That's if you let me of course.'' Roy said seeing Edward's face get flustered when he grabbed the flowers from him. ''...You're not lying to me are you?...'', ''No, I'm not.'', ''Okay... But why should I give you this chance after you pushed me away... After all the lies you told me that night you stayed over!'', ''I wasn't lying, I meant every word of it.'' Roy said looking down at his student who looked at him with a pained expression. ''I have never been more honest about my feelings till that day, You're more beautiful than a woman.'' Roy said again seeing his student blush and look down, ''You're just toying with me again...'', ''If I was I wouldn't be here... I'm fully aware of your feelings. And it's safe to say I feel the same way for you.'' He confessed. That alone surprised Edward who's golden eyes widened, ''It was silly and immature of me to let our titles get in the way of what was going on between us.'' The raven haired male said pushing his glasses up, ''I think it was stupid of me in general to constantly deny it time and time again.'' He said pausing. ''How can I trust you when you pick your damn pride over me...'', ''I can prove it.'', ''Prove it... Get on your knees and say I'm sorry...'' Edward said pained despite his heart racing like crazy when seeing Roy smile and get on his knees without a word, and looking up at him with a serious expression in his dark eyes, ''From the bottom of my heart, I truly apologize Edward.''. ''You don't mean that...'', ''I figured... Guess I'll have to really prove it.'' Roy said standing up, ''The day I rejected you, you were going to say you loved me weren't you?'' He started reach for his glasses but failed when Edward pulled them away from him, ''Can you still say the same now, as I stand in front of you? Or did that change?''. That kept the blonde quiet when seeing his teacher walk over to his bed and sit down and look at him with his dark eyes feeling his heart ache with a pained expression, ''I.... I do! I love you!'' Edward confessed seeing Roy smile to himself, ''You know, I know you won't believe me but... I've fallen in love with you as well.''. ''Not as a student... Not cause of your looks... I've fallen in love with everything about you, and I want you to know that.'' Roy confessed seeing Edward's pained expression turn to a surprised one, ''Of course you don't have to believe me just yet-!'' The raven haired male said but paused when Edward came on to him and kissed him suddenly. The sudden kiss didn't surprise Roy smiling when Edward pulled away with a blush sitting on his lap, ''So you're leaving...'', ''Nope. I changed my mind, I'm staying.'' He said seeing Edward finally smile a familiar bright smile, ''There... That's the smile I want to protect.'' Roy said but paused in thought. ''I didn't mean to make you cry or hurt you but speaking of which... I think you owe Envy a BIG apology.'' He said seeing Edward nod, ''I know... But I still don't fully trust you...'', ''I know, it's understandable...'' He said, ''That's why I plan to make it up to you Friday night.'', ''Friday night?'' Edward questioned. ''It's a surprise, Also... I'm trying to figure out whether you have your phone in your pocket or you're just really happy to see me...'' Roy pointed out making Edward blush, ''Ah... I... I'm really happy to see you...'' The blonde mumbled bashfully hearing Roy laugh, ''I shouldn't have expected any less from you.''. Edward made a face before leaning forward and biting Roy's ear roughly hearing him make a small surprised but aroused sound, ''Looks like I found your weak spot...'' He said against Roy's ear before grabbing his face and kissing him deeply pushing his pierced tongue into the kiss pulling his body closer to his. Edward had managed to top his teacher flinching when Roy teased his member continuously releasing a sudden small moan when he came suddenly getting a shiver moving his hips around, ''I want you...'' The blonde said suddenly inches from the other's face, ''Sleep with me...''. Roy just stood quiet before cupping the blonde's face and kissing him kindly, ''I won't do that just yet...'' He said simply seeing Edward's golden eyes look hurt, ''I want you to understand, that I don't see you as just an object of lust... I see you for the person that you are... You understand right?'' Roy asked softly. ''It's not that I don't want to, I do want to sleep with you but... I want you to trust me first...'' He said seeing Edward barely nod, ''You're different when you're serious... I understand...'' He said feeling his heart race when the raven haired male ruffled his hair with a smile, ''Good... I should go before Izumi really kills me.''. "It's quiet up there.'' Izumi said a few minutes after but paused when seeing Roy walk back in the kitchen heaving a sigh, ''Welcome back, how did it go-?'' Izumi asked but paused when seeing Roy didn't have his glasses on, ''Roy...'', ''Hmm?'', ''Where are your glasses?'' She asked making Roy realize Edward had his glasses. ''Edward!'', ''No need to scream at me!" Edward's voice cut in with a flustered pout peeking from behind Roy who held his hand out, ''Glasses please.'', ''But you look better without them... You don't look so old... He mumbled stinging Roy a bit, ''Excuse me for being old!'' Roy said defensively making a face when hearing Edward laugh and hug him tightly from behind. The sudden change in Edward's behavior surprised the group but made Izumi laugh with a smile, ''This is much better...'' She said with Pinako, ''You're right... Want to stay over for Dinner?'' Pinako asked Roy who looked surprised, ''Thanks, but I think I'll pass.'' He said with a nervous smile. ''Come on!'' Edward cut in, ''Pinako makes a great stew!'', ''If Ed insists why not stay? Besides he's not going to let go of you any time soon.'' Izumi pointed out making Roy sigh, ''Alright, alright I'll stay.'' The raven haired male said with Edward making a small sound in joy and smiling brightly tightening his already tight hug.

Sex For Homework (Minor Edvy to eventual Royed)Where stories live. Discover now