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''Act your age...''


   ''There was a meeting during lunch?!'' Roy screamed later that afternoon in his place, after Riza had told him there a sudden meeting during lunch time while he was messing around with his student, ''Yes, but it wasn't nothing important-'' Riza said casually before getting cut off, ''Not that important!? Bradley is going to give me shit the next time he sees me!'' Roy said putting his hands to his face. ''I'm sure you were busy.'' Riza said holding her hand up to comfort him, ''Busy! Busy!? If you count screwing my own student in the school bathroom as busy, than yeah I was busy!'' The raven haired male said, ''Don't you understand Riza, what I'm doing... Do you realize that could cost me my job!'' He added pained. ''...You're right there...'' The blonde said not exactly surprised since Roy and Edward were on and off lately, making her realize something getting up and sitting on his lap like a child would and looking the conflicted male in his dark eyes, ''That explains the hickeys, but Roy... Can I ask you something...'' Riza asked. ''You fell in love with your own student didn't you? I could see it in your eyes. You fell in love with Edward.'' The blonde said seeing Roy look down pained but flustered, ''N-No... I just... I... I didn't...'', ''Roy, I know you, I know when you're lying, and you're lying right now... Just be honest, because when you talk about him, your eyes glow...'' Riza said cupping his face. ''Why do you think your heart hurts...'' The blonde said surprised when Roy got her wrist, ''Roy...'' Making Riza realize he was afraid of his own emotions, ''You know... You weren't like this with me when we dated when we were younger...'' Riza said with a smile, ''You think women are attractive, but somehow you got drawn to one boy that happened to be your own student... And that's okay Roy...''. The raven haired teacher made a face conflicted at what Riza said looking at her face, She was beautiful, and she had a great personality, but didn't see her much as only a good friend, that's why they went their own ways after dating for a few months, ''I can't let this go any further Riza... I just can't...'' Roy said quietly. Riza made a face at the other, ''Oh Roy... You never were good with handling your emotions... But please keep a promise for me and listen to your heart... Follow what your heart tells you, don't let your titles push your feelings for someone aside...'' Riza added kissing Roy's forehead gently and Roy made a face, ''...I promise...''. "Woooo! We're finally having a sleepover!'' Ling said as May Chang, Greed, Lan Fan, Winry, Alphonse, Envy, Edward, and himself were sitting in the living room in their sleeping clothing playing a game of cards, ''That's because the old bat is having visit over today...'' Edward said not like his usual self, ''What's wrong with you?'' Envy asked with a raised brow, ''Nothing. I'm just... Tired...'' Edward lied with Al, Ling, Greed, and Winry looking at each other since they knew. ''That's why you're wearing that sweater.'' Alphonse thought looking back at his cards, ''I'm out...'' Al said, ''Same.'' Winry said with a sigh, ''The cards aren't in my favor either.'' May Chang said, ''What she said.'' Lan Fan said, ''Honestly, this game is a joke.'' Envy said throwing his cards on the floor, ''Today isn't my lucky day.'' Edward said with a sigh, ''I got a full house.'' Ling said opening an eye. ''The person that has the Royal Flush wins...'' Edward reminded, ''Oh... Well this is awkward.'' Ling said looking over to Greed who looked serious as always, ''You?'' The twin asked seeing Greed look at the group serious but grin suddenly, ''Royal Flush. I win again.'' The amethyst eyed twin said not surprising the group, ''You guys keep forgetting who I am!'' He said with a laugh pausing when the door bell went off. Pinako had finished setting up the table for four, curious as to why Izumi said to set an extra chair since it was only her and her husband, ''Guess we'll see who our surprise guest is.'' Pinako said going over to the door once she heard it opening to see Izumi in ankle length black sleeveless dress and Sig dressed as he always did, ''Sorry, hope we didn't keep you waiting.'' Izumi said with a smile. ''Not at all, but about this extra person...'', ''Right, that was sudden sorry. We just thought we would invite someone we didn't get to talk to much since we just left so suddenly.'', ''You don't mean...'' Pinako said but brushed it off letting them in, "Come on in, The kids have some friends over for the night, so we don't have to worry about anything.'', ''Great, thanks again for having this for us.''