Homework Never Ends

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   ''By that bruise on your face, I can tell things didn't go right.'' Al said later that day without looking at the grumpy quiet blonde since he was studying with Edward making a face, ''You're delusional, Al.'', ''Oh? Am I now? You didn't come back and Winry grabbed her stuff and left. Plus I had to take your things with me since I heard from Ms. Sheska that you left school with a swelled cheek.'' Al said glancing over to Edward who just made a face. ''So am I still delusional, Brother?'' Al asked almost rubbing it in his face, ''No...'', ''Well, Care to tell me what happened, I mean I can already guess that you turned her down, but what made Winry snap like that? She's never like that.'' The younger brother said before going back to his studying waiting for his brother to speak up, ''Well?''. ''Yes, I turned her down, she didn't eve give me a chance to talk! She thought I wouldn't give her a chance because she thought I liked someone else!'', ''Well do you?'' Al asked seeing Edward's golden eyes widen and cheeks redden a bit and look down, ''No, You're wrong...'', ''Oh? Than why turn down Winry, You seemed to like her too.'' He said seeing the other make a face. ''It's not that I don't like her... She's pretty, she's smart... She's just amazing in general, it's just that... I just think she could do so much better than me...'', ''...You know she was in love with you right?.'', "I know... I've always known that... I just didn't want to ruin that friendship we had you know?...'', ''But you did, by breaking her heart.'' Al said simply seeing Edward give a guilty expression. ''I know....I know that... And I feel bad... But I don't know how to fix it without her avoiding me...'' The blonde said, ''It's worse since Pinako takes care of us in her house...'', ''Give it time, I'm sure she'll come around.'' Al said going back to studying with Edward looking at Al with a baffled expression when Roy came to his mind, ''...I Thought of him the moment I turned down Win... What's wrong with me?...''. ''Achoo!... Someone must be talking about me...'' Roy thought at his place rubbing his nose before sneezing having a sigh, ''Damn Lust made us get caught in the rain, and that ended up getting me sick.'' Roy mumbled before sneezing again groaning in annoyance deciding to call it a night and sleep since he wanted to go back tomorrow. ''Homework never ends!...'' Edward screamed in frustration since he was halfway done with his work for that day from all his classes heaving a sigh giving up putting a hand to his face forgetting about the bruise on his cheek before reacting pulling his hand away with a wince making a face, ''I'm going to sleep... I can finish the homework when I wake up tomorrow morning...''. ''You should of stayed home till you got better.'' Jean said the next morning when seeing the raven haired male grading papers quietly at his desk seeing him turn to him blankly, ''Mmm? I can't do that, you know me.'' Roy said simply hearing Jean sigh, ''How typical... You get sick and won't stay home AND you take the woman I have an interest for on a date for dinner.''. ''Looks like word goes around quick...'' Roy said sniffling a bit, giving a smirk when he took the notebooks from Havoc that he needed seeing the other grin at him, ''What's it feel like stealing your best friend's love interest?'', ''First off she made me.'' Roy started putting the books on his desk. ''I just went to get an aspirin for my headache, but the only way she would give it to me, was if I took her out for dinner, nothing more happened.'' He explained simply seeing Jean raise a brow at him, ''...I believe you for some reason... But seriously, what do I have to do to get Lust to pay attention to me?''. ''Tell her you like her already... Because I have no interest in her, I can promise you that.'' The raven haired teacher said before sneezing groaning in pain since that hurt his chest looking up when someone held a cup next to his face seeing it was Riza with her usual serious expression, ''...Hawkeye...''. ''It's tea, take it.'' The blonde said fixing her glasses in place when the other took the cup, ''You should be resting, Sheska would have had your class under control.'', ''I know, but I can't stay still, sick or not.'' Roy said before sneezing again making Riza roll her eyes, ''Okay than... But if your migraine worsens while you're teaching, don't say I didn't say so.''. ''It's nice to know you care.'' Roy said sarcastically when the blonde teacher left with Jean just making a face, ''...I know this is off topic but... Edward looked at you with a school girl crush the day he returned your shirt.'' He started hearing Roy sigh, ''Why are you bringing this up Jean?''. ''One. Why did he have your shirt.'', ''I suppose it's none of your concern.'' Roy said simply, ''Plus, I was just helping a student that's all. End of story.'' He added making Jean frown, ''See that's the thing... You two never got along, once... So what sparked this change Roy?'' He asked simply. The moment Roy opened his mouth to answer the bell rang signifying for them to head over to their classrooms before smiling simply, ''I'm going to go and take an Aspirin before I head over to my class... See you later.'' He said leaving Jean making a face when he left tea and books in hand, ''You sure know how to dodge a question don't you Roy?...''.

Sex For Homework (Minor Edvy to eventual Royed)Where stories live. Discover now