Excuse Me Mr.

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''So I'll be passing your tests out from the other day.'' Roy said later that week passing the papers out passing by Edward, glancing him a stare for a small moment putting the paper on his desk and walking off confusing the student who looked down to his paper, quickly grabbing his paper with an confused angered expression, ''Are you kidding me?!'', ''What grade did you get?'' Both Ling and Envy asked casually. ''Mustang!'' Edward said in a familiar annoyed tone making Roy sigh, and Envy and Ling peek at the paper to see the blonde had gotten a sixty nine percent circled around with a 'See me after class' next to it making Envy and Ling look at one another with a grin, ''Well, well... Mustang isn't even trying to be subtle anymore~'', ''Yes, Edward? Do you have a question about your grade?'' Roy asked with a serious expression to his angered student. ''You gave me that grade on purpose!'' Edward said making Winry sigh, ''Look if you have a problem with your grade, you can see me after class about it Edward Elric.'' Roy said casually walking back up to the front of the class, ''So we'll be going on with the lesson for today.'' He continued with Sheska walking in with a tower of paperwork, making Roy pause with a concerned expression, ''Ms. Sheska...''. ''I brought the paperwork for today like you asked me to- Ah!'' Sheska said before falling face first on the classroom floor, with the papers flying around ever making the raven haired teacher cringe but quickly go over to help his student teacher up, ''I'm so sorry...'' Sheska started embarrassed, ''No, no... It's fine. I'll clean this up right now-'', ''Let us help you for once Teacher.'' Winry said getting up to get the papers, with the rest of the class helping out. ''...Honestly, my head is hurting... Fucking migraine...'' Roy mumbled heaving a sigh making a face when the bell rang to dismiss his students, putting his hand to his head till hearing a familiar student clear their throat, ''Ah Edward, you're a ray of sunshine as always.'' Roy said looking up casually to hide his migraine pain, ''Whatever, so what's with my grade?'' Edward asked sitting on his teachers desk. ''Obviously you didn't take my tutoring well, so you got the grade you deserved.''Roy said stinging Edward a bit since it was true, ''Look... It's my fault for stressing you out from the incident at the party.... Just come in during lunch to retake the test, and I'll put that grade in, instead of this one, okay?'' The raven haired teacher said taking his glasses, pinching the bridge of his nose making a face hinting Edward his teacher/boyfriend had a migraine. ''I know you're trying to play teacher right now but... I know you have a migraine.'' Edward said seeing his teacher get defensive, ''Not one bit.'' Roy quickly said with his student grabbing his face surprising the small mousy teacher aid when she walked in with textbooks, ''Look, quit trying to act like a goddamn teacher for once, and let me know when something is wrong like normal couples do!... That's all I ask of you Roy...''Edward said making a face. The familiar expression made Roy drop his teacher demeanor to a soft expression, ''But right now I'm your teacher, so I have to act like an adult...'' Roy said hearing a sigh from the mousy female, ''Not all the time you don't...'' Making both males turn to see the mousy brunette looking at them making a face, ''You may be a teacher, but that doesn't mean you cant act like a boyfriend either, you know what I mean Roy?'' She said before smiling softly, ''Sheska...''. ''Look, go grab some medicine from Lust and I can take over for a bit, that way you can be fine by lunch time.'' Sheska said shooing off Roy when the next class started walking in making Edward let go and get off the desk quickly, ''I'm going to go, before I'm late for Havoc's class.'' Edward said about to walk off but pause when Roy grabbed his wrist, ''...Can you grab some medicine with Lust... I'll give you a late pass, deal?'' Roy asked seeing Edward smile and nod running off happily , ''Deal~'' Surprising Sheska who just laughed, ''That works too.''. ''Ninety- Five percent... I can definitely put this grade in, instead of the other one.'' Roy said putting the paper in the pile of tests from the day, ''So you didn't give me that grade on purpose?...'' Edward asked seeing his teacher pause making a face, looking at him with a raised questionable expression, ''Yes, I really want to Sixty-Nine my own student during lunch time.'' The raven haired teacher said in a sarcastic tone. ''This is what I get for dating one of my most hormonal students...''Roy said with a sigh taking off his glasses, placing them on his desk and rubbing his eyes tiredly, ''Honestly Edward...'' Making Edward blush at what his teacher said, seeing Roy was still stressed giving a familiar annoyed expression as he put his glasses back on, "Edward, do me a favor and turn off those lights, yeah?" Roy asked massaging the bridge of his nose leaning back on his chair. Roy sighed shutting his eyes when hearing his student get up and go over to turn off the lights, making the room dark and cool, "That's so much better... Thank you-?!" The raven haired male said stopping when feeling his student come onto him, sitting on his lap facing him feeling his face tint up when feeling Edward run his hands up his chest, "Edward Elric!-'' Roy started only to be cut off the small students lips on his, kissing him softly but passionately. Edward couldn't help but pushed his pierced tongue into the kiss, hearing his teacher make a surprised sound in the kiss, feeling his hands on his hips pulling from the kiss with a flustered smile to his flustered teacher, ''The last time you were like this, was the first time I sucked your dick... And we both know you enjoyed that~'' The small student said with a teasing smile seeing Roy blush more at his small student's taunt. ''So I'm giving you two options, teacher... I can either A give a nice massage, or B relieve some of that stress of yours... So, what will it be?~'' Edward asked licking his lips putting his hand on Roy's lap hinting the second option was a sexual favor, seeing the raven haired male's dark eyes meet his with a familiar gleam and smile, ''B... I'm sure A can take a raincheck?'' Roy said seeing Edward lean towards him with a satisfied smile, taking his glasses off, ''Good choice~''. The raven haired male panted softly as the small blonde was servicing him under his desk, not even trying to cover to small marks his student has left on neck and partially exposed chest, putting his hands on his desk when Edward picked up the pace teasingly, ''Fuck... You got better at this...'' Roy panted feeling his limit, grabbing the small blonde's head pushing his head down, surprising Edward moaning in surprise when he suddenly came more that usual, but swallowed every drop of the warm fluid pulling away with a flustered cough. His cough was cut short when he felt tap his head gently, looking up to see his teacher looking down at him with a smile, ''It's not fair, I get all the attention... Come here, and let me give you some attention for once, yeah?'' Roy said gently seeing Edward grin happily with a flustered blush without a word, coming on to his lap again putting his arms around his neck with a spoiled satisfied smile sticking his pierced tongue out playfully, ''How about just accepting my favor?'' Edward said seeing Roy scrunch his face at the simple request. ''Mmm... No, too simple of a request... How about an I love you?'' The raven haired teacher asked with a smile, seeing his student smile and kiss his cheek, ''That works too.'' The student said but paused looking at Roy with a serious expression making Roy nervous, ''Roy.'', ''Y-Yes?'', ''You should of been a P.E teacher, you looked good. But I would annoyed if the anyone else looked at you, so just stay a boring health teacher.'' The blonde said but paused, ''Actually... On second thought... You look good without trying...'' Edward said making a face making Roy laugh. ''Have you heard of what half these girls, say about you Edward? I could say the same exact thing about you.'' The raven haired male said feeling his student lean on him, and stare at him quietly, ''Something on your mind, Edward?'' Roy asked curiously playing with his student's hair antenna, ''Nope, just appreciating you.'' Edward answered simply said with a flustered smile nuzzling against his teacher's neck nipping at it again playfully, making the raven haired teacher react with a playful laugh smiling, ''I should be the one appreciating you Edward Elric.''.

Sex For Homework (Minor Edvy to eventual Royed)Where stories live. Discover now