What's My Age Again

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"If you want it, come and get it."

   ''Okay, Winry. Hit it or pass.'' Envy started the next day in class that morning since Roy made it a free period since he was grading papers, ''Pass.'' Edward said before listening to the music Envy had on his phone, looking through the comic Ling was showing him smiling before dropping it when Ling spoke up, ''So you prefer men?'' He asked seeing Edward roll his eyes back heaving a sigh. ''I just rejected Win...'' Edward thought with an annoyed twitch in his eye at the question, ''Fuck no.'' He said heaving a sigh fixing himself on the windowsill with Ling and Envy sitting next to him on the desks, ''But I've seen the way you look at Mustang...'' Ling said before Edward quickly changed the topic, ''Envy you listen to some weird shit.'' Edward said referring to Envy's music taste. ''Righhtt, and YOUR music taste is so much better.'' Envy said back stinging Edward a bit making Ling laugh, ''Die Antwoord is such great music.'' Envy added with Edward getting defensive, ''They're creative alright-'', ''To be fair, you been listening to them a lot more lately recently... Especially that banana song.'', ''Banana Brain...'' Edward corrected making a face, ''Well that... So you really have no right to judge his taste in music.'' Ling said leaving Edward quiet. ''Right, my turn.'' Ling said changing the topic since they were asking the blonde questions, ''Mustang, hit it, or pass.'' Ling said seeing Edward's face get flustered quickly, ''He's my teacher and a man! Pass!'' He said almost in a whisper when seeing Roy glance up to him when he heard his name, ''Do you need something Edward?'', ''N-No!'' Edward said quickly sighing in relief. ''That sure didn't sound like a pass.'' Ling said with Envy making a face before putting his hand over the blonde who looked up at him with a 'why' expression, ''You know it's okay to like guys, Pipsqueak~'', ''I'm not you.'' Edward shot back, ''Technically he's Bi.'' Ling corrected, ''Though he may not act like it sometimes.'', ''Fuck off Prince.'' Envy hissed, ''I was just saying.'' Ling said smiling at Edward. ''Change of topic, How's the grade for this class?'' He asked seeing the blonde get nervous, ''I... I'm pretty sure I'm passing.'' Edward said pulling out his phone jumping up when it went off to Die Antwoord's Daddy quickly trying to turn it off flustered, but made a sound in disappointment when it was pulled away from him looking up to see Roy smiling at him, ''I know I said free period but that was no reason to pull your phone out.'' The raven haired teacher said. ''Same goes for you Envy.'' Roy quickly said holding his hand out towards the amethyst eyed student who just scowled before pulling the ear pieces from his and Edward's ear, handing his phone to Roy who just smiled at him, ''Thank you.'' He said putting them away in his coat pocket looking over to Ling, ''You too.''. ''Here you go Musty!~'' Ling said in his usual witty never taking Roy serious once tone making Roy sigh, ''You three can pick up your things after class.'' He said walking away but paused, ''Right, if I call your name come up to my desk for your grade.'' He said calling everyone up one by one, ''Man I hate him!'' Envy said making a face with Edward sighing with flustered cheeks, ''I like him, it's easy to not take him serious.'' Ling said looking over to Edward who was quiet surprising him. ''Normally you have something witty to say about Musty, Are you getting a school girl crush on him?~'' Ling teased seeing Envy get jealous grinning at him, ''No!'' Edward said blushing at the teasing, ''I swore Mustang had a nice scent coming from him, when he was in front of me...'' He thought looking over to Ling and than to Envy. ''Please, all he's good for is bitching.'' Edward huffed when both friends stood up when their name was called confused when he wasn't called, ''?... You didn't call me up!'' Edward said raising his hand up seeing Roy look at him with a serious expression, ''Thank you for your observation Edward.'' Roy said in a witty but professional tone. ''Now if I didn't call your name, that means you need to work on your grade on this class which means... Tutoring from me, Personal tutoring.'' He said smiling again, sending a cold chill down Edward's spine, ''I'm the only one you didn't call you horrible excuse of a teacher!'' Edward screamed with Winry looking over to him than to her teacher seeing how he was looking at the blonde, ''I see now...''. ''That's another lunch detention for you Edward.'', ''WHY I OUGHTTA.'' Edward said with Ling quickly holding him back, ''I hate this fucking class!'' The blonde continued with Winry making a face at his tantrum, ''Edward likes him... I can tell by the look in his eyes when Ling and Envy bring him up.'' Winry thought before going back to studying, ''Thank goodness it's Friday.''