Down On You

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"Can I fill you up with my emptiness tonight?..."

    ''Pipsqueak... How long do you plan on acting like this?'', ''Acting like how Envy?'' Edward questioned that Sunday morning in a casual tone that hid his hurt from the day before as he sat on his bed in his room, ''You know how exactly.'' The palm haired male said sitting away from Edward as far as possible. ''Envy....'', ''What?'', ''Why are you sitting so far away from me?'' Edward questioned turning away from his TV to the amethyst eyed male, ''You're watching Porn, for one thing. Two, I'm more comfortable here. Thanks.'' Envy said simply seeing Edward make a face at him, ''Really now?...''. ''One, this is your Porn...'', ''You asked me to bring it!'', ''And you did just as I asked, so just sit with me, and keep me company... Please...'' The blonde said hearing Envy grumble before sitting next to him hesitantly, ''Anything else?'' The palm haired male said with a huff and flustered expression. ''No....'' The blonde said going quiet getting flustered when seeing the screen and seeing the male trade off the woman for another older man immediately leaning forward to turn off the TV hearing the palm haired male heave a sigh, ''Why don't' we just listen to some music instead? More comfortable for you.''. ''You're implying I can't take it?'', ''Not one bit, I'm just saying this behavior isn't like you.'' Envy said with a casual expression getting his long hair into a ponytail with Edward making a face, but looking over the others lips remembering how those same lips had kissed him making him look away flustered. ''You know, I think you had every right to be pissed yesterday when Mustang suddenly came around, after what he pulled but... You should of heard his side of the story... I mean he already got enough shit from Bradley that day so... Maybe you were too hard on him?'' Envy said till he was cut off by the blonde suddenly. ''I don't want to hear about him!'' Edward snapped, ''Since when do you take sides!'' He said catching his tone quickly stopping making a face, ''...I don't want to hear about him...'', ''Alright, alright... I'm sorry...'' Envy said heaving a sigh, ''I don't understand why they left you home alone, with you being like this...''. ''Because they have things to do.'', ''And I don't?'' Envy said moving away and sitting back on the bed wall, ''Envy I needed company, everyone else is busy... Plus I didn't want to go out...'' Edward said taking out the DVD and putting away with the others Envy had lent him on his desk, ''You really watch any kind of Porn don't you...''. ''Bite me.'' Envy said with his usual attitude making Edward sigh as he opened his backpack but dropped it to see a few condoms on the floor, ''I never got these... Envy did you put these in my backpack?'' Edward asked holding a condom towards the palm haired male who just stood quiet before laughing. ''I put those in there as a prank.'' He said casually shrugging his shoulders, ''Honestly Envy...'' The blonde sighed before getting quiet throwing the condoms on his drawer near his bed, ''Take it easy, not like I was planning anything.'' The amethyst eyed male said zipping down his sweater revealing his figure, since he was wearing a crop top turtleneck. That was enough to make Edward blush slightly since it's been a while since he shown his figure, "Envy remember when you used to cross-dress?'' Edward suddenly said making Envy raise a brow at him than sigh, ''You would remember that.'', ''Well you did used to wear the school uniform that the girls wore...'', ''It was comfortable alright!''. ''You did look comfortable, not going to lie.'' Edward admitted as he put some music on his speakers, ''Why remember that about me?'', ''I don't know, I just thought it was funny.'' The blonde said making Envy huff to hide his blush and emotions for the love interest standing in front of him, ''You're weird.''