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''Remember, to me you'll be forever sacred.''


''Edward where are you going?'' Izumi asked later that Friday when she and Sig had gone over for dinner, making the blonde pause in his steps and glance over to him with a smile, ''I asked Roy if he wanted to come over...'' The blonde said making Izumi look at one of her now grown 'kids' smile nervously, smiling at him with a laugh, ''Remind me to ask him to not drink, we both know how that went, okay?''. ''Okay.'' Edward said with Al and Winry who looked at one another at the dinner table and grin at one another, ''Ed just wants to have some alone time with Roy~'', ''Shut up!'' Edward said turning to his brother and childhood flustered and defensive, making Pinako look over to Izumi who just laughed, ''He's still tutoring you, correct?'' Izumi asked casually making Edwad go back to his usual grumpy flustered expression. ''...Thanks for the reminder...'' Edward said with a laugh, about to go over to the ktchen to grab a drink but pause in his steps when hearing the doorbell ring, walking towards the door opening it revealing his raven haired teacher who was casually dressed smiling at him, ''Edward.'', ''Hey... What do you have in your hand, behind your back, Roy?'' Edward asked curiously seeing his teachers hand behind his back, making Roy smile more.

 ''Well... I thought I would surprise you with a little something... It's not much but it's something.'' The raven haired male said concerning Edward a bit at Roy's sudden odd behavior, ''Okay... You're scaring me a bit... What is it?'' He asked getting everyone's attention making them all get up and peek from the kitchen to see what was going on, seeing what Edward meant noticing the raven haired male hold something in his left hand. ''S-Seriously... What is it?-!'' Edward asked uncomfortably jolting up when Roy got his left hand and slipped on a stainless steel silver promise ring on his ring finger with the words, 'You are the sun' etched on it etched onto it surprising Edward feeling his face burn up and heart race, when it fit perfectly opening his mouth to say something but pause when catching a glimpse of his boyfriends hand, seeing a matching silver ring on his own ring finger. It was the same ring, but with the words 'And I'm the moon' etched onto his, indicating they were a pair making the blonde's face tint more and Pinako and group react surprised, ''I-I...'' Edward stammered nervously and flustered stopping when feeling his teacher embrace him gently and lovingly,  ''I love you Edward, I won't let anything get in between us anymore, I promise...'' Roy said softly making Edward blush more even more at the sudden proposal.

 ''...You promise?..'' Edward asked again with a shy quiet tone feeling Roy pull away, and grab his left hand and look into his eyes with a kind smile, ''I promise.'' Roy said seeing Edward's large golden eyes look at him in surprise, but quickly make a face going back to his usual defensive attitude and pull his hand away, ''Ugh! You're so sappy and cliche!'' The blonde said embarrassed that everyone was watching them, pulling his hand away and walk off to his room. Roy smiled with a tired but kind laugh at his small boyfriends reaction, ''Guess I won't be seeing Edward anytime soon again... Haha...''Roy said nervously feeling a hand on his shoulder turning to see Izumi standing next to him with a smile ''No, you will... He just got shy.'' The adoptive mother said with a laugh, ''A promise ring huh?... You must be serious about the boy.'' Pinako added making Roy smile almost flustered. ''I am... Is that a bad thing?'' Roy asked with both Pinako and Izumi speaking at the same time, ''Not one bit.'' Izumi said happily, ''Ed can't stay up there forever..'' Winry said with Al nodding, ''Yeah, it's almost dinner time.'' He added with Roy smiling apologetically, ''It's my fault, I can go get him-'', ''I'll get him.'' Izumi said stopping Roy before he could finish his sentence, ''Just stay here and relax, okay?'' She said seeing Roy about to protest, ''But-'', ''Please, stay.''.

 Edward who was sitting on his bed, red in the face looking at the ring quietly jumping up when his door opened, turning to see his adoptive mother closing the door behind her sighing, ''Edward, you know that was rude of you to do that, Roy feels like he did something wrong.'' She said making Edward glance down feeling bad, ''He didn't... It's just that...'' Edward started shyly when she sat next to him on the bed. ''We got you shy?... Sorry about that...'' Izumi apologized, putting her hand over her 'son's', ''But you really should talk to Roy, before dinner okay? You don't want him feeling bad, yeah?'' Izumi said smiling seeing Edward look up to her flustered but nod, ''Yeah...'', ''Let me just tell you something... Roy is serious about you, and nothing will change that ever.'' Izumi said simply patting the blonde's hand, getting up and leaving his room, leaving Edward quiet and flustered. ''Hey teacher, can we ask you something?'' Both Winry and Al asked in the living room making Roy smile nervously and flustered, ''You two can drop the Teacher title...'', ''Well Roy, can we ask you something?'' Both said again making Roy nod and smile, ''Yes, of course.'' He replied with a sincere smile, ''During Sex Education week, you never touched the condoms... You had Sheska do the demonstrations, why?'' They asked making Roy nervous.

 ''W-Well... I... Just thought... It would be great if Sheska taught part of the lesson as well.'' Roy commented simply with a nervous expression that made Al and Winry look at one another with a raised brow and suspicion, till hearing Pinako call to them from the kitchen, ''Dinner is ready.'', ''You heard her.'' Izumi said making them glance up to see Izumi looking at them with a smile, with Al and Winry getting up and going to the kitchen leaving Roy with Izumi. ''They weren't bothering you too much, were they?'' Izumi asked, ''N-Not one bit.'' Roy replied deciding to follow after the housewife who sat next to her husband, stopping  when hearing Edward call to him, making him look over and up to see the blonde looking at him nervously, and apologetically at the top of the stairs, ''Edward, honestly... I hate when you look at me like that.'' Roy said sighing, but smile his usual tired smile at him. ''Can we talk before dinner?'' Edward said making Roy glance over to the waiting group, ''You two talk it out, we can wait a few minutes.'' Pinako said casually with Roy looking back up to Edward with his usual smile, ''Alright.'' The raven haired teacher said petting the resting dog on the head, before heading up the stairs and into his student's usual messy room, keeping his hands in his pockets when Edward closed the door behind him flustered. 

''Edward, I apologize if I came off as odd-?!'', ''Shut up.'' Edward's familiar annoyed voice cut off making Roy think he did something wrong, till he turned around and felt the blonde grab his face, and pull him down kissing him looking at Edward surprised when he pulled away, seeing the blonde look at him flustered, ''I'm sorry.'', ''For what?'' The raven haired teacher asked stopping when Edward grabbed his hand flustered. ''I was happy... Honest... I just got... Nervous and embarrassed... That's all.... I'm sorry...'' Edward said apologetically looking at the ring on his teacher's finger, hearing Roy give a small laugh, ''I'm glad... For a moment, I thought you were going to ignore me for a week straight again...'' Roy said with a smile glancing down at the ring on his small boyfriend's hand, seeing it was right next to his, finally seeing Edward smile. ''You're the sun, and I'm the moon... That has a ring to it...'' He said happily, ''No matter who or what comes our way, promise we'll deal with it together okay?'' Edward said feeling Roy put his arms around him and hug him tightly, ''Of course... It's a promise.'' The raven haired male said, letting go and putting his hands on his boyfriends shoulders, ''Let's go back downstairs and join your family, yeah? They're waiting for us'' Roy said with Edward nodding, ''Yeah, I'm starving.''.

Sex For Homework (Minor Edvy to eventual Royed)Where stories live. Discover now