. ''You know the only way to get your grade up is by sleeping with the teacher.'' Envy said at the last few minutes of class to the grumpy blonde, ''You watch too much porn, Envy.'' Edward said, ''Right, maybe a little sex will help you get that grade up. You know sex for homework.'' Ling said only getting Edward grumpier despite his flustered face, ''Fuck you both...'' He said with the bell ringing getting up following after Envy and Ling who stood in front of Roy's desk. ''Maybe you should read actual literature sometime Ling... Here you go.'' Roy said handing him the comic than holding out the pink phone towards envy with a smile, ''A pink phone? It really matches that personality of yours, Envy.'' He said with Envy scowling and taking the phone from him biting his tongue back with Roy turning to Edward who was grumpy as usual. ''Didn't take you as the daddy kink type.'' The raven haired teacher said seeing his student make a face ''Bite me.'' The blonde said in a rude tone getting his phone and leaving amusing the raven haired teacher who just smiled to himself, ''Looks like I'll have to deal with that bad attitude once I start tutoring him tomorrow at his place.'' Roy mumbled to himself getting ready for his second class. ''Can this day get any worse!'' Edward screamed In frustration once the bell for lunch rang dismissing them, ''Yes it can.'' Greed said simply, ''You're not fucking helping me Greed!'', ''All I'm saying is watch out for Envy, that's all.'' He said walking off with Al and everyone else making Edward frown more heading, but quickly drop it to a sigh dropping on his knees hanging his head, ''My heart can't take this shit...''. ''I'm here. Again...'' Edward said in a monotone voice once he walked in Roy's class about to walk to his desk but stopped in his steps when hearing his name called rolling his eyes before turning to the raven haired male with an attitude seeing Roy look at him with a serious expression holding up his phone, ''!...My phone!'' He said searching his pockets realizing it wasn't in his pocket. ''How...'', ''It fell out of your pocket when you walked out my class bitching.'' Roy said simply pulling it away when the blonde reached for it, ''If you want it, come and get it.'' He said with a smile seeing his student jump up and fail, ''A little too short?'' Roy said angering Edward who jumped up high enough to get the phone but lost his balance and dropped his teacher on his chair falling on him. That made the blonde's heart race when his face was near his teacher's realizing he did smell nice quickly feeling awkward with Roy speaking at that moment, ''You're eighteen correct?'', ''Y-Yeah... But what does that have to do with this situation?...'' Edward said flustered and shy suddenly, ''You need to graduate, that's why I was asking.'' He said leaning forword a bit making Edward back up a bit surprised, ''W-What?...''. ''Your eyes are really golden... I just realized that. I like them.'' Roy said making Edward blush visibly not helping his heart quickly getting off his teacher, ''Thanks for holding on to my phone. Again.'' He huffed looking at his teacher who just crossed his leg shutting his eyes a moment, ''You're probably the worst student in all my classes.'' He said bothering Edward. ''You-'', ''That's why I'm going to tutor you.'' the raven haired teacher said pulling out a folder from his desk, ''Even a little rebel like you needs to graduate with his friends.'' He said leaving Edward quiet for the moment, ''...Do you remember the day I fell on you?'' Edward asked suddenly making his teacher raise a brow at the sudden question, ''You mean besides just now or in the hallway or a while back?'' He asked playing dumb since he know what he was talking about. ''I mean the first time!'', ''Oh, you mean the day you broke my glasses? Of course. Why do you ask?'' Roy asked, ''I was just asking...'' The blonde said looking down before hearing his teacher speak again, ''Edward, look at me when I'm talking to you.'' Making the blonde look up feeling his heart race more than it already was when his teacher's dark eyes met his. ''Where's Winry?'' Lan Fan and May Chang asked Al who just looked up, ''She went looking for the Midget, since he's in Musty's room for detention again.'' Greed cut in casually leaning back against the wall, ''What he said.'' Ling said with Al nodding, ''Yeah, sorry you just missed her.''. "You've been acting strange around me lately.'' Roy said standing up and standing in front of his student with his hands in his pockets seeing Edward make a face and look away flustered making a face, ''But this isn't what this is about. Who takes care of you and your brother, since you two don't have parents.'' Roy asked seeing the blonde go quiet, ''Edward, answer me.''. ''He and Al live with me and my Grandma.'' A voice cut in making both males turn to see Winry peeking in the door with a smile surprising Edward since Winry was ignoring him coldly lately till now, ''He used to live with Izumi and her Husband, but my Grandma asked to take care of them since they don't really have parents.'' The blonde said with Roy looking at Edward surprised before turning to Winry, ''Thank you, you're always great help.''.

Sex For Homework (Minor Edvy to eventual Royed)Where stories live. Discover now