It's On

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''Leaving me alone, old bat? How irresponsible.'' Edward commented making a face when seeing Pinako at the door dressed early that Saturday morning with Winry and Alphonse, seeing the small woman make a face at him, ''You're all having a sleepover tonight, right? Which means I need to do some shopping at the market, so you can all have something to eat.'' Pinako replied back to Edward who stood quiet. ''Be good while we're gone.'', ''You act like I never behave.'' Edward huffed, ''Well, you watch porn for one thing.'' Winry said casually making Edward blush, ''HAH?!'',''And on top of that you get yourself off in your room so...'' Alphonse added in making Edward feel attacked and embarrassed, despite the truth in what they said, ''DON'T MAKE ME FEEL BAD, FOR BEING A HORMONAL MALE!'' Ed said distressed when seeing both Al and Winry laugh. ''DON'T LAUGH AT ME!'', ''Do I deprive you that much, Edward?'' A familiar deep voice said making Edward go pale, when seeing the raven haired male standing at the door making Pinako turn to the half open door, to the casually dressed teacher, ''You're here earlier than usual. Actually...'' The older woman said glancing over to Edward who put his hands to his face embarrassed, but kept her serious expression. ''You're here at a good time I was about to call Izumi, but now that you're here you can watch the boy while we're gone.'' She said looking to Roy who was flustered, but smile his usual smile, ''Of course... I am here to tutor him anyway.'' The raven haired teacher said with Pinako nodding, ''Alright we might be a while, so hope you don't get too bored.'' She said as she closed the door behind her locking it with Roy dropping his smile to a nervous flustered one.

''What am I going to do with you Edward Elric... What am I going to do with you?'' Roy said with a laugh greeting the large dog that ran to him, ''Looks like I came right on time... You two must be hungry, how about some breakfast before I get to tutoring you? I brought some things on my way here.'' The raven haired male said walking off to the kitchen, surprising Edward since Roy usually lectured him about almost everything. ''What's with you today... You're usually on my ass about my hormones.'' Edward said standing at the doorway arms crossed seeing his teacher pause when setting Den's plate down, ''...I was young once too Edward... You act like I don't understand.'' Roy said casually, ''You're still young... Seriously, what's with you today? You're not acting like yourself, is everything okay?'' Edward asked with a concerned expression looking at his quiet teacher. ''...You worry too much Edward... Come on let me make you something to eat, before I bore you with my tutoring.'' Roy said standing back up with his usual smile making Edward pout, ''Roy...'' Edward said his teacher sigh, ''...Are you really happy with this relationship, Edward?'' Roy asked feeling a harsh smack on his head suddenly, grabbing it making a face, ''Ow! That hurt! There was no reason to hit me! It was just a question!'' Roy said with a whine. ''You think I'd go third base with you just because? Let alone cry about having my damn heart broken by you?'' Edward said annoyed surprising Roy when seeing his student blush despite his familiar attitude, ''...I'm doing it again, aren't I?'', ''You are! Jeez I'm a horny high schooler, no need to get self conscious about satisfying me when being by your side is enough for me, you damn moron!'' Edward huffed flustered seeing Roy give a small smile and laugh.

''I'm sorr-?!'' The raven haired teacher started getting caught by surprise when his student pushed him against the cabinet, grabbing his face and kissing him suddenly and deeply, causing him to make a small sound when feeling the warmth of the other's pierced slippery tongue entered his mouth, blushing heavily catching his breath when his student pulled away inches from his lips, catching his own breath. "Where do you think you're touching, Edward Elric?" Roy asked when feeling his students hand go inside his shirt up his chest, seeing the blond look at him making a face when realizing Roy knew what he was up to, ''Not gonna work today huh?'', ''Nope.'' The raven haired teacher answered seeing his student stick his tongue out , ''Fine... What did you bring?'' Edward asked fixing the shirt back in place looking past Roy to the bags. ''I brought some snacks for the moment.'' Roy answered noticing the blond wearing the ring he had given him the day before, ''In that case, bring them to my room and we can eat it there while you tutor me. I'll just grab some drinks after.'' Edward said stretching his hand over to grab a bag getting flustered when feeling his teachers breath near his ear, ''You're getting taller Edward.'' Roy's voice said simply sending a shiver through his body. ''Am I?'' Edward asked despite his flustered expression, feeling Roy put his hands on his waist kissing the top of his head, ''Mhm... Next thing you know, you'll be taller than me.'', ''I doubt it.'' Edward said looking up to his teacher, ''Hey Roy, I have a question. Remember that note that was on your back a long while back?'' He asked seeing Roy make a face at the mention of the derogatory note from before, making Edward regret the question.

"J-Just forget about it!-", ''What about it?" Roy asked letting go of the blonde looking at him as he usually did, "It was a terrible note, but oh... You're probably wondering if I ever found out who put the note on my back... No, I never found out.'' The raven haired teacher answered, ''Not that I care, since many of my students don't like me to begin with, starting from those boys that you fought before at PE when I pulled you away.'' He said simply crossing his arms. ''...Oh... I see...'', ''Look, I'm going to take this these bags to your rooms and start setting up, that way I can start tutoring you and we can finish early so you can have time for your friends later, okay?'' The raven haired teacher said with a smile grabbing the bags and going up the stairs and to Edward's room, ''If it is them, I'll fight them...'' Edward said making a face deciding to grab some drinks but pause when his phone went off. ''Hello?'' He answered not surprised when hearing it was Envy, Ling and Greed, ''You three were implying something weren't you?'' Edward asked putting his hand on his hip hearing the trio laugh, ''Maybe.'', ''Well I hate to break it to you three, but I can control myself.'' He said hearing Envy laugh, ''Oh please, We both know that's a lie.'' The palm haired male said getting flustered when Greed was getting touchy with him on purpose. ''Okay... How about this? We'll make a bet.'' Edward started getting the trio's attention, ''If Roy can get me to drop my guard, that means I lose. But if I don't that means I win.'' He said with Envy getting an idea, ''If you lose, that means you have to wear the girls uniform to school Monday.'' He said simply hearing Edward stay quiet but speak again, ''Whatever, you're on.'' The blond said hearing the trio speak again before they hung up, ''Good luck~''.

An update?


Is it slow at the moment?

Also yes.


Don't worry, Edward will lose and awaken Roy's love of skirts lmaooo.

Sex For Homework (Minor Edvy to eventual Royed)Where stories live. Discover now