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''Dinner was great, as always, thank you.'' The raven haired teacher said sighing in relief after finishing up, ''We haven't even gotten to dessert yet.'' Edward said seeing his teacher turn to him quickly flustered, ''E-Excuse me?!'', ''He means the pie.'' Izumi said with a laugh making Roy get red in the face embarrassed he had thought otherwise. ''R-Right, I knew that...'' Roy said quickly with an embarrassed flustered smile glancing back to Edward who was red in the face, putting his hand to his face sighing, ''Clearly, you're stressed out from teaching a bunch of unstable hormonal teenagers about health and sex education, and that's understandable, you have your needs too.'' Edward replied in a witty tone. ''You happen to be one of those unstable hormonal students, Edward.'' Roy shot back immediately making Edward react blushing heavily, glancing to the raven haired male who smiled at him with a teasing smirk, ''EXCUSE ME?!", ''There they go again.'', ''Again?'' Izumi asked casually to Winry and Al, while Edward and Roy were exchanging insults. ''Mhm, they're always like that in school.'' Winry said, ''You forgot to add that Brother is always trying to molest Mustang during school hours, any chance he has.'' Al added, ''Oh?'' The adoptive mother said making a face when neither Roy or Edward backed down from their bickering, as they got in each other's faces. ''Maybe they BOTH need to release some sexual frustrations.'' She said without glancing over to them, making both Edward and Roy turn to them, ''He's the one that's frustrated, not me!'' Both said in unison as they pointed to each other, ''They both need to let it go, know what I mean?~'' Izumi said smiling at both Winry and Al who just laugh nervously. ''...I think I pass on dessert...'' Roy said changing the topic laughing nervously, ''Ms. Rockbell and Winry make really great pies-'', ''They didn't make it... I did...'' Edward's voice cut in quietly surprising Roy with Izumi sighing, ''He knows you don't like sweets, but he still wanted to make it. Said the recipe was from Gracia and Elicia.'' She said looking over to the teacher casually. "I...'' Roy started surprised till Edward cut him off, ''It's okay, if you don't want any... I understand...'' The blonde said quietly with a hurt smile, ''It's just pie-'', ''Stop... Never again.'' Roy quickly cut off with an apologetic expression, ''I don't want to see you hurt over me... Ever again...'' He said putting his hand over his student's with Edward staying quiet feeling bad. ''I-'', ''You know Hughes would of wanted a piece, since he was a fan of Gracia's apple pies, I can eat a piece for him.'' Roy said with his usual carefree smile and laugh as he got up, ''I can cut it, since you're the one that went through the trouble of making it.'' Roy offered with another laugh, with Edward making a face looking over to Izumi who looked at him the same way. ''Roy... Where are you going?... I did something wrong again didn't I?...'' Edward called out when the raven haired teacher had gotten up without a word suddenly after eating most of the pie heading to exit the kitchen, making Roy stop in his steps feeling everyone's eyes on him, realizing what he was doing, heaving a sigh speaking to himself, ''Not again...''. ''...I'm doing it again, aren't I?... Running away from my problems...'' Roy started with a forced laugh, ''That got me nowhere the last time I did that...'' He said quietly but spoke up with a more apologetic tone, ''If anything, I hurt you when I pulled this childish stunt... Forgive me Edward... Everyone...'' Roy started making the group stay quiet. ''...Edward... Your pie really hit home with Hughes... It just kind of brought back all these memories with him, and... It just makes me wish he was still here... That's all...'' The raven haired male explained with his back still turned to them, to hide his pained expression, hanging his head putting his hand on his shoulder making Edward realize he needed support. ''I sound so depressing and childish, don't I?... Making me wish for an old friend back-?!'' Roy started jumping up when feeling a few embraces around his waist from his three students suddenly, ''I-I...'', ''I think what they're trying to tell you, is that you have them... That you have us.'' Izumi said standing up and walking over to Roy who glanced down to his students silently. ''We're family... You will always have us.'' She said with a familiar smile he had given her when she first opened up to him, ''I know it's hard, but that's why you have us, so you can lean on us when you feel down. It's about time you let me be here for you, Roy.'' Izumi said with a smile tapping Roy's shoulder before putting her arms around him, hugging the surprised teacher. ''Thanks for dinner again, it was great.'' Izumi said to Pinako giving her attention to Roy, who was being pestered by Edward, Winry and Al childishly, making her laugh and smile to her husband who just sighed, ''Do those friends of theirs do the same to him too?'' He asked, ''Yeah, they like him a lot, it's surprising.'' Pinako said sighing at the scene a few feet away from them. ''Well give them my goodbyes, will you?'' Izumi said looking to Sig as they left, ''I can't stay really, I have work I still need to correct.'' Roy said with a sigh, when his students wouldn't let him go, ''Please!'', ''No, tomorrow for sure.'' He said with a serious tone despite traces of his small breakdown when they had comforted him earlier. ''...But Envy and everyone else is coming over to sleep over...'' They all said making a face, ''Well, I can just tutor Edward tomorrow and call it a day, and let you all have your fun.'' Roy said casually with Pinako smiling  bit, ''Why don't you just stay over tomorrow and keep them company?'' She asked making Roy look over to her, ''Ms. Rockbell... I'm their teacher...''. ''So? They usually end up talking the whole night... So,why not join them? You forget they like you.'' Pinako said casually making Roy sigh, ''FINE. But you're not getting out of your tutoring mister.'' Roy said poking Edward's nose, seeing him stick his tongue out at him in defiance, ''I wouldn't expect any less from you, TEACHER.'' Edward replied back in his usual witty tone. ''But seriously, about earlier...'' Edward started about to go on about earlier stopping when his raven haired boyfriend stopped him, grabbing his face with a soft smile, ''You have a really great family Edward, I'm grateful... And you two... Thank you.'' Roy said looking over to Al and Winry who smiled, ''Ms. Rockbell, thank you.'' Roy said simply with Pinako raising a brow at Roy but nod, ''You're always welcome in this family, remember that.'' She said simply.

Sex For Homework (Minor Edvy to eventual Royed)Where stories live. Discover now