My Homework Was Never Quite Like This...

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   ''Sounds like you had a great time.'' Pinako said the next day to Edward as they ate breakfast, since Edward told them about his date, ''You could of woken me up, I was still up.'' Al said looking over to his brother who heaved a sigh as he ate, ''Yeah, same here.'' Winry added, ''I already told you guys didn't I?'', ''Yeah but... It would have been nice to hear it when you got home safely you know?'' Al and Winry said. ''You two sound like Izumi...'' Edward said annoyed despite his blush, ''So you two did something than?'' Pinako said making Edward blush more, ''NO. We didn't do anything! We just went out nothing more!'' The blonde said surprising him suddenly when hearing Pinako laugh, ''We believe you boy... You're so quick to react aren't you?'' She said looking over to Edward who just looked down embarrassed making a face. ''Where did brother go?'' Alphonse asked looking around a while after seeing Pinako point to the living room, ''He's listening to music looking through the family album.'' She said as she finished up cleaning up the dishes with the younger brother looking over to see she was right, Edward was sitting on the living room floor in sweats and his red sweater listening to his iPod looking through the family album in silence. The blonde was fixated on a photo of him and Alphonse when they were younger making a face when seeing his mom hold Al, while Hohenheim, his father held him with a cold expression immediately tossing it on the table with an annoyed sound never noticing the page turn to one of his mother's photo, ''Izumi said something about Hohenheim, for the boy to look through the family album.'' Pinako said. ''But why would she bring him up?'' Winry asked as Al went over to comfort his brother, ''Not to him, to that teacher of his... He overheard their conversation, she told me this morning on the phone.'' The small adult said simply, ''She also told me that she liked Roy for the boy...'', ''What proof do you have on that Grandma?'' Winry asked with a raised brow unsure at what she said since Izumi rarely liked anybody. ''She told him about her miscarriage and about the boys. Is that proof enough?'' Pinako said looking over to her granddaughter who's blue eyes widened in surprise, ''I... She never opens up about that to anyone...'', ''See my point.'' Pinako replied but paused, ''She also mentioned something else... It's probably nothing but... She mentioned their father...'' She said with Winry looking over to the other. ''What about him?...'', ''She told Roy that all of us were okay with their little relationship, but she said she wasn't sure how Hohenheim would take it... Of course that's impossible for him to even come around since he hasn't been around for them in years but... She made a point... What if he were to find out about the boy's relationship with his teacher... What than? Would they still fight to be together?'' Pinako finished leaving Winry in thought. ''You know Al... I never did get my answer about my grade from Mustang...'', ''Maybe you're passing?...'', ''Probably not.'', ''Brother... Can't you be positive for once?...'' Al said with a sigh seeing his brother grin his usual grin, ''Hey Al, remember when you used to wet the bed a lot when we were younger? You would always cry to mom, cause I teased you about it.'' Edward said screaming when Al jumped him suddenly blushing. ''Take that back!'' Al said wrestling his brother on the floor with Pinako sighing as the brothers wrestled on the floor hearing the doorbell ring the moment both Edward and Al screamed when they hit their heads on the table edge, ''I got it.'' Pinako said gesturing Winry to check on the boys who sat up grabbing their heads, ''Hello, hello, hello!~'' Izumi said with a smile and wave when Pinako answered the door. ''You're in a good mood, That's a first..'' Pinako said, ''Well Sig and I bumped into someone on the way here. I think Edward will like this a lot... TA-DA!~'' Izumi said pulling out Roy in front of her with a large smile, with Roy smiling nervously when he was pushed inside the house with Izumi and sig following behind him, ''To be fair I came here to-!'' He started only to be cut short by a quick tackle hug to the floor. The quick tackle hug to the floor was followed by the raven haired male's scream to see Edward on top of his out of breath teacher like an over excited dog, ''Oh my...'', ''ROY!~'', ''Jesus... Why are you so heavy...'' Roy said in a panted breath making Edward frown, ''Oh now of all times, I'm heavy... But not every other time I'm on top of you?'' Edward said with an annoyed huff crossing his arms looking away. The raven haired male put his hands over his face blushing at what his student blurted out in front of everyone suddenly, ''That's entirely different... Now if you could get off me before your dog comes over and licks my face-'' Roy started being cut off when the sound of Den running down the stairs and towards Edward and Roy jumping on them both, ''Den no!'' Winry said running over to get the dog off the males. ''I'm so sorry! Den just gets really excited when he hears commotion...'' Winry said apologetically to her teacher who lifted Edward off him and sat up with a heavy sigh, ''I understand but... Edward broke my glasses... Again...'' Roy said holding his broken spectacles up making Edward feel everyone's eyes on him, ''Hehe... Whoops?...'', ''Whoops?... That's all you have to say?...'', ''Maybe I went overboard with that hug...'', ''You think, or you know?!'' Roy screamed but sighed taking a deep breath. ''That's alright though... Cause that's not why I'm here...'', ''Than why are you here?...'' Edward questioned suddenly backing up when Roy booped his nose suddenly seeing the raven haired male smile a familiar smile, ''You are a grade away from failing my class so... I'm going to start tutoring you again Mr. Elric.'' Roy said making the blonde groan, ''So let's march up to your room, and get ready to work on your studies.