. ''He's nervous.'' Edward thought knowing well what Envy felt for him, but didn't care since he found himself okay with that side of him since it kept him at ease, ''You okay with Alice Cooper?'' Edward asked when playing Poison, ''That's fine.'' Envy said seeing the blonde go over and sit next to him. ''...Honestly your chest and neck looks like you got attacked by mosquitos.'' Envy commented making a face, making Edward feel bothered when he brought up the hickeys, ''I thought I told you not to bring anything up.'', ''I'm not! I was just making a simple comment-'' Envy said but stopped when his face was inches from Edward's. ''One look could kill, my pain your thrill...'' The song started making both bickering males feel awkward with Envy looking away with a blush, with Edward realizing Envy's usually amethyst cold eyes seemed attractive to him at that moment seeing the other immediately get his defense up. ''I should go, I have things to do-'' The palm haired male started, but stopped feeling his heart almost stop when Edward suddenly came onto him grabbing his face making him see the others golden eyes, ''You have really pretty eyes Envy...'' Edward commented before leaning forward and pressing his lips against the already flustered males. Envy felt his heart race since he was typically the one always going after Edward surprised when he turned the tables on him, resisting for a moment, but let the blonde have his way feeling Edward wrap his arms around his neck and pull his body closer to his as the kiss deepened putting his hands on the blonde's hips. ''So Edward said all that to you? You asked for it, so don't expect much sympathy from me.'' Riza said when Roy went over to her place, ''I wouldn't expect any less from you Riza...'' Roy said down, ''I already got a warning from Bradley...'' The raven haired male said with a sigh drinking a bit. ''I really want to fix this, but I'll lose my job if I don't straighten up...'', ''Why not both?'' Riza said a bit coldly, ''Why not just man up and just face the fact that you're in love with your student, it isn't that hard.'' She said sitting down with Hayate in her arms, ''So you open up old wounds, and you don't want to fix things?''. ''How selfish.'' The blonde said making Roy feel worse, ''Still... He probably won't listen to you after you hurt him...'' Riza said quietly putting her hand over Roy's, ''You know I seen how Envy looks at Edward during class... All I'm saying is Edward had a point... And with you pushing him away like that, that's why he's finding Comfort in Envy, even after he kissed him.''. ''....'', ''I can tell that it bothers you even as I say, but you have too much pride to even admit your feelings... So in the end it's your loss...'' Riza said patting his hand before getting up, ''You don't know what you have until it's gone.'' Her voice said making Roy frown with a guilty expression putting his head on the table with a sigh. ''Pipsqueak stop, think about what you're doing.'' Envy said the moment Edward had pinned him down on the bed sitting on him with a blank hard to read expression, but could see in his golden eyes a hurt puzzled look, ''This is what I want though-'', ''No you don't.'' The amethyst eyed male cut off. ''You like me don't you, Envy?... So you should be okay with this...'' Edward said making Envy get flustered and make a face looking away, ''You told me yourself the other day didn't you?...'' He said leaning forward inches from Envy's flustered face, ''...Edward please...'' The palm haired male said in a familiar tone bothering Edward. ''Do you not?'' Edward asked again, ''...I do alright! I like you A LOT, I've liked you for a long time alright! I've always liked you, because you're something else but-'' Envy confessed about to continue on with his amethyst eyes widening in surprise when seeing Edward smile happily, feeling his heart race and cheeks burn. Envy sat up quickly before Edward had the chance pin him again but thought too soon when he cornered him against the wall by the blonde keeping a straight expression, even as Roxette's It must have been Love played seeing Edward stop when he leaned forward to kiss him again realizing what he was doing was wrong giving a pained expression. Edward's golden eyes and face gave a pained expression seeing how he had left Envy feeling his heart hurt and tears stream down his face putting his hands to his face to wipe away the tears that were rolling down his cheeks, unable to say anything with Envy seeing his shoulders tremble hugging him against his chest in silence. ''Brother, Pinako wants to know how you're feeling-'' Al asked opening the door suddenly to see the scene with Envy and Edward, seeing his brother crying into the other's chest as he hugged him seeing Envy look at him with a 'I'll explain later look' That made Al realize Edward wasn't in his right mind. ''Edward?'' Pinako asked with Winry looking over when Al came back in silence, ''Umm... Envy is with him...'', ''And?'', ''Brother broke down again... I think he was trying to make a move on Envy, and... Envy made him get a grip on himself...'' Seeing Winry shake her head as Pinako sighed, ''Envy doesn't deserve this. I hope he finds his happiness.''.

Sex For Homework (Minor Edvy to eventual Royed)Where stories live. Discover now