. ''Extra person?'' Winry and group thought with Edward in his own world as they turned as Izumi and her husband walked in to see a familiar person walk in after them dressed differently and his hair slicked back, ''Oh my god...'' Winry and Al said with Ling and Greed just as surprised, with Lan Fan and May Chang looking at one another lightly concerned for Edward never noticing Envy's jealous and bothered look. ''Toto, I don't think that we're in Kansas anymore.'' Ling said, ''You're damn right.'' Greed agreed with Edward snapping out of it hearing what Ling and Greed said, looking over to see his teacher walk in and close the door behind him with both of them making eye contact and quickly break it off, ''Mr. Mustang... Well isn't this a surprise.'' Pinako said with a laugh, ''I hope you like drinking.''. ''Well they invited me and I just couldn't be rude... And please, call me Roy...'' Roy said with a nervous laugh, ''You could of brought company.'' Izumi said turning back to him, ''No, everyone that I know is busy...'', ''Alright... You don't have to drink since you teach and all.'', ''It's fine, I can handle my liquor.'' Roy said turning to the quiet familiar students, ''Don't let my presence bother your fun.'' The raven haired male said with a smile that made Edward look away. ''Speaking of.... Something smells great.'' Izumi said before going over to Al and Edward, ''Boys... It's been a while how you been?'', ''G-Good...'' Al said nervously, ''And you Edward? You quit that nasty little habit didn't you?'' Izumi asked with a 'you better say yes expression or so help me' look to Edward who quickly go nervous, ''Y-Yes I did!'' He said with Izumi smiling, ''Good... Thank you for taking care of the boys for us Winry.'' She said seeing Winry nod, ''Of course... It's no problem...''. ''Well I'll let you guys have your fun, alright-?'' Izumi said with a smile noticing a visible glance of a hickey on Edward's neck before he quickly fixed his sweater, ''Edward... Can we talk later?'' She said confusing Edward who just stood quiet, ''Yes...'', ''Okay... Awkward.'' Greed said before stretching, ''I think I'm going to my room for a bit...'' The blonde said suddenly getting and walking off with Roy looking over to the group who just shrugged. ''Is Edward alright?'' Roy asked casually, ''Boy's been acting strange since he got home today.'' Pinako said with Izumi and Sig looking at one another before looking to Roy, ''You're his teacher, nothing happened with him today?'' They asked casually seeing Roy shake his head, ''No... Nothing unusual...'', ''Well it's rude for the boy to leave his friends like that... Can you check on him and bring him back?'', ''Ah but...'', ''It's alright, we trust you Roy.'' Izumi said with a smile making Roy sigh. ''There goes the boyfriend again...'' Ling said as he munched away on snacks with Roy going upstairs heaving a sigh once he was at Edward's door knocking before crossing his arms, ''Edward, Pinako wants you back downstairs-'' The raven haired teacher said but was instantly pulled into the room by a bothered blonde by his collar against the door. ''You keep doing these things on purpose!...'', ''I'm not. Izumi invited me the day you decided to throw in my face about our little escapade in my room...'' Roy said with a serious expression, ''...You're the worst...'', ''Yet you kissed me of your own will during lunch time.'' Roy casually said not surprised when his student raised his fist up but dropped it making a face. ''You're so kind, then you're so cold... That's not what teachers are supposed to do... Don't play with me...'' Edward said pained feeling his teacher ruffle his hair, ''Edward... You're a great student, you shouldn't let someone like me interfere in your life and friends.'' Roy said kindly before opening the door, ''Come back down whenever you want to...'' He said leaving Edward even more bothered than he already was. ''So Roy, we didn't talk much the day we first met.'' Izumi started at dinner table deciding to make conversation, ''Well there's not much to me, I'm just a health teacher...'' Roy said with a casual smile, ''Health teacher? At least the boys will learn a thing or two.'' She said making the raven haired male choke a bit on his alcoholic beverage, making the group glance over with Edward staying quiet, ''P-Pardon?''. ''I'm just saying you don't look like a health teacher with those looks.'' Izumi said as Pinako shook her head making Roy laugh and push his glasses in place, ''Well looks are deceiving...'', ''Tell me, are you married?'' Izumi asked casually seeing Roy get flustered at the sudden question, ''Unfortunately no.'', ''Dating?'', ''No.'', ''But... those hickeys on your neck...'' She said making Roy fix his collar quickly panicked. ''I'm not married or dating, but to be fair I did date Hawkeye when were we're younger...'' He said surprising the group, ''You mean that hot history teacher!'' Greed said making Roy blush and sigh, ''It was only for a few months, but we didn't work out so we went our own ways, but we're still great friends.'' He said with a small laugh. ''Well, you