~'' ''But it's Saturday!'', ''You heard your teacher Edward, march up to that room and turn off that laptop, and get ready for your tutoring.'' Izumi said in a tone that made Edward immediately do as he was told and run up the stairs and to his room making Roy laugh and shake his head, ''Honestly... He listens to you and not to me?'' He said to himself looking over when Pinako grabbed his broken glasses. ''This makes what? The second time he's broken your glasses?'', ''Yeah, but it's not a problem, honest. I only use them when I'm teaching or reading.'' He said with a smile reaching for the glasses to put them back in his bag, till the small adult handed them over to Al, ''Al can you and Winry go out and get these fixed for your teacher?'' She asked seeing them nod, ''We'll have to get ready first, then we'll go.''. ''That isn't necessary...'', ''Nonsense it's the least we can do.'' Izumi cut in, ''But...'', ''No buts, where do you go to get your prescription?'' She asked looking over to Roy who just sighed, ''Over in that small glasses shop by the mall... But they need me in order to get them... But a good friend of mine works there, so there shouldn't be a problem...'' Roy said giving up seeing Izumi smile crossing her well built arms. ''Now, that that's settled, you can go tutor Edward~'', ''If you want anything don't hesitate to ask or come down.'' Pinako added, ''It's just us anyways.'' Sig said making Roy smile nervously, ''I'll keep that in mind... Thank you.'' He said heading upstairs with a sigh, with Izumi looking over Roy, ''You know for someone that was in the Military, he doesn't seem to have PTSD...'' She mumbled to herself. ''Maybe he does, but he doesn't show it.'' Sig said making Izumi look over to her husband, ''You're right... How rude of me. I'll apologize later to him...''She said simply with a regretful smile, ''I actually do, if that answers your question.'' Roy's voice said making them turn to see Roy halfway on the stairs looking back at them with a smile, ''It's just really hard to tell since I never show it, unless it's triggered of course...''. Izumi felt bad at what she said seeing a empty pained look in the raven haired male's dark eyes as he spoke about it, opening her mouth to apologize, ''Oh... I'm-'', ''You have nothing to apologize for Mrs. Curtis...'' Roy quickly said back with his usual smile, ''You were just curious is all, and believe me war was a very scary thing for an Eighteen year old me... But I made it to a Lieutenant Colonel before I left so... I'm proud.'' Roy finished with Izumi, Sig, and Pinako staying quiet for a long moment before Izumi smiled. ''You're strong aren't you Roy?.'', ''As are you Mrs. Curtis. Both you and your husband.'' Roy said simply with a smile, ''I'm wasting everyone's time, I apologize... Excuse me, I'm going to go tutor Edward before he decides to get lazy.'' Roy said with a smile leaving and disappearing into the blonde's room, ''A Lieutenant Colonel huh?... How someone of his status ended up as a Health teacher, I'll never understand...'' Pinako said with a small laugh and smile. The raven haired teacher opened his student's door to see him opening his window fidgeting with something raising a brow closing the door behind him, ''Are you smoking?...'' He asked seeing Edward jump up and turn to him, ''No!... I quit smoking a while ago... I just had to get this spider off my laptop.'' The blonde said holding up a closed jar containing a Black Widow, ''Ah... Of course...''. ''I'll just throw it from up here so it can fall-'' Edward said about to open the jar stopping when he felt Roy put his hand over his, ''No, no. Just go outside and put it where no one can get to it. Spiders have families too.'' The raven haired male said hearing his student mumble, ''But Black Widows kill their mates, and they're gross...'', ''Edward Elric, come on I have tutoring to do...'' Roy said sternly. Edward made a face sighing but did as he was told anyways, walking out the door making Roy laugh to himself glancing out the window looking down to see that they had a large backyard and pool surprising him, ''Well shit... He has a nice place...'' The raven haired teacher said with Winry and Al passing by to see their teacher looking out the window in ease, deciding to just let him enjoy his quiet moments. ''Grandma, we're leaving.'' Winry said with Al behind her seeing the blonde come back from the back yard with the empty jar, ''Alright, you two be careful.'' Pinako said seeing them nod before they left turning to Edward who was washing the jar in the sink, ''Edward.'', ''Hmm?'' The blonde said turning to see Izumi and everyone else looking at him, ''...What?... Roy told me to save the spider before he tutored me...''