Snake Eyes

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  "Hey Win, I still have your notebook-'', ''Thank you.'' Winry said coldly giving Edward the cold shoulder before walking inside the class making Edward feel worse till Envy and Ling both put their arms on him, ''Nice bruise.'' Ling said before walking inside the class with Envy being touchy as always poking the bruised cheek. ''Maybe a kiss on the cheek will make it better.'' He said with Edward turning to him with a grumpy expression, ''Quit screwing around Envy.'' Edward huffed pushing his hand away before walking in the class bothering the amethyst eyed male who just scowled before huffing, ''I wasn't.''. ''Beauty and brains, yet cold.'' The blonde thought to himself glancing over to Winry who looked unhappy as she organized her notes, ''I didn't mean to hurt you...'' He mumbled before getting up remembering he forgot his something from his locker getting up and leaving to go up the stairs to where his locker was. ''I don't know why that damn teacher is in my head...'' Edward mumbled when getting his notes for his English class closing his locker hearing the Tardy bell ring, ''We probably still have Sheska as our Substitute, so I wont get an ear full.'' He said walking back down the stairs and walking back inside the class heaving a sigh. ''Edward, You're late.'' Roy said surprising Edward who looked up with a surprised look in his golden eyes to see the raven haired teacher look at him with his usual serious expression as he pushed his glasses up, ''I... I thought you were...'' Edward stammered with Roy raising a brow at him. ''Just sit down Edward, we need to get class started.'' Roy said simply turning his back to the class writing on the board with Edward making a face feeling eyes on him glancing over to see Winry looking at him coldly looking away and walking away to his desk heaving a sigh slouching back when he sat down, ''Just your luck.'' Ling said with a grin with Envy tugging his hair. ''You're blushing Pipsqueak.'' Envy said simply before leaning back against his chair, ''Shut up.'' The blonde said annoyed sitting up when called to, ''Oh, by the way Edward. Since you were late, you'll be spending your lunch with me for a little detention.'' Roy said simply turning to Edward looking at him with his dark eyes that somehow looked appealing to Edward at that moment. ''Do you understand, Edward.'' Roy asked again with Edward wanting to go off on him since he felt he was being unreasonable with him, but didn't want to cause any more problems than he already had nodding with a bothered expression, ''Yes Sir...'', ''Good now back to cla-!'' Roy said before letting out a few rough coughs that hurt his chest, pausing for a moment putting his hand over his chest leaning forward with a bothered expression before gaining his composure. That was enough to make the class panic worrying Edward since Sheska did say that he was sick wondering why he was even there, if he wasn't feeling well, ''Teacher?..'', ''...Excuse me... I'm fine.'' Roy said quickly despite him looking paler than usual quickly going back to the lesson. ''So for today's lesson, you all need to get into groups of three cause we'll be learning how to give proper CPR to these CPR dummies for this special class activity.'' Roy said seeing half the class get awkward, ''Unless you want to use someone from your group instead? Or me-'', "NO!" Edward said suddenly making the class and Roy look at him. ''Edward, since you seem more excited than most of the class.... Come up here, You'll be the first to demonstrate proper mouth to mouth before we get into groups.'' The raven haired male said with smile that almost seemed like a grin to the blonde who regretted speaking up getting up never feeling Envy's reptilian amethyst eyes on him. ''I think you need a little practice.'' Roy said making a face when Edward couldn't get it right seeing his student's flustered embarrassed blush before standing behind him sending a shiver up the student's spine when he got his hand placed it over the dummy's chest, ''That's where your hand is supposed to go.'' Roy said near his student's ear. That was enough to make Edward's heart race getting flustered but quickly looked down, ''Do you understand now Edward?'' The teacher again near his ear before letting go and backing up letting out a small cough making a face since it hurt his chest, ''Yes...'', ''Good, you never know when you'll need to save someone.''. ''Well do you understand todays lesson?'' Roy asked looking at his class who just looked at one another but reluctantly nodded, ''Now I know what most of you are thinking, no this doesn't have to do anything with kissing, it's a matter of saving someone's life.'' He said again before looking over to his student. ''Thank you for your demonstration Edward, you can go back to your desk. Now get into your groups and I'll give you a dummy to practice with.'' He said with Edward nodding with Winry noticing his flustered conflicted expression as he sat down back at his desk embarrassed when Ling and Envy went over to him, ''Talk about a hands on lesson.'' Ling said only making Edward blush more bothering Envy who just held it in, ''At least you didn't practice on the teacher.''.

Sex For Homework (Minor Edvy to eventual Royed)Where stories live. Discover now