must be interested in someone.'', ''I... Um... Yes... I mean... No.'' Roy said nervously with Edward feeling the groups eyes on him, ''Roy... How old are you if I may ask?'' Pinako asked suddenly making Roy turn to her, ''I just turned thirty six.'' He said, ''Than maybe it's about you thought about settling down or getting serious with someone. I don't know, maybe those aren't your plans.'' She added looking over to Izumi who was thinking something. ''Thirty six huh?... He looks good for his age though.'' Greed said casually as Edward made a face, ''...Enough about me... What about you?'' Roy said quickly changing the topic before having his glasses pulled off his face by Izumi, ''My glasses!'', ''You don't need these... You look better without them.'' She said with a smile keeping them with her, ''Me? I'm a housewife. That's all.'', ''But the boys are terrified of you...'', ''I'm just a normal housewife with a bad temper~'' She lied. ''I'm going to grab some more drinks.'' Izumi said standing up glancing over to Edward who got a chill down his spine, ''And I'll check the pie.'' Pinako said looking over to Sig and Roy, ''You two can stay here.'' She said with Izumi putting her hand on her hips thinking about something once they were in the kitchen. ''If you thinking about his teacher and that boy, than we're on the same page.'' Pinako said as she checked the pie in the oven, ''Edward had a hickey on his neck and so did his teacher...'' Izumi said, ''But those two would know better.'', ''Edward is in love with his teacher.'' Pinako confessed surprising Izumi who looked concerned but decided to hear Pinako out. ''Edward won't say anything, but Al and Winry told me plenty, so I know well his feelings for his teacher.'' Pinako said casually, ''And you're alright with it?'', ''At first I wasn't, but Edward is already an adult and can decide what he wants for himself. How about you? How do you see things?'', ''...I see a man who's in love, but won't admit to it because of their age and title... I see a honest person in him...''. ''As do I... But it's up to them.'' Pinkao said simply before heading back to the others with Izumi staying quiet following behind after, ''So Mustang.'', ''Roy is fine.'' The raven haired male said turning once Izumi came back with more drinks putting one in front of him, ''You must hear a lot of jokes about your name.'' She said with a laugh seeing Roy roll his eyes and sigh. ''Plenty of times, I've heard everything in the book already!'', ''I bet he hasn't had anyone tell him 'Let me ride your Mustang' Greed said to with a grin with Edward who looking away making a face blushing to Al who just looked at him, ''Well I could get started on some, but that would be rude of me.'' Izumi said with a laugh and smile, ''I'd gladly appreciate if you didn't...''. ''Pie's ready.'' Pinako said holding a pie in her arms looking at the small group of friends, ''Thanks Grandma.'' Winry said with a smile, ''One of you want to play cards with us?'' She asked seeing Izumi and Sig shake their heads, ''No, we're good, but I'm sure Roy is willing to join in.'' She said pointing to Roy who was opening his seventh can of beer making him pause. ''How about it teacher?'', ''I'd rather not... I'm a little old to be playing with students.'' He said with a smile with Edward rolling his eyes, ''Yes you are.'' Edward said without realizing it triggering Roy, ''Pardon?'', I said you're right old man.'' He said with the raven haired teacher getting heated up, ''You need to act your age Edward.'' Roy huffed, ''That face says otherwise, Go play with them.'' Izumi said with a smile. ''Only because Winry asked.'' Roy said as he got up with Al scooting over purposely leaving an open space between him and his brother, with Roy sitting there and rolling his sleeves up to his arms showing his well built arms a bit surprising Ling and Greed who just looked at one another with Greed deciding to open his mouth. ''Musty... If I can ask, what were you before you became a teacher.'', ''Hmm? Oh, I was in the military when I was younger but I left.'' Roy said with a smile as he shuffled the cards, ''Well that explains the arms...'' Ling said with Edward making a face, ''That also explains why you're so uptight.'' Edward commented making Roy turn to his student. ''Honestly Edward...'', ''Ignore him, He's just grumpy.'' Al said quickly handing a piece of pie to Edward since everyone had already gotten one, ''Would you like a piece?'' Pinako offered to Roy who looked up, ''Thank you but no Miss. Rockbell, but alcohol and sweets don't go.'' He said with a nervous laugh, ''Alright, but if you want your piece don't hesitate to ask me.''