. ''I see....Well now that you're down here, might as well take some drinks and snacks to help you two keep awake.'' Izumi said getting up and reaching for a bag of chips on top of the fridge with Edward making a face, ''You're implying something aren't you Mom...'', ''Mmm? Not one bit~'' Izumi said with a smile that said otherwise when she handed the blonde the chips, ''That smile says otherwise...''. ''When have I ever implied anything Edward?~'', ''Since I started dating my teacher...'', ''Nonsense take this and some drinks, so you two will have something to eat after~'' Izumi said handing the blonde some sodas, ''...Thanks I guess...'' Edward said walking away jumping up when his adoptive mother slapped his behind suddenly, ''Mom!'', ''Don't forget to lock your door, if you do decide to do anything other than getting tutored~'' Izumi said with a grin when Edward left with a flustered expression. ''You're really okay with the boy and his unstable hormonal behavior?...'' Pinako asked with a raised brow, ''Please, like I don't know how Edward feels... Isn't that right Honey?~'' She replied sitting on top of her husband's lap and hugging him lovingly, ''He's already showing signs that he's going to be lovey dovey like us~'' Izumi said kissing her husband's cheek, ''You don't have a problem with that do you Honey?~'', ''As long as he's happy and careful.''. ''Enjoying the view?'' Edward said when opening the door to his room closing it behind him to see Roy turn to him, ''Hmm, Of course. It's a nice view. You must have a very nice morning view.'' Roy commented seeing Edward heave a sigh as he placed the snacks and drinks on his desk going over to lock his door, ''You look tempted to jump in that pool Roy.'' Edward said with a laugh and smile holding a soda out. ''Of course not.'' Roy said quickly despite his obvious blush, ''Why did you lock your door?'' He asked taking the soda with a raised brow, ''Do you really want anyone opening the door when you're tutoring me?'' Edward replied back making a face, ''No.'', ''Than stop complaining and get tutoring.'' He said walking over to his teacher with a familiar look, ''Or can it be you're just using that as an excuse to do something else?~''. ''I'm here to tutor you. Nothing more, I promise~'' Roy said with a smile when seeing his student inches from his face poking the tip of his student's nose, ''Control. Your. Hormones. For. Once.'', ''Fine, fine... You're no damn fun old man.'' Edward huffed backing up only to slip on his cords on the floor, falling on his back on the floor, ''Shit... Maybe I should of cleaned my room, knowing that you were coming...''. ''Edward, are you alright?'' Roy asked setting the drink down on the windowsill, ''This is normal... Just watch your step with the cords-!'' He started only to see his teacher walk a step and trip on a textbook that was near the cords, and fall on him in a familiar way, ''What's the first thing I said...'' Edward panted out of breath at his teacher's weight, ''Maybe try being organized?...'' Roy said sitting up rubbing his forehead. ''Honestly....You're just as disorganized here as you are at school-'' Roy said pausing to see his lap was inches from his students lap, like before in his classroom that one time, seeing his student had knew this looking away with an embarrassed blush, ''...You weren't shy the day you broke me in this position in my own classroom...'' Roy said heaving a sigh and stretch making an all too familiar sound, "Mmm...''. ''Ah... To think that was your first time doing that too... I will admit that you did a damn good job at it.'' Roy said to himself making a face before sighing before getting off and holding a hand out to help his flustered student up, ''You're a damn tease, even when you're in teacher mode...'', ''I know, I'm sorry.'' Roy said apologetically when the blonde took his hand and was standing in front of him bothered. ''I'm sorry, it's just that you're so cute.'' Roy said ruffling his student's bangs with a kind smile when Edward looked up with a bothered frown, ''I love bothering you. I don't know what I'll do the day you graduate, and leave my class for good.'' Roy said laughing with a small pained smile, ''Believe me, I really do love you Edward. I won't let my insecurities or anyone hurt you or tear us apart. I promise.''. ''Excuse me, is anyone here?.'' Winry called out when her and Al had reached the small simple empty glasses shop, seeing a small mousy looking male with glasses come out with a kind smile, ''Yes of course, how may I help you?'' He asked when seeing Winry and Alphonse, ''Ah... Well we want to get these glasses fixed.'' The blonde said pulling out Roy's broken glasses and placing them on the counter. ''Hmm?... These look like Roy's...'' The small mousy male said making a face, ''I can only fix these if Roy's present, since they're his...''He started seeing both teens look down, ''He asked us to come here...'', ''Are you students of his by chance?'' He asked seeing them nod smiling at them trustfully, ''You two look like you know him well... I'll fix these up in no time... Say an hour? Is that good waiting time for you two?''