They Forgive

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   ''Win, why did you drop by like that.'' Edward asked later after school looking over to the blonde who just looked at him, ''Because I felt bad for you in the morning, Plus knowing you, you wouldn't tell him so I decided to step in.'' She said with a smile, ''Plus I think I went overboard the other day, I'm sorry.'' She added referring to his still bandaged cheek stopping in her steps, ''You like Mustang don't you, Edward?'' She asked seeing her friend's cheeks redden. ''N-No!'', ''No? Look over there than and still tell me no.'' She said referring to Mustang who was walking with Lust and Riza beside him with a look of bother coming to Edward's face, ''You don't have to lie Ed.'' Winry said, ''I noticed how you looked at him during class today.'', ''You're wrong.'' Edward said making a face despite the blush on his face turning to Winry, ''I'm never wrong, Al told me the same, so you can't say otherwise.'' She said leaving Edward quiet a moment. ''What's your point...'', ''...Observe.'' Winry started clearing her throat, ''Mr. Mustang!-'' She said but was cut off when Edward put his hand over her mouth looking over to him with a cunning look in her eyes when seeing his blush, ''What are you doing Winry, Are you crazy!?-!'' The blonde said but paused when a shadow towered over him knowing well it was his teacher. ''Edward, that isn't how you treat a lady.'', ''Lady?! She's a monster! Have you seen her arms-'' Edward said looking up making a sound in pain when his teacher grabbed his cheek pinching it roughly, ''By the looks of what I saw, you're the one attacking her Edward Elric.'' Roy said with a smile that made Edward's heart ache more making Winry laugh to herself when she pulled away and bumped into Riza. ''Ah, sorry Ms. Hawkeye.'', ''Are you alright Winry?'', ''Yeah, Ed is always like that.'' Winry said with a smile with Riza sighing shaking her head, ''Those two I swear... Roy you forgot we have a meeting.'' She said with the raven haired teacher said letting go of his students cheek, ''...I forgot about that.'', ''Of course you did... Now let's go.'' Riza said simply. ''That's what you get, for saying that about my arms.'' Winry said sticking her tongue out at the other who ran after her, but was stopped by Lust blushing when his face fit perfectly in between her breasts quickly backing up, ''I'm sorry!'', ''You know they don't call him Mustang for nothing~'' Lust said against Edward's ear as she walked away back to the school, confusing Edward for a moment but immediedlty understand her inappropriate joke. ''....I didn't need to know that...'', ''Edward, What's taking you so long!'' Making Edward turn to see the Al and Winry waiting for him at the front of the school heaving a sigh, ''I guess Winry forgives me...'' He mumbled running to his brother and childhood friend with a smile, ''We're going to go eat before we head home right!'', ''Of course Brother.''. ''Edward, That bruise on you lip from before, It was from when you first fell on Roy wasn't it?'' Winry asked later that day making Edward choke on snack, ''Win!'', ''So you two kissed.'' She said making Edward avoid the topic, ''No-'', ''They did.'' Al cut in, ''I saw for myself, I think everyone did.'' He added, ''That explains why you were awkward the day of the CPR demonstration when Mustang was helping you.'' Winry said biting into a cookie petting Den. ''You two seriously hate me...'' Edward said making a face, ''We're being serious here.'' Winry said looking over to see if Edward's room door was closed, ''Does Mustang know?'', ''No, I asked him and all he remembers is me breaking his glasses...'', ''Maybe he's playing dumb.'' Al said, ''You two keep pushing this like Ling and Envy...'', ''But Nurse Lust must of said something for you to react like earlier.''. ''No.... Her boobs of death suffocated me is all. Now can we get off this Mustang topic.'', ''Well that doesn't change the fact that he's going to tutor you.'', ''Don't remind me... I think I'm going to call it a night, I'm tired.'' Edward said, ''It's barely nine.'', ''Well you two are tiring me out with all this talk of that damn horrible excuse of a teacher.'', ''But Ed-'', ''Goodnight.'' Edward said kicking out Al and Winry heaving a sigh once the door was closed. ''You know the only way to get that grade up, is by sleeping with the teacher.'' Recalling what his friends said blushing slightly, ''Am I really considering sleeping with my own teacher, how low can I go?'' He said to himself but paused at another thought, ''But how the hell can two men have sex?...'' Edward thought remembering his teacher's hand over his when he spoke against his ear and when he fell on him that afternoon and when Roy leaned towards his face blushing before realizing he had aroused himself. ''Fuck...'' He said uncomfortably with Al and Winry looking at one another since they heard everything jumping up when Pinako called them, ''Al, Winry... What are you two doing standing in front of Ed's door?'', ''We wanted to check on him, that's all Grandma.'' Winry quickly said, ''?... Is that boy okay?'', ''He's fine, he just wants to sleep early.'' Al lied with Pinako raising a brow at both kids, ''Well you two should be going to bed yourselves.'' She said sighing when Al and Winry ran to their rooms, ''Kids.''. Roy who was writing in a small notebook at his place gave a small yawn taking off his glasses to rub his eyes, ''It's only nine, why am I so tired?...'' The raven haired male said in just pajama bottoms revealing his well built arms and figure, ''I'll just finish this notebook for Edward, for when I go over and tutor him tomorrow at his place, since I found out where he lives.'' He said remembering when he leaned foreword towards his student blushing slightly quickly going back to his work.

Sex For Homework (Minor Edvy to eventual Royed)Where stories live. Discover now