. ''You smell like alcohol, you sure you're not drunk.'' Edward commented taking the cards from Roy's hands pausing with his golden eyes widening when his teacher got his hand to get the cards with a serious expression a bit too close to his face, since he couldn't see well without his glasses. ''No, not one bit Edward.'' He said realizing what he had done with Izumi looking over to Pinako when he got the cards back and quickly apologized, ''I'm sorry, I can't see without my glasses!'', ''You could of said that before you did that!'' Both bickered making the friends keep their thoughts to themselves. ''Roy's eyes says the same thing as Edward's... Love...'' Izumi commented with Sig looking at her, ''But Honey...'', ''It's alright Sig... I just have to get it out of Edward first than talk to Roy another time.'' She said smiling as the older teacher played and bickered with his students, ''He's lying, he's drunk, you can tell.'', ''Well he can't go home like that, looks like he'll have to stay till it wears off.'' Pinako said simply. ''No way! Now I'm losing!'' Greed said surprised, ''That's because he's old.'' Edward commented as Roy unbuttoned his shirt a bit revealing a small hickey, ''I'm more experienced than you, for you information.'' The half drunk teacher said with Winry realizing this and getting up to get a cup of ice water for him, "Grandma he's-'', ''I know, that's why he's staying here.'' Pinako said quietly. With Roy drinking water to sober up Izumi took the chance to pull Edward to the side, ''Ah...'', ''Edward, you're in love with your teacher... I can see it in your eyes.'' She said seeing Edward blush and back away from her, ''It's alright Edward... You're not little anymore... I just have to accept my boys are grown up to make their own choices.'', ''I...'' He stammered but paused when Izumi suddenly hugged him in a kindly motherly way. ''I don't...'', ''He's your teacher right?...'' Izumi said pulling away with a kind smile that seemed different to Edward, ''Honestly, I never thought I would see a child actually grow up... I guess this is why I'm so hard on you boys... Because you're the only things close to kids, that I could ever have...'' She said almost pained, ''He seems like a good honest person, I can tell you that, so just be honest with yourself...'' She said going back to the table. ''Well thanks for everything.'' Izumi said with a wave to Pinako and Roy later that night leaving for the door but paused, ''Oh right before I forget, here~'' She said handing the still half drunk his glasses, ''Take care of yourself alright? We'll be meeting again real soon.'' She added confusing Roy's half sober self. ''I should probably go too.'' The raven haired male said putting his glasses on feeling light headed and dizzy with Edward noticing this as he headed for the door, ''You can't drive back home drunk.'' Pinako said casually taking Roy's keys making Roy turn to Winry and Pinako, ''I'm not drunk... I can drive myself home.'' He said with Pinako shaking her head. ''No, you can stay here till the alcohol wears off, plus it's raining so we don't want you getting into an accident.'' She said walking off with the keys, ''But...'', ''Sorry but my Grandma has a point, sorry teacher...'' Winry apologized making Edward's heart drop that moment, ''Looks like you'll be stuck with him again.'' Ling said casually with Greed grinning, ''Good luck Midget~". ''Brother.... What did Izumi tell you earlier...'', ''She said she knew about my feelings for him...'', ''She didn't get mad?'', ''No... She seemed okay with it...'', ''That's new... But what about you... How do you really feel for him?'' Al asked simply getting quiet when Envy came around, ''Looks like that pain of an ass teacher is staying.'' The palm haired male said annoyed putting his around the blonde instantly making him uncomfortable. ''Edward, You can help your teacher out can't you?'' Pinako said as he was heading upstairs after his friends, ''Why me?'', ''Because I'm asking you to.'' Pinako said simply with Edward grumbling and going back downstairs to his teacher who sat at the kitchen table, ''So you were drunk...'', ''I'm not drunk!... I am perfectly fine-!'' Roy said but paused when his hand was grabbed and put on his student's chest. ''If you're not drunk than tell me what do you feel and see.'' Edward said despite his blush, ''...A woman... A very flat woman...'' Roy's drunk self said with the small blonde getting a cup of cold water and dumping it on Roy who screamed in surprise, ''That was cold! What was that for?!'', ''You wish I was a woman! If you want a woman so bad why not date Lust!'' He said storming off leaving Roy confused. Edward stormed off into his room where Al, Greed, Ling, and Envy waited for him looking bothered, ''?... That was quick, Did you help the teacher?'' Al asked, "He can help his own damn self!'' Edward said making the boys jump up, ''Well someone got testy... Relax.'' Greed said with Pinako walking into the kitchen to Roy, ''I apologize for that boy's behavior.'', ''...It's alright...''.

Sex For Homework (Minor Edvy to eventual Royed)Where stories live. Discover now