Maybe She's Right

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''Maybe she's right?...''

  ''You sure have me out really late for a school night don't you think teacher?'' Edward asked his teacher as ate at a nearby pizza place, ''Sorry, You just looked really cute talking to Hughes back there...'', ''Ms. Hawkeye is right... You think being with me, you would stop apologizing so much by now...'' The blonde said with a small nervous laugh before smiling at his teacher brightly, seeing Roy smile back at him, ''Hah... I'll work on that...''. ''Don't. I actually don't hate it.'' Edward said happily as he sipped at his cola, ''Well, I'm glad.'' Roy replied reaching for a slice of pizza putting a picture in front of the eating blonde, "This was Hughes, I'm sure he would of questioned my dating choice but... I'm sure he would of liked you regardless.'' Roy said simply as he bit into the pizza, with Edward looking at the picture of a green eyed male with glasses next to his teacher in military uniform. ''You look younger here...'', ''I was Eighteen there, so was Hughes.'' Roy said with a smile, ''He would always tell me that he wanted to see me get married and have kids. Even when I started teaching he still told me that, can you believe that?'' He said with a small laugh seeing Edward pick up the picture and look over it and smile at what he said, ''Married and kids huh?... Well that's definitely out of the plan now isn't it?...'' Edward asked with a small laugh. ''Well it's not a bad plan to keep, you know?'' The raven haired teacher said with a small smile seeing his student raise a brow at him but laugh, "Really?'', ''What, you don't like kids?'' Roy asked with a smile, ''You're asking me, when I'm barely legal...'' Edward joked with a laugh, ''No but... Kids are great.'' He replied with a smile, ''You know there was a little girl I was really fond of... Her name was Nina but... Something happened to her, while playing with her dog Alexander because her dad was careless...''. ''Is that why you wouldn't interact with Elicia the day you saw her?'', ''Yeah... Kind brought back old trauma...'' The student admitted, ''Especially when she said, she was going to call me 'Big Brother', since Nina always called me that... But I do want to get to know Elicia better, she seems like a great kid. Who knows, maybe her and Nina would of been great friends if Nina was still around...'' He said with Roy pausing from his sip when realizing the old wound he had reopened instantly regretting the topic, deciding to change the topic. ''Edward-'', ''I know what you're about to say... Don't.'' Edward cut in with a serious expression before smiling again and looking up to his quiet teacher who just glanced away, ''Sorry...'', ''And you still say it anyways... Honestly Teacher.'' Edward said with a nervous laugh, ''I apologize.'', ''Maybe she's right.'', ''Hmm?'', ''Izumi... I think I understand what she says now, about you waiting for the right time... She's right... But that doesn't stop me from teasing you in school~'' Edward said with a laugh and smile making Roy laugh, ''First pass my class, and maybe I'll consider letting you doing any kind of teasing Edward...''. ''Edward's trying to molest Mr. Mustang again...'' Alphonse said the next morning in school when hearing their health teacher scream in the hallway, ''Must be a hard life for him, trying to keep up with a hormonal teenager.'' May Chang said feeding Xiao-Mei surprising the group at what she said, ''... As surprising as what she said... The child prodigy is right.'' Envy said glancing over to see Edward was molesting Roy's muscles through his shirt, seeing Roy jump up blushing heavily, ''Edward Elric! Please watch your hands!''. ''Hey... Change of topic... Does anyone else think Lust is wearing out Havoc...'' Winry said when Havoc passed by exhausted with Lust walking right beside him, smiling joyfully and energized as always, ''Lusty is a sex fiend that's why!'' Envy said loudly and purposely when Lust walked by the group, ''It runs in the family.'' Lust shot back without turning to the group making Envy get red in the face, ''Shots fired.'' Both Ling and Greed said, ''Shut up!''. ''Hey... Not to pry Ed, but... Shouldn't you be careful about how you are with Musty?'' Ling said in class as Roy taught the lesson for the day, ''That's new Prince.'', ''No really, I'm being serious.'' Ling said, ''He's right Pipsqueak... You should be careful on how you are with Musty here... Your relationship with him could cost him his job, if it ever reaches Principal Bradley.'' Envy added seeing Edward make a face, ''I don't hear him complain..'', ''We were just telling you as friends... No need to get anal about it...'', ''Will you three stop talking over there?'' Roy's voice cut in. ''Hey Mustang, can you help me with this question?'' A voice said making Roy pause from correcting classwork, and look up from his desk to see Edward look at him holding the assignment for the day in his hand, ''Of course, take a seat next to me.'' Roy said in his teacher tone with Winry glancing up to see them Roy helping his student, unable to help herself and smile at how cute they looked together, ''Ms. Rockbell, you need help?'' Sheska asked making Winry snap out of it and shake her head, ''N-No! Thank you though...'', ''Alright, If you have any questions feel free to ask me, okay?'', ''Mhm.''. ''What is it about the assignment you don't understand Edward?'' Roy asked getting his face near his student's face, ''This... When did we learn about Mental Health Issues?'', ''Ah... We still haven't covered that yet. Hold on.'' Roy said looking up, ''Class, You can skip over the Mental Health Issues section, we'll start that topic and work on that next week.'' He said before giving his attention back to Edward looking at him with a smile, ''There, any other problems you have besides that Edward?'' He asked seeing his student blush slightly. ''Something on your mind Edward?'' The raven haired teacher asked pushing his glasses back in place seeing Edward shake his head, ''No... I just kind of felt like the spotlight was on me for asking a stupid question, you know?...'' The student answered putting his hands on his knees feeling his teacher put his hand over his making his look up surprised to see his teacher smiling, ''You didn't, stop being so hard on yourself.'' Roy said kindly with the bell ringing at the moment smiling at Edward one last time. ''You know despite you trying to Molest Mustang all morning, he's still nice enough to help you out in class this morning.'' Envy said making Edward make a face, ''On the Brightside, It's Friday.'' Lan Fan said changing the topic, ''Hey... It is... It was just Monday yesterday.... Hmm... School is going by a lot faster lately.'' Ling and Greed both said, "No one's curious as to why Armstong isn't here yet?'' Edward finally said. ''I was going to say that right now actually...'' Al said, ''I saw him leaving during lunch. Maybe he's going to be late?'' Winry added, ''Or we're having a substitute.'' Edward said bluntly, ''Well we shouldn't be since that demented sister of his isn't here so...'', ''Who's left to possibly cover our class? Cause no one else is really qualified for fitness, let alone fit like-!'' The group said but flinched when hearing the sudden loud sound of a whistle making them cover their ears. ''Sorry I'm late, It was really hard to find anything to wear for this class.'' A familiar voice said making the whole group turn quickly to see their Health teacher dressed in running shoes, dark almost tight sweats that traced his physique, and a sleevless white shirt that traced his muscular fit body and well built exposed arms, red in the face from the heat without his glasses, letting go of the whistle and let it fall back around his neck making Edward blush and jaw drop, ''MUSTANG?!'', ''That's right, I'll be covering your class at last minute, as a favor for Armstrong.'' Roy said simply with a smile putting a hand on his waist.

(Oi, Oi... Look at that, looks like Musty was better off being a Phys Ed teacher, than a Health teacher. XDDDDDDDDD
Let's get physical, physical with Roy Mustang in the next part. XDDDDD
Also finally an update what a miracle...)

Sex For Homework (Minor Edvy to eventual Royed)Where stories live. Discover now