Someone Must Get Hurt

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"It might sound cold,
But I know it's right...
Someone must get hurt,
And it won't be me...''

   ''Edward I-'' Envy recalled when he was about to give an answer but was interrupted by the bell indicating Lunch was over, ''So what are you going to do?'' A voice snapped Envy out of his thoughts looking over to see Lust sitting at her small desk with her leg over the over, ''A sudden confession and Roy's last day... What are you planning to do?'' Lust asked with a concerned expression. ''I don't know...'', ''You're avoiding Edward... That's why you're hiding out with me during PE.'' The busty school nurse pointed out seeing her sibling make a face, ''I know I am... No need to point it out Sis...'', ''Well you can't exactly reject him... So... But... You can't exactly give him a chance either, since you're technically a rebound option...'', ''Thanks for cheering me up!'' Envy snapped. ''I'm sorry.... But Envy... Maybe give this a chance?'', ''I can't do it! I can't fucking do it! Okay! Fuck!... This Is all too fucking sudden for me!...'' The usually palm cold palm haired male screamed with a pained expression in his amethyst eyes, with Lust knowing well Envy was fighting his feelings, ''Envy...''. ''I don't have Edward's heart... That useless no good teacher has his heart, but he's too much of a pride filled egotistical moron to even be fucking honest when he feels the same exact way for Edward... And he thinks quitting today is going to fix things?... He must be even dumber than I thought...'' Envy said pained. ''If I have to fix things myself to make sure those two end up together, than I'm more than willing to put my feelings aside for him, so Edward can be happy with the person he wants to be with... I want to be selfish and say yes, but I also want to fix those two morons together even if it costs me my one chance...''. The busty school nurse made a face hurt at seeing her sibling so conflicted and pained, ''Envy...'', ''I just want Edward to be happy... So even if it's putting my feelings for him aside and moving on than I'll do just that...'' Envy said putting a hand to his pained face with Lust pulling her conflicted sibling into her arms hugging him tightly, feeling the usually serious face male's shoulders tremble as he buried his face into her chest pained. ''Putting your own happiness aside for someone else's?...'' Lust said quietly feeling a tight grip on her uniform sleeve, ''That just isn't like you... You must really love Edward that much...'' She said humming a small tune putting her hands on the trembling siblings back, ''Your true colors... True colors... Are beautiful like a rainbow...'' She sung softly kissing the top of Envy's head gently.

''Envy was alright when we got to PE, but he left suddenly.'' Ling commented, ''Probably went with that Sis of his to avoid exercising.'' Greed cut in, ''You'd think for someone as fit as him, he would like exercising.'' He said with the group looking at one another in silence. ''It's my fault...'' Edward thought looking away with a guilty expression, ''Though he didn't say anything, he just smiled at me and acted like how he always does with me... So maybe he just needs time...'' The blonde snapping out of it when the bell rang to dismiss them to their lockers. ''So that's it than?'' Sheska said pained when Roy was heading towards the door making the raven haired teacher stop in his steps, ''...'', ''You're just going to throw this all away, just because you can't be honest with yourself? That's real smooth.'' The mousy brunette said with a bothered look in her green eyes. ''It's all for the best Sheska.'' Roy said simply despite the pain in his dark eyes leaving the brunette in the class alone, ''Sure is...'' Sheska mumbled crossing her arms heaving a sigh, ''You didn't even think about Edward's feelings about this...'' She said wondering how the small student would feel once he found out. ''Envy, you're alright.'' Edward said once seeing the amethyst eyed male walk towards him and the group, ''Of course I'm alright...'', ''Envy... About earlier...'', ''About that...'' Envy started flustered putting a finger to his face, ''I can go over later and give you an answer... How about that?'' Envy asked with a smile. Edward looked at the palm haired male quietly before nodding, ''...Yeah... Of course.'' He replied with a smile before seeing Envy look around, ''I have to go... Lusty wanted to go home together today.'' Envy lied seeing Ling look over to Greed unconvinced, before he turned right around and left back to the school. ''Envy.... Is acting strange...'' Al and Winry said, ''I forgot my book. I'll catch up with you guys later alright?'' Greed said walking off throwing off Edward till Al patted his shoulder, ''Let's just go, Pinako is having Izumi and Sig over for dinner later.'' He said to Edward who raised a brow at that, ''Great...''.

Roy who was at Bradley's door to give his answer reaching for the knob but paused when hearing someone speak, ''So that's it than?'' The voice said making Roy turn to see Envy leaned against the window arms crossed opening his eyes and look at him with his intense Amethyst eyes, ''...''. ''This is your silent goodbye, Mr. Military man? You're just going to leave without a word to Edward, and go back to the military? That's really manly.'' The palm haired student started bringing a bothered look to Roy's face, ''I don't see how this is any of your concern.'' Roy shot back seeing his student roll his eyes. Envy never realized that Greed had followed him peeking from around the corner of the hallway surprised at what he heard and saw, ''But it is my concern.'' Envy said going over to Roy, ''You see, you and Edward got left on very bad terms, and this isn't going to fix anything. And you know this damn well.''. ''....'', ''So tell me Roy, How do you think Edward would feel right now if he knew what you were about to do hmm?'' Envy questioned seeing Roy look away making a face, ''Right, you don't care because he's just your 'Student' right?'' He asked getting serious, ''...So that's why you turned him down before he had the chance to say anything.''. ''I guess I'll just say this than.'' Envy started, ''Edward asked me out today.'' He said seeing Roy's dark eyes show anger and hurt, ''But I didn't give him an answer... Why?... Well... Because we both know how he fucking feels for you. He loves you, not me.'' Envy said with Greed realizing what Envy was doing. ''You have his heart, I don't. I never did.'' The palm haired student said pained, ''He's cried tears for you... He's missed school because you hurt him... And what do you do? You plan to take off and hurt him even more? Don't you think about the things you do?... Do you?'' Envy questioned. Roy was baffled as to why suddenly the student who hated him, was trying to stop him, ''Why are you trying to stop me Envy? I though you hated me.'', ''You're right... I do hate you. But I can't see things keep going like this... Plus, I wouldn't forgive myself if I did take my chance, seeing how much Edward likes you.'' Envy confessed.

''You love Edward right Musty?'' Envy asked in a serious looking up at his teacher, ''I...'', ''Yes or no.'', ''...I do. But so do you...'', ''True but... Let's be honest... I'm just a rebound option, and I hate being picked second.'' Envy said making a face shoving his hands in his pockets, ''Envy... I don't understand...''. ''Are you saying you're willing to put your feelings and only chance just to fix us?...'', ''Correct.'', ''Why?...'', ''Tch... You ask too many questions... Listen, Edward would never be happy with me, He's happier with you and I seen it the day he was all over you when you were a drunken mess.'' Envy said with a small smile. ''Sure you're an old man, and a fucking egotistical moron with a shit ton of pride, too much if you tell me, but... I think you know what you need to do right?'' The amethyst eyed student said smiling more, ''Besides... I really want to see that love struck moron happy with the person he loves... And that person is you.''. The raven haired teacher stood in silence for a long moment, ''He doesn't want nothing to do with me, how do you expect me to fix things?'', ''You're a lot dumber than I thought...'' Envy said frowning, ''I told him I would go over later, and give him an answer so... That's where you come in.'' He said casually. ''Take my place and talk to him yourself, fix things with him. Please... I hate seeing Edward like this.'' Envy said seeing his teacher's dark eyes widen in surprise, ''I have a heart so... I'll put my feelings aside for him for good, if you promise to fix things with him. I will put my feelings aside for good and will move on, just so Edward can truly be happy.'' Envy finished with a grin. The palm haired male turned away and started walking away but stopped turning back when Roy called to him, ''Envy.'', ''Hmm?'', ''Thank you. I know it must be hard on you so I'll take this chance to finally be honest.'' Roy said hearing Envy laugh, ''Finally... Hmm, I still hate you but... It's not a problem... I'm not the emotional type anyways, Later.'' Envy said walking off but paused again. ''Right....Before I forget... His 'Parents' are going over for dinner tonight so... Might want to talk to them and old lady first before you talk to the Pipsqueak.'' Envy warned before walking off leaving Roy in silence till another voice made him jump turning to see Lust looking at him with a tinted pained smile and crossed arms, ''That's my little brother for you, cold but he has the biggest heart...''.

The amethyst male dropped his cool expression feeling his chest ache giving a pained hurt expression at the choice he made, feeling tears build up in his amethyst eyes stopping once he turned the hallway putting his hands over his face taking a deep breath to keep himself from breaking down. ''You promised yourself, you wouldn't have another breakdown... Get it together...'' He said to himself with his voice shaking, ''I'm not weak...'', ''If you're not weak, than why are you crying?'' Greed's voice cut in making Envy jump up and walk off till his wrist was grabbed, ''...Let go of me.'', ''No... I won't do that.''. ''I said let go of me, Greed!-'' Envy screamed pained fighting it when the other suddenly pulled him into a tight hug, ''Please, don't touch me...'' Envy said trying to keep himself from breaking, but failed when he broke down beyond pained, ''I had a chance but I wanted to see Edward happy!...'' The amethyst eyed male sobbed with Greed putting his hand on his back and head soothingly. ''I misjudged you...'' Greed said quietly hugging Envy tightly, ''I have nothing left Greed!... Nothing!'', ''Don't say that... You still have me.'' The twin said hurt at seeing Envy so broken, ''You'd be surprised to know, that I'm here to comfort you since you really deserve it...'', ''Why won't you leave me alone...'', ''Because I like you.''. Bradley who was waiting for Roy to come in looked up when the door opened seeing the Health teacher walk in, ''Ah, Mustang... So have you decided?'' He asked casually, ''Yes.'', ''So back to the military is it than-'', ''Actually no...'' Roy said making the eye patched principal open his eye in surprise, ''No?''. ''I decided I'm not going to quit... I decided I'm going to stay.'' The raven haired teacher said with a new boost of confidence in his tone, ''Well.... I guess that changes that.'' Bradley said putting the paperwork away, ''What prompted this change, if I may ask?'' He said seeing the other smile. ''A student.... That student made me realize I really love teaching, and that it's okay to be honest.'' Roy said happily, ''I can't fail my students... and I'll never them fail again so... I'm going to shape up and become a better person and teacher.'' He finished surprising Bradley who was quiet but smiled suddenly, ''I see... Glad to hear that, we'll see you tomorrow.'', ''Yes Sir.''.


Sex For Homework (Minor Edvy to eventual Royed)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat