Teenage Crush

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   ''You're really okay with this Lust?'' Jean asked when Lust had her arm around his looking down to see the amethyst eyed female looking at him with a smile, ''Of course Jean.'' Lust said glancing over to see he was holding some flowers behind him, ''A-Ah, these are for you!'' Jean said nervously handing a small simple flower bouquet towards the surprised female who just laughed with a soft attractive laugh and smile, ''Thank you, They're beautiful Jean.'' She said as she took them. ''Hey Lust....I know you liked Roy so...'', ''That was before. Plus I think he deserves better than me.'' She said reassuringly, ''But... He's been down since after classes.'' Jean said a bit confused, ''Plus I've never seen him take an interest in anyone, not even Hawkeye.'', ''That's where you're wrong... I tested Roy today...'' She added getting Jean's attention. ''Lust you...'', ''Don't worry I made a move on him, though he hesitated, he didn't take much of an interest in me.'', ''So... He's interested in someone?'' Havoc asked seeing Lust nod, ''You would be surprised who!~'', ''Um...'', ''Jean, Look over there, and you'll see for yourself.'' Lust cut off making a gesture with her amethyst eyes pointing to Roy who was walking Riza's dog at that moment. ''Roy?... What about Roy?'', ''Just wait Jean.'' Lust said pulling Havoc into a small café, ''Edward, Don't forget the milk, you forgot it last time on purpose.'', ''Alright, alright jeez... Can't even send Winry or Al...'', "They're studying.'' Pinako said sending Edward out the door who just made a face holding a list in his hand. ''Bossy old hag...'' The blonde mumbled putting his ear pieces on dressed in pants, boots, and a plain red coat over a black tank top, with his golden blonde hair down walking off to the market, ''Honestly... My heart hurts...'', ''Maybe Musty prefers women.'' Edward recalled what Greed told him after school making a face snapping out of it when a car honked at him hearing the driver swear at him and drive off. ''...This isn't like me to sulk... But he did seem more comfortable with Lust... They must of kissed...'' He thought when remembering both pulled away flustered getting even more bothered making the turn before stopping in his steps when seeing a familiar figure walking a dog. ''Mustang is walking... A dog?...'' Edward thought surprised with Lust speaking up the moment she sensed him, ''Jean, see someone familiar?'' Lust asked in her usual sensual tone making Jean turn and see Edward, ''The kid?... What about him?'', ''Just keep looking and you'll see what I mean.'' Lust said as she sipped at her cola, ''Lust...'', ''Just do it.''. The sight made Edward go quiet for a moment, but felt his heart skip a beat when his teacher struggled with Hayate who barked running around him making Roy go in circles to catch him, ''Hayate sit! Hayate stop! Hayate please!'' Roy pleaded with the over active dog Riza asked him to walk never realizing the dog had tangled him immediately dropping him on the floor. ''Hayate?- Wah!'' The raven haired teacher said but screamed when he was dropped on his ass on the floor making a face in pain feeling Hayate lick his face, ''Ow that hurt... You'll listen to Riza but not to me?...'' Roy sighed with Edward cracking a smile and a small laugh when seeing the commotion surprising Havoc who just looked over to Lust who just smiled at him, ''Get it now?''. ''But that's his own teacher...'', "Keep watching. And tell me what do you see?'' Lust said simply, "I guess this is why Riza loves you.'' Roy said before smiling with a laugh that made Edward's heart melt before sighing and walking over in front of his teacher holding a hand out, ''You look pathetic on the floor teacher.''. ''Hmm?'' Making Roy look up at the familiar voice to see his student with his usual serious expression holding a hand out towards him, ''Edward...'', ''Do you want my damn help or not? I don't have all night.'' The blonde said with his usual attitude not surprising Roy, but took his hand anyway after Hayate got off him and jumped up towards the blonde. ''Why are you out this late in the first place Edward?'' Roy asked seriously, ''What I can't go to the market anymore either?'' Edward huffed despite the fluster on his cheeks surprised when hearing his teacher laugh with a smile, ''Well go do that, I have to walk this dog, Isn't that right Hayate?'' Roy said holding the leash up looking down at the curious dog. ''...So he isn't yours?'', ''Nah, It's Hawkeyes.'' Roy explained, ''Riza adopted him, a few years back... He's a great dog... But he's a handful. Kind of like you.'' He said with a playful smile making Edward blush and make a face, ''Why you lousy no good teacher!-'' The blonde said getting cut off when he was suddenly pulled against his teacher surprising the both of them realizing Hayate had wrapped the leash around them and pulled them close Making both Roy and Edward blush. Both males felt awkward when their faces were inches from one another feeling their lips brush together, ''I-I... Hayate!'' Roy quickly said turning away struggling to get Hayate who was barking happily running around making it harder for Edward and Roy to untangle themselves finally managing to after a minute. "You should go.'' Roy said avoiding eye contact with his student who put his hand over his mouth blushing heavily, ''Mustang...'', ''Hmm?'' Making Roy turn to his student holding Hayate in his arms his dark eyes widening in surprise, realizing his student had grabbed his face kissed him quickly pulling away and backing up confused and flustered, ''E-Edward?...''. ''I know you probably prefer Lust... But that's an apology for the other day. We don't have to do anything anymore... We can just keep it as student and teacher, that's fine by me... So as long as you accept my apology I'll be ok...'' Edward said with a smile that somehow made Roy's heart hurt and feel confused at that moment, ''Ah...''. ''I promise I'll get my grade up and take your tutoring serious... I have to go before Pinako screams at me for being late.'' His student said quickly before running off leaving Roy feeling confused, with Jean at a loss for words at what he just saw, ''Roy has the same look in his eyes as the kid...'' Jean said looking over to Lust who looked serious. ''Get it now Jean?'', ''But that's his own student...'', ''And we're facility, how is that any different.'' She said seeing Havoc look confused, ''Jacqueline...'' Lust said calling Havoc by his nickname, ''Roy is interested in someone... And that someone happens to be his own student... It's more than a teenage crush.'' She added, ''And I can tell you those two have done things that student and teacher don't do.''. ''Okay....So what do you want me to do?...'', ''Well those two are in a bad place because of me so... I thought you could do something to make them talk it out?...'', ''You realize you're asking me to do this during school hours, right...'', ''But if you do that for me than I'll be more than grateful...'' Lust said putting her hand over Jean's making him blush, ''Alright, alright... I'll only do it because I hate seeing Roy like that and cause you asked so nicely...'', "Thank you Jean.''. ''I feel confused all of sudden... My heart hurts...'' Roy thought in a sigh when returning to Riza's place later seeing Riza open the door, ''Roy, you were out long-?... Roy what's wrong...'', ''Would you believe I bumped into someone?...'', ''...Roy...'', ''Honestly my chest hurts right now, would you believe that Hawkeye?'' Roy said with a pained laugh making Riza feel bad and hug Roy tightly, ''This isn't like you Roy...''. ''Edward, do you know what time it is?'' Pinako said when seeing Edward walk through the door quiet raising a brow at him, ''Edward... I'm tired of holding it in... You're in love with your teacher aren't you?'' Pinako said hearing Edward let out a small almost pained laugh and smile, ''Of course not... He's my teacher and I'm just his student nothing more...'' Edward said seeing Pinako raise a brow and sigh, ''That's your problem... You're not honest with yourself.''.

Sex For Homework (Minor Edvy to eventual Royed)Where stories live. Discover now