. ''Yeah.'' Both said with a smile, ''You know I just fixed these... I don't understand how he can break his glasses so easily...'' The small male said to himself as he inspected the broken frames, ''Ah... He never ceases to amaze me... The last time I spoke with him, he mentioned relationship issues with somebody...'', ''My brother...'' Al replied seeing the other surprised more than he already was. ''But you two look so young... You mean to tell me he's dating one of his own students?...'' He asked seeing both teens nod, ''...Can't say I'm not surprised... That explains the description he gave me of them... According to Roy your brother is 'cute but hot tempered'... That's some description.'', ''That he is...'' Al and Winry both said with a sigh making the mousy male laugh, ''Let me get these fixed, and we'll chat some more, yeah?''. Roy who was quizzing his student orally on the corner of his student's bed, seeing his student's back towards him on the center of the bed finishing his munching, suddenly getting an idea taking his tie off and dropping it next to him, ''Let's test your Sex Ed skills, see if you paid attention to any of my lessons~'' Roy said hearing his student mumble, "Yeah, yeah... Just go on with it.'' Edward said never turning around. ''Alright...I'll only be asking Five questions.'' Roy said referring the number of buttons on his white collared shirt, ''Five only?... I guess so.'' Edward huffed with a stretch, ''Lets begin than shall we?'' The raven haired male said asking question after question with Edward getting them right, never realizing his teacher was unbuttoning his shirt with each right answer behind him. ''These questions are too easy.'' Edward complained making a face, ''You have one more to go.'' Roy said with his shirt almost undone completely, ''What do you do when someone can't breathe, and you need to save them?'', ''CPR.'' Edward answered quickly, ''Correct again Edward. Congratulations~'', ''That question had nothing to do with Sex Ed, Mustang-'' The blonde started stopping when seeing his teacher with his shirt completely undone showing his well built body bringing a visible blush to the blonde's face. ''YOU SAID YOU WERE GOING TO TUTOR ME, NOT STRIP TEASE.'' Edward screamed the moment Izumi and everyone else was silent downstairs, ''Roy must of gotten bored playing teacher.'' Izumi said looking up with a cup of tea in her hands, looking back down with a smile, ''Good for him.'' She said humming to herself making her husband look over to his wife then to Pinako who just shook her head, ''We can't do much about those two.''. "I'm sorry, I got bored.'' Roy said with a smile despite his student pinning him down on the bed seeing his small boyfriend make a face and blush, seeing he was trying to control himself feeling a bit awful about his teasing, ''Let's get back to tutoring you yeah?-!?'' Roy started sitting up, only to be cut off by surprise when Edward had gotten his hands and tied them with his own tie behind his back. ''E-Edward, untie me this instant!-!?'', ''Say cheese.'' The raven haired teacher attempted to say since he had gotten aroused blushing heavily, stopping when he heard the sound of a camera go off and Edward speak, seeing Edward close his phone with a flushed grin, ''Teacher, Teacher... Don't you know not to tease a hormonal teenager?... You should of known that for a Health teacher.'' Edward said seeing Roy make a face blushing uncomfortably. ''Hmm?... What's gotten into you?-!'' The blonde asked with a raised brow till seeing his teacher close his knees uncomfortably, realizing he had gotten aroused making the small student laugh a bit with a small smile, ''I take it you're into that kind of thing?'' Edward commented seeing his teacher make a face embarrassed, ''I really want to rub it in but... To be honest...'' Edward started. ''Seeing you like this and without those glasses kind of turns me on, not going to lie...'' Edward admitted climbing onto his teacher's lap sitting on him, and cupping his face with a flustered smile, ''Let's take a break and take care of each other before someone knocks, yeah?'' The blonde said seeing Roy's embarrassed expression lighten up, '' As long as you don't say anything about this to anyone...'', ''I won't, It'll stay between us, I promise Roy.'' Edward said before kissing his teacher deeply. ''Here you go.'' The small mousy male said back at the glasses shop, handing the newly fixed glassed to the teens, ''Thank you uh...'', ''Kain Fuery, but you can just call me Fuery.'' He introduced with a smile, ''I'm Winry, Winry Rockbell.'', ''And I'm Alphonse Elric.'', ''Well now that we're fully acquainted, guess we can talk some more soon again.'' Fuery said seeing Al and Winry nod. ''Oh before you two leave, can you tell Roy not to break his prescription anytime soon?... It's kind of a hassle you know?'' He said sighing heavily, ''Of course we'll pass him the message.'' Winry said with a smile, ''Hey Alphonse.'' Fuery said making Al turn to the small mousy male, ''Hm?'', ''Your brother... Must be something special to get Roy's attention. Not even Hawkeye got his attention... I wish I could meet this brother of yours.'' He said making Al smile, ''Don't worry you will.'' Al said simply.

Sex For Homework (Minor Edvy to eventual Royed)Where